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The most important step in life
is the turn from sin
For with this one step
a new life can begin.
Shadows from the past
will be brought into the Light
No longer will I be known
as a creature of the night.
My eyes will be opened so my heart can now see
The Beauty from which God created me to be.
Humbling of my heart
guarantees safe passage within
And there I will find Your Love
so a new life will begin.
Forgiveness of my sins
is immediate when I truly confess
It is not me, but it is my sins
I do detest.
For into His Light the Truth I will now see
The insurmountable Love my Father has for me.
Thank You for the courage to embark upon this deed
As now I have the strength for Your Word to heed.
For now in my Heart I have opened the Door
To be united back into Your Love forevermore

luv2u God's and mine


I knew you were lonely
and one of the lost
I could see you needed rescuing
regardless the cost.
I cast down my honor
and my pride
To see if Christ's Love to you
I could provide.
When it is more of Thee
and less of me
My hope is it would be
His face you would see.
For in returning the lost to the fold
Is the heart's desire of my very soul.
You asked what is it
I expect from you
Only that you answer
to what is true.
For in Truth all lost one's will find there way
And this is the Truth of which I do pray.
In being lost you are separated
from God above
Not able to come in full contact
with His Love.
His Children that are calling you home
Know the price for those that do roam.
And Oh what an un-god-ly
price it is to pay
To not be connected
to Christ JESUS today.
In being apart from Christ
you will never know
Just how much He hurts
and Loves you so.
A banquet will be prepared
on your return
And forgiveness is the only lesson
you need learn.
When true forgiveness is realized
in your heart
All that is not of Christ
will soon depart.
And from here you will understand
something new
Just how much we Love and care
for you...

luv2u God's and mine


It is in Jesus' name we must pray
To give the very words Power that we say.
For God's will to be done
We must admonish ourselves
to His only Son.
When Jesus Christ left this world
to be by Our Father's side
He left His Comforter, the Holy Spirit,
here for in us to abide.
To reach the Power inside of us
We must give God all our Trust.
Then Trusting in God with
our whole Heart and Soul
We regain the Power of what it was
that had held control.
And when once free from sin
the way we were created
Our whole Body, Mind and Soul
with God will be re-mated.
Reconnected once more to
Love's Eternal Source
We will again be directed
on the right course.
Born again with a Spirit that is
Willing to serve God Now and
throughout Eternity.

luv2u God's and mine