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As we walk this Earth
we are never alone
We have Angels watching over us
from birth till we are full grown.
Angels are our friends that
travel wherever we go
They will try to instill into us
what They do know.
That is their job
to watch over us from above
They take great joy when
we grow into God's Love.
They know Our Lord much better than we
For it is His face they are allowed to see.
Free will is a gift
we both do share
Our Lord has bestowed this
to each our care.
With the outcome ultimately being Heaven
or hell
We should take advise from Ones who know God
so well.
So trust your Angels
to guide you to what is right
For they will lead you back
into God's Holy sight.

luv2u God's and mine


Angel beside me I need not fear
Your message to me is
becoming ever so clear.
My Lord knew I would need protection
as I walked this Earth
By His wisdom He has ordained you
my Guardian from birth.
A life long companion to
accompany me along every day
You were there with me
as I learned how to play.
We were there together as
lull-a-bye changed to song
You patiently waited for me
to learn right from wrong.
As my choices grew harder
in this life to make
You silently encouraged me
on what direction to take.
Now that I have grown closer to Our Lord
it is easy to see
How very precious this gift
God has bestowed upon me.
My Spirit has grown from
the encouragement you gave
I now know not to have fear
of what is beyond the grave.
For Jesus my Savior has promised me
one thing
That Love for Him Eternity
will bring.
And that is where I will come
to see my Angel so clear
The one who walked with me every step
while I was here.

luv2u God's and mine


When a child is born onto this Earth
A Angel is assigned to this life at birth.
A life long companion
this guardian will be
With responsibility to return this soul
for God to see.
You perform your duties
invisible from our sight
Your an ever present companion
both day and night.
We can make your job easier for you to do
By understanding it is God's Love
we are passing through.
Before this life is over and done
We must come to admonish God's only Son.
And when we become aware
of Christ's saving Grace
This is when we will come
to know you face to face.

luv2u God's and mine


If we learn to listen with much intent
We can hear the songs that
are Heaven sent.
They will sing of Praise;
they will sing of Glory
They will unite our world
to Heaven's story.
Everlasting Love will be the words
to their song
Unity of how all of God's creatures are
to get along.
For that is the message
that our Angels bring
It is our heart song
to Our Savior we must sing.
And when our hearts are full
of God's Grace
We too will be worthy to gaze
upon His face.

luv2u God's and mine


Our Lord is no stranger to us
here down below
He has many messages
He wants us to know.
For Our Lord has created Angels
as messengers to be
They are to deliver His thoughts
for us to see.
For if we are to understand the message
God has for us
We must freely provide God with
all our hopes and trust.
This is the only way to receive a message
of His kind
Trusting in God requires opening your
heart and mind.
God will send His angels in our time of need
But it must be the message
not the messenger we heed.
Our Creator knows what is best for man
He sent His Son so we could Love and understand.
Whenever an Angel delivers a message
from above
You can absolutely be sure the message is,

luv2u God's and mine

If Jesus returned today where would you be?