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Chapters 33-42

We walked to the elevator, and again, a uniformed man stood erect at our service. “Please take us to the first floor.” Ike said. “Let’s take a taxi. That way we won’t have to park.” Zac suggested. “Umm, what about Alexia?” Mellisa pointed out. “Yea, let’s take the van. It’ll be fine. We’ll go to a place with valet parking.” Tay said smiling. “Jawnell! You look great!” Mellisa exclaimed, looking over at her good friend. She smiled shyly. “She’s beautiful.” Zac said, taking her hand. Now that we were all together again, I saw in her eyes renewed confidence when she looked at her boyfriend. When the doors of the elevator opened, we were escorted to the entrance. The sweet-scented summer air sent a chill down my spine as we stepped outside. “Where are we going? Anybody have an idea?” Jawnell asked as we made our way to the van. “I don’t know!” Ike said laughing. “We’ll look around.” We all got in, Ike driving, Mel beside him, Jawnell and Zac in the front row, the baby in the middle, and Taylor and I in the back. Soon we were driving on the main street of downtown San Francisco. The light sparked life into the city. People were gaily walking along the sidewalks, admiring the many stores and small shops that seemed to clutter the streets. Other sat on wooden benches, gazing solemnly at the bay as the sun sank into the waves. “It’s so beautiful.” I murmured. “Here’s the restaurant street!” Zac exclaimed. “The restaurant street?” I inquired laughing. “Yea, all the really good restaurants of the city are all along this street.” Tay said. “Anybody see anything they like?” Ike asked, slowing the van as much as he could. “How about the ‘Olive Garden’?” Mellisa asked, pointing out the window. “Yea! They have excellent Italian food.” Jawnell said. “Spaghetti with meat balls!” Zac exclaimed. “All right, I’ll take that as a yes.” Ike said laughing. “Everyone okay with that?” Mellisa asked. “Sure!” Isaac steered the van into the parking lot of the posh restaurant. It seemed to be crowded. There were cars everywhere. Ike pulled up to the valet station and turned off the engine. We all got out quickly and stood in a group on the sidewalk. “Don’t worry sir, I’ll find a good spot for your vehicle.” A young employee said, grinning at us while Ike handed him the key. I took Taylor’s hand, and we walked to the door. Zac held it open for us all. Once we were inside, the delicious aroma that hovered in the air tickled out nostrils. “Hi there! For 6?” A hostess asked, smiling at us. “Yes, for 6 please.” Taylor answered. “Please follow me.” We stayed close behind her as she guided us through the maze of tables and smiling people. She stopped at a small discreet table in the back of the restaurant. “Could I have an extra chair to set the baby carrier on please?” Mellisa asked the employee. “Yes, I’ll have someone bring one right away.” “Thank you.” Mel smiled and sat beside Ike. I slid in the booth next to Tay. I looked at him and smiled. He was already looking at the desert menu set on the far side of the table. A small strand of hair was dangling over his eye and he tucked it behind unconsciously. I took his face in my palms and kissed his lips. “What was that for?” he asked smiling. “For being you.” I whispered. I smiled at Jawnell across the table. “Here you are m’am,” a young man said, placing the extra chair next to Mel. “Thank you,” she replied politely. Soon, another man arrived at our tableside. “Evening guys! My name is Ricko and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Can I start you guys off with a glass of our famous Italian red wine?” he asked. “No thanks. Just water please.” I answered for everyone. Tay nodded. “Alright! Can I interest you in an appetizer?” He asked. Ike shot a glance at the menu. “How about mozzarella sticks guys?” He asked us. We nodded out heads. “Alright! I’ll be back to take the order of your main course soon. Enjoy!” He stepped back, smiled professionally and walked away. I smiled at Taylor as he picked up the menu. “What do you feel for?” I asked. “Hmm...Lasagna!” He said, smacking his lips. I laughed. “Fettuccini Alfredo sounds great to me.” “Yum, me too!” Jawnell said smiling. Ricko returned with the cheese sticks, the bread, the soups and the salads. I looked around. “How much do they think we can eat?” I asked laughing. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Zac said, stuffing a piece of bread in his mouth. “Thanks for the demonstration of how a jerk eats on a date.” Ike said smiling at him. When Zac didn’t smile back, he hurriedly said, “I was just kidding, you know I was.” He apologized. Zac nodded and laughed. Everyone went back to silently studying the menu. We all finally decided on our meals and waited for Ricko to come back and take out order. “All right folks, are we ready?” “Yes.” Ike said. “Okay! What will it be?” After we gave him our order, he left again. I took a bite of salad. It was delicious. Taylor sipped his soup quietly and seemed to be thinking. “What’s wrong Tay?” I asked. “Nothing’s wrong at all. I was just wondering when we’re going to get home, that’s all. It’s still kinda far away.” “Well, if we stay here for a bit tomorrow, I don’t know…” Zac said. “Yea, what are we gonna do? We have to decide together. Are we gonna stay or not?” “I’d like to.” Jawnell said. “Yea, me too.” Mellisa added. I nodded my head in agreement. “Okay, the we’ll stay. We can leave tomorrow at dusk so everybody can sleep.” Tay said. “Yea, we can make it to L.A. in 2 days.” He said to himself. “Or,” Zac suggested mildly, “we could just go straight to L.A. tomorrow morning and stop on the way back.” “That’s a good suggestion too.” We pondered in silence for a few seconds. “Well, let’s just wait until tonight when we get back and we’ll decide then.” Zac said. “Okay.” We all agreed. “This is so nice.” Mellisa said, slowly rocking Alexia’s carrier. “This atmosphere is so pleasant.” “It is,” I agreed. We chatted for a little bit, and the food arrived. After Ricko placed everyone’s plates in front of them, he left us to our delicious meals. Everything was great, and soon enough we were finished. As Ricko took away our plates, he asked, “Can I interest you in some desert?” “No, thanks.” Tay answered for us. “Okay then! I’ll be your cashier at the front when you’re ready. Thank you for choosing the Olive Garden.” He walked away. “Hey! What was that for Taylor? I wanted some desert!” Zac protested. “Well, I was thinking we could go for some ice cream by the bay.” Tay replied. Zac smiled. “Okay, I forgive you.” “Are we ready to go?” I asked. “Yes, we are. Are we going to stop and sit somewhere?” Mellisa asked quietly. “We could stop and sit on benches. That’s what I was planning on, why?” “I have to feed Alexia.” Mellisa said quietly. “Oh, okay honey. Don’t worry, we’ll find you a nice quiet spot.” Ike said. “Thank you.” “Okay, let’s go.” We all stood. I leaned over and kissed Tay. “Thank you for dinner sweetie.” “You’re welcome.” He took my hand and we followed the others outside. The air was getting chilly and Taylor wrapped his arms around my shoulders. The valet parker came out of the booth. Ike handed him the ticket and the man left to get the van. While we were waiting, Tay and I at on the pebbled bench by the entrance. “Are you having fun on our trip so far?” he asked, taking my hand. “I’m having a wonderful time.” I said smiling at him. “I’m so glad that you guys decided to come see us this summer. I missed you so much.” He took me into his arms and slowly began to rock me. “I really like your family. Zachy is so sweet.” He said. I laughed. “Yea, I miss him already. I’m so lucky to have a brother like him.” “Yes,” Tay agreed nodding his head. “Family is really important.” “Guys! Come on!” Zac yelled. We looked up and saw that everyone was getting in the van. “Alright guys, where do you want to go for ice cream? I know there’s a Baskin Robin’s right on the bay. I was thinking we could go there.” Taylor said addressing everyone. “Sounds great bro.” Ike said. Soon, he was parking the van in front of the ice cream bar. Everyone got out quickly. Ike got his daughter out of her car seat and held her closely, a protective hand closing over her head. “Lock it up guys.” Zac reminded everyone. We walked into the parlor to find it empty. “What? Is everybody NUTS?” Zac exclaimed. “Who wouldn’t want ice cream on a hot summer night?” He walked right up to the counter with Jawnell and ordered what he wanted. “So what do want?” Taylor asked me. “Honestly, I’m kind of full.” I said. “Me too. Want to share a small dipped cone?” “Sure.” “Okay. You and Melissa go pick out a table and we’ll be right out.” “Okay.” I kissed his lips and went to Mellisa’s side. “Want to go find a spot to feed Lexie?” I asked her. “Sure.” She gently took her baby girl from Ike’s arms and we walked outside, Jawnell following. We sat at a far table, away from people’s curious glances, and looked out at the water. “Isn’t gorgeous out here?” Jawnell asked. “It is. But I don’t think I could live in such a big and dangerous city.” “Yea, it’s really different from Portland.” Jawnell agreed. Alexia began to whimper. “It’s okay, here.” Mellisa positioned Lexie under her breast and she quieted. “Well girls, never thought we would be here this night.” Mel said. “I know…who would have known. Look at you! You’re almost married!” I exclaimed. She blushed slightly. “I know. I can hardly believe it. I just…feel like I’ve been with Ike forever.” “So have you decided where you’re going to raise Alexia?” Jawnell asked her. “I know that you’ll probably have to have a house in L.A. for the few months you’ll have to be there when they record. IS that where you want to raise your baby?” Mellisa pondered a few seconds. “I do know that I want to raise her only someplace where she is close to her father because I don’t want him absent from her life. That won’t happen, I won’t let it. He has to be there for her first step, her first word and her first date. He’ll be here for everything.” She bit her lower lip and looked at me. “Mel, do you think I made the wrong choice?” “No.” I said simply. “Look at you. Look at your life. I know you’re a little too young to have a baby, but you’re happy right?” “Yes.” She said smiling. That’s the important thing.” Jawnell said. “I’ll miss you guys so much.” Mellisa said, swallowing hard. A tear formed in her eye. “We’ll never see each other anymore.” “Sure we will.” I said trying to comfort her. But really, I knew it would be hard. “Don’t worry Mellisa, everything will work out fine.” Jawnell said softly. “Okay! Ice cream coming up!” We heard Ike say from behind. Mellisa quickly whipped away her tears and tried her best to smile up at him. Everybody gathered around the table and sat down. We sat, watching the water hug the shore silently for a few minutes and ate our ice cream. Tay and I shared the dipped cone in contentment. When Alexia had finished feeding and had fallen asleep in her mother’s arms, we all stood. “Ready to go guys? It’s almost 11:00.” Ike said consulting his watch. “Yep, I’m beat. Plus my butt hurts from sitting so long.” Jawnell said. Everyone laughed. “Alright, let’s go.” We all headed to the van and sat inside. Tay drove. The restaurant wasn’t very far from our hotel and the traffic was light. We made it back by 11:15. Tay parked the van in a spot near the entrance. We got out and went inside. We breezed passed all the clerks and went straight for the elevators. Once upstairs, we all went to Mel and Ike’s room to talk. “So!” I said, plopping down on the bed. “Are we staying or what?” “Personally,” Isaac began, “I think we should leave in the morning and go straight to L.A. We never know what could detain us and we want to get there as soon as possible. If we have time, then we could stop on the way back. And if we don’t there’s an excuse to take an extra vacation this year.” He said laughing. “What do you guys think?” he asked. “I agree.” I said. “Yea, me too.” Zac said. We looked around at everybody else who nodded. “Alright then.” Tay said. “What time should we leave in the morning?” “I’m thinking maybe around 6:00 at the latest.” “Okay. Everyone meet in the lobby at that time. We can go out to breakfast when we’re hungry and keep going. That okay with everyone?” “Yea, that’s fine.” Mellisa said. “Okay! Off to bed with everybody. We’re up early tomorrow.” We all stood. “Goodnight guys!” I said hugging my friends. I bent over Lexie and kissed her forehead lightly. “Goodnight!” Tay and I went to our room. While he was unlocking the door, I looked over at Jawnell who was down the hall. Her glance told me she felt fine with Zac tonight. I smiled and blew her a kiss. Tay and I entered our room. “I’m gonna go change okay?” I said to him as I lifted my pj’s from my suitcase. “Okay. Do you feel like having the fire on?” he asked. “Sure.” I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I peered at my reflection in the mirror. My hair had almost completely fallen out. I tucked a curl behind my ear and ran hot water in the sink. I let the straps of my dress fall and it slipped to the ground with a hiss. When I was changed in my pj’s, I splashed some water in my face and washed up. Finally finished, I went back into the bedroom to find Taylor waiting for me under the covers. I jumped on the bed beside him. Warm waves of heat were radiating from the fireplace about 10 or 15 feet away from the bed. I crawled under the blankets and rested me head on Tay’s shoulder. “Are you tired?” I asked. “Kind of. But I’m used to living on 4 hours of sleep, so I’m still okay.” I laughed and kissed his cheek. My hand came to a rest on his chest and he smiled down at me. I turned onto my stomach and let my head sink into the goose feather pillow. Tay slipped his hand up inside the back of my pj top and began grazing the surface of my skin with the tips of his fingers, teasing at it until shivers of pleasure ran down my whole body. I was beginning to fall asleep. I turned my head, kissed his lips and leaned in close to his ear. “Good night.” He kissed my closed eyes each in turn and turned off the light after setting the alarm clock. “Goodnight.” He whispered. The glow of the flames danced on our faces as we slipped into each other’s arms and fell asleep.

Chapter 34

When the alarm clock went off the next morning, it felt like I had only slept an hour. “Come on Mel, time to get up.” “I don’t want to.” I whimpered. “Come on. We have to get going. We’re almost late.” I peeled the blankets off and sat on the edge of the mattress. Shivers tan down my back and I was tempted to put my head down again. Remembering what Tay had said, I slowly stood. I walked over to the window and pulled open the blinds. The sun was beginning to rise over the city and cars were already busily speeding down the streets. I sleepily pulled on my clothes and zipped up my suitcase. I gathered out belongings and set down by the door. When Taylor came out of the bathroom, he was already dressed and his wet hair dangled by the sides of his face. “Ready?” he asked. I nodded. We doubled checked the room and left. It was about 5:45 when we reached the lobby. Isaac and Mellisa were sitting on the couches in the waiting area. Lexie was asleep in her father’s arms. “Good morning.” Mel said to me. “Hey. Sleep well?” “Yea! Great beds! So comfy.” “Well, it’s almost 6:00. Where are Zac and Jawnell?” “Probably on the way. Let’s give them a few minutes.” I sat on the couch next to Ike. “Can I hold her? I promise I won’t wake her up.” He smiled. “Sure.” Carefully, he handed Alexia to me. I cradled her in the hook of my arm and smiled as she inhaled deeply. She was so sweet. Tay sat next to me and admired his niece. At 6:10, Ike stood. “Where are they? We’re late!” He walked to the front desk and asked the uniformed man to call Zac and Jawnell’s room. He took the receiver from him. After several rings, Zac answered. “Hello?” His voice was muffled and heavy with sleep. “Zac! We’re down here wasting our time waiting for you while you’re asleep? I don’t believe it!” Ike said severely into the phone. “I’m sorry. I forgot to set the alarm clock. Give us 5 minutes and we’ll be down.” Ike hung up and came back to where we were. “He forgot to set the alarm clock.” I laughed quietly. Surely enough, about 7 minutes later, Zac and Jawnell arrived in a hurry. Jawnell’s hair was pulled back in a quick bun, and she was still wearing her pajama bottoms and had pulled on a gray sweatshirt. Ike stood and didn’t say anything. He simply looked at Zac. “Dude, I said I was sorry.” “It’s okay. Come on let’s get going.” Mellisa said getting up. We all stood. Alexia was still sleeping in my arms “Thanks.” Taylor said to the man sitting at the counter as we left. We quickly all piled in the van with Ike at the wheel. I buckled my seatbelt and collected the blankets and pillows that were around us. I wrapped myself in a cocoon of warmth and leaned against the window.

Chapter 35

The next few days passed by in a whirlwind of sceneries and rest stops. “Hey girls!” Zac said in the 3rd day. “We’re almost here.” I sat up and looked outside my window. We were in Hollywood. I couldn’t believe it. Everywhere I looked there seemed to be majestic mansions with perfect manicured lawns. “Wow,” I whispered in awe. “This is actually the poor part of town.” Zac joked. “This is gorgeous.” Mellisa said from the front seat. “We’ll see our house in just a few more minutes.” Taylor said as the famous ‘Hollywood’ sign came into view. I looked over at Jawnell and smiled. I could see here excitement was as high as mine. “Here it is, here it is!” Ike said pointing. “You drive, I’ll be the guide.” Zac said laughing. “Look, there.” He pointed to a huge house on a hill. “That’s you house?” Jawnell said stunned. “Yep, our home away from home.” Tay said. “We haven’t been here in a couple of months. We’ll have to go shopping for groceries and anything else we need.” Ike said. “We’ll need to call the guy that comes to start the pool up.” Zac said pensively. “You have a pool?” Mel asked. “Yes, it’s inside.” Ike told her. She smiled. “Wow, you guys spared no expense did you?” They laughed in unison. Ike stopped the van by a large gate and got out. Opening a small panel, he typed in a code and the gate began to move open. He quickly came back inside and rolled the van up the longest driveway I’d ever seen. When we arrived at the house, the girls and I were in awe. “This is so great!” Jawnell whispered. “Aw, come on guys it’s just a house. I feel like we’re flaunting out wealth.” Tay said looking at me. “You’re not.” I assured him. “It’s just so…big!” “Well, we do have a big family.” Zac pointed out. “Yea…come on let’s go!” Ike said suddenly. We got out of the van and went around to get our suitcases. Ike went to the front door and unlocked it. He went in and typed another code. As I lifted my suitcase from the trunk, I smiled at Jawnell who was beside me. “Got it Mel?” Tay asked sweetly. “Yep, thanks.” We followed the others to the front door. We put out suitcases down and looked around. “Let’s go set your stuff upstairs and then we’ll give you the grand tour.” Ike offered. “Okay.” “I haven’t been here for so long. This feels weird.” Zac said. Mellisa set Alexia’s carrier down by the door. “She’s sleeping. I’ll just leave her here a while.” “Okay, sure.” Isaac said. “Well come on guys! We’ll show you to your rooms.” Tay said. The long staircase was right ahead, and we followed the boys up. “This is the second level where our rooms are.” Ike explained. “Our parent’s room and the 4 guest rooms are upstairs.” “Come! I’ll show you my room.” Tay said smiling at me. He turned right and we broke away from the group. He turned the doorknob on the 2nd door down the hallway. “This is Jessie’s room.” He said, using his head to gesture the door I was standing in front of. I quickly poked my head in and looked around. Everything was pink, from the carpet to the ballet shoes that hung neatly from a bedpost. I closed the door and smiled at Taylor who was waiting for me. “And this is my room. Nothing special, just a quiet place to relax.” A big bed with a wooden frame was stationed under the window. A dresser of the same color was set against the opposite wall. I looked to my right and saw a keyboard along with a guitar case set on the floor. On the wall above his bed hung a small picture of me. “It’s nice!” I said smiling. He set his suitcase down by the door. “Thanks!” He stretched his arms up and yawned. “I can’t believe we’re finally here!” I took him in my arms. “I know! It feels like we’ve been on the road forever!” He laughed. “What?” I asked “You just got a small taste of what we go through when we’re touring.” “Yea, that’s true. Poor baby.” I teased. “I’ll always remember the first time I saw you guys in concert.” I said thinking back to the day that had started it all. A boyish grin formed on his face. “Me either. The day that I really started liking girls.” I laughed. “Hey guys!” Ike said, poking his head in the doorway. “Ready to show Mel her room?” He asked Tay “We’re all waiting for you.” “Yea. Let’s go.” We left the room all together and went to the staircase that led to the third floor. Zac, Mellisa and Jawnell were waiting for us. Lexie was silently looking around her from Jawnell’s arms. We started up the stairs and found ourselves in another hallway. “All right. It doesn’t really matter who gets which room, they’re pretty much all the same.” Zac said guiding Jawnell to a door. She gave Mellisa back her child and attempted to take her suitcase from Zac. He firmly held on as he opened the door for her. “You and Alexia can sleep here.” Ike said softly to Mellisa. They disappeared inside. “I whish I could keep you in me room,” Tay said in my ear, “but Jason will be staying with us once in a while…” I smiled at him. “It’s alright. Don’t worry.” He led me to the room next to Jawnell’s and opened the door. It had a big open feel to it. On the whitewashed walls, there was a small strip if wallpaper with little blue flowers and butterflies. A white dresser was on the left wall and on it was a small delicate case filled with baby’s breath. “Well, it looks like mom made arrangements to have the house cleaned before we got here.: I smiled and walked to the bed. The big white down filled comforter looked like a cloud and I jumped on it giggling. “Do you like it?” Tay asked sitting on the window seat. “It’s beautiful!” The light of the afternoon filled the room, making it appear brighter. “You have a beautiful house!” I told him. “Thanks. We enjoy it while we’re here in L.A. Come on. Let’s go for the grand tour.” He shot to his feet and dragged me along. “Ike, Zac! Come on!” he shouted. “It’s time to show them around the house.” Ike and Zac’s head popped out the bedroom doors at the same time. “Alright! Let’s go!” “Alexia is sleeping in my bed.” Mellisa informed us once we were all gathered at the top of the stairs. “Okay, well you guys have pretty much seen the boring top floor with all it’s bedrooms and lovely carpets, so let’s step down to the next level.” Zac said, using a high voice. We laughed. Ike looked at us and grinned. “This is Billy Bob, giving you the Billy Bob tour of Billy Bob’s house.” “Oh god Ike…” Tay said laughing. “Don’t start that again.” We laughed as we descended to the second level. “On this floor, you’ll find the laundry room, our bedrooms, our instrument room, practice room, and mini studio.” Ike told us. “You guys have a studio here?” I asked impressed. “Yes, we do!” Zac answered. “Cool!” “Now, all the fun stuff is on the first floor so let’s go!” Zac said grabbing Jawnell’s hand. “But...The studio!” I exclaimed. “Later!” Tay said as we went down the stairs. Zac turned a corner sharply and we followed him into a small room equipped with a big screen T.V and all the video games electronics a store would normally own. “Ah! My sanctuary!” Zac exclaimed. Ike rolled his eyes. “Did you miss me?” Zac said, petting his Play Station 2. “Uh huh…next!” Tay said starting for the door. We stepped through the living room, huge kitchen and family room. “Wow, this place is really beautiful!” Jawnell said. We followed the boys into a room made of windows. The sunshine filtered through the glass and illuminated the perfect pool of clear water. Mellisa gasped in admiration. The filter hummed lightly. “Well, looks like mom took care of everything.” Zac said. “This is the perfect house!” Jawnell said smiling as we made our way back to our rooms. “Who wants to go shopping?” Tay asked from the bottom of the stairs. “Tay! We just got here!” Ike grumbled. “I have to feed Lexie.” Mel said. “I want to show Jawnell my video games.” Zac told his brother, and apologetic smile touching his lips. “Well, I guess it’s just you and me then.” I told him when I reached him. “We have to get the bear necessities.” “So pretty much a shopping spree?” I asked smiling. “I guess you could call it that.” He replied, a boyish grin spreading across his face. “We’ll pick up dinner!” Tay yelled to the others. He took my hand and we left the house.

Chapter 36

“I wonder if Ashley’s in town.” He asked out loud. “Why don’t you call him when we get back.” I suggested. “Yea, I could, but I’m thinking that I’ll wait until tomorrow. We’ve been on the road for so long! You and me need to relax in the pool tonight.” He said, his voice a bit suggestive. I laughed. “I’m sure we’re not the only ones with that idea in mind.” “Well we’ll just have to wait until they all go to bed.” He said simply as the van winded down the driveway. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye and tried to hide my frantic grin. My heart was racing and molten blood was pulsing inside my every vein. My cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. ‘It’s been a year and he still does this to me.’ I thought. I felt like I was 13 all over again. The unmistakable signs of pure excitement were crawling on ever surface of my skin and adrenaline rushed to my head. My stomach jumped to my throat and I couldn’t help but let out a loud belly laugh. He turned and looked at me with a strange expression on his face, which just made me laugh even more. “Are you okay?” He asked. “Yes, I’m fine.” I reached over and kissed him. Explaining would have been impossible and he seemed not to mind my display of affection for him as a shortcut for my outburst. Soon we were approaching the city. Dusk was settling and the lights were gleaming dimly. “Don’t look! Don’t look!” Tay said laughing. “This is just a trip to some stores, not a tour of the city.” “I’ll try to keep my eyes on the ground.” I joked. “Okay. First stop, grocery store. Maybe we could look around and but things for a few meals.” “Sounds good.” He turned the van into a Safeway parking lot and we got out. “Let’s see. Can you think of anything that we need right away?” “Breakfast food!” It was the first thought that crossed my mind as a vision of Zac looking for his favorite meal of the day played itself out in my head. Tay laughed and held the door open for me. “Now we’re thinking!” We took a cart from the pile and started down the first isle. About 15 minutes later, our shopping cart was almost full and we reasoned our provisions would last at least a week. We quickly put the many bags into the back of the van and headed to our next destination which was yet to be determined. “Okay, let’s see…There isn’t much else I can think of that’s absolutely necessary tonight.” I said to him. “Okay, let’s go home.” “What should we get for dinner?” I asked him. “Oh yea…Hmm. I’m sure nobody really cares. We’re all tired and hungry. Let’s pick up some McDonalds or something. There’s one a few blocks from here.” “Okay, that sounds fine.” We pulled up to the drive-thru a few minutes later. “Uh, yea.” Tay said, leaning out of the window a bit to speak into the microphone. “We’ll have 6 number 1’s. All with Doctor Pepper please.” I could just imagine the look on the lady’s face. “That’s 6 number 1’s sir?” “Yes.” He replied. I laughed. When we drove up to the window, the employee instantly recognized Tay. Her cheeks turned red and she didn’t say a word. Simply handed us 3 bags and the drinks. “Thank you.” Tay said with a smile after he had paid. The young Hispanic girl shut her eyes and opened them again quickly. “Goodbye Taylor.” She managed. “Come again.” We pulled away. “Wow, that was intense.” I said. “That’s the only thing I hate about being famous. No privacy.” I leaned over and patted his knee. “You know you love it.” He smiled. We were back at the house in a matter of minutes. He honked the horn twice and Zac emerged from the house. “Dude!” Tay yelled. “We need help with the groceries!” Zac came trotting out of the house on white socks. I smiled. Together, we were able to carry all the groceries inside. While Zac went to get the others for dinner, Tay and I quickly put the food away and set dinner out on the table. “Hmmm, healthy meal!” Mellisa said coming into the room with Isaac. “It’s the best we could tonight.” Tay said, bringing the bottle of ketchup over from the fridge. “I’m exhausted!” Ike said, letting his tall frame fall into a chair. “Yea. Ike and I are packing in early tonight. Up to bed right after dinner.” Mel said, placing a soothing hand on her fiancé’s shoulder. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. “I hope Alexia won’t be keeping you up.” I told Mellisa as we stepped through the kitchen doorway to get napkins. “I hope not. God, I need a good night’s sleep.” I patted her shoulder and we returned to the dining room. Zac and Jawnell were now at the table. “I’m so happy to finally be here!” Zac exclaimed. “Yea, it took long enough.” Tay said under his breath. We ate in silence for a few minutes. “Well guys, I’m beat.” Isaac said standing up to take his dishes to the kitchen. “We’re going to bed.” Mellisa said with a smile. After they left, the house seemed to be really quiet. “So. What are you guys doing tonight?” Tay asked Zac. “Well, I think we might go up to my room and just watch a movie.” Zac said, looking over at Jawnell for approval. She nodded and smiled. “Okay then. Mel and I will go for a swim. See you guys tomorrow morning.” Tay said standing. We gathered our dishes, took them to the kitchen, said goodnight to Jawnell and Zac one last time and went upstairs together. “So you ready for a dip?” Tay asked. “Yea, I’ll put on my bathing suit and meet you at the pool.” He reached for my hands and kissed my cheek. “See you soon.” I quickly ran to my room and began taking my clothes off. Dusk was settling and the stars were beginning to gleam in the sky. I walked to the window and closed the blind. I put my bathing suit on, grabbed 2 towels for Tay and I and started down the stairs. When I got to the pool, he was already there adjusting the dimming lights. He turned and smiled at me. “There you are.” I walked to him, threw the towels on the ground and laced my fingers in his. “I’m so lucky,” I whispered. “To have someone like you.” He kissed my forehead. He took my hand and guided me to the pool of clear water. “So what do you want to do tomorrow?” he asked. I sighed deeply and shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought you would plan something for us.” “Me?” he said laughing. “What if what I have planned involves us staying here all night?” he asked, putting his arms around me and pulling me waist-deep in the water with him. I laughed as water splashed around us. “I would love that.” I winked and kissed his cheek. Silently, I broke away from him and dove under the water. Holding my breath for as long as I could, I remained at the bottom. I laughed inside as I saw him searching for me. Suddenly, he appeared out of nowhere, his face inches from mine. My laugh of surprise caught inside my throat and bubbles slipped from my lips. Water rushed up my nose and I thrashed my arms frantically, breaking the surface with a gasp. Taylor emerged a second later. “Are you alright?” he asked as I coughed. I managed a thin smile and wrinkled my nose. “I know. I hate that feeling.” He said comfortingly. We swam to the side together and it took a few minutes for me to adjust. He gathered me in his arms and I leaned my head against his shoulder and we just sat. “Tay?” I asked finally. “Yes Mel?” I digested the tenderness in his voice, and added pensively. “Did you ever imagine it would be this amazing?” “What do you mean? Us?” “No.” I replied quietly, but the thought of his imagining our relationship as amazing excited me. “I mean your life. All this glamour and thrills. Did you expect it?” “Of course not. It was a total surprise for us all.” He began slowly, shaking his head as if he were still trying to let it sink in. Yet here he was, sitting in the pool of his Hollywood house with me. He sighed deeply and snuggled me closer. “Mel…” he began. But there was nothing that needed to be said. I turned myself around and melted into his arms. The water lapped softly between us. I kissed his softly on the lips once then pushed myself away, water rushing through my damp curls. He smiled slightly and started after me. We swam to the other end of the pool and once at the deep end, I pulled myself out. “Want to go in the jacuzzi?” I asked winking at him. He smiled and followed me. I dipped my toes in the hot water slowly. Then, as my skin adjusted to the temperature, I stepped forward and sat. Taylor joined me and pulled me onto his lap. My legs dangled on the side of his and I caressed them slowly with my toes. I sighed deeply and laid my head against his shoulder. Slowly, he rocked me and our bodies moved together as one. I moved me hips in time with his and suddenly, he stopped. “Mel…” His voice was muffled. “What?” I asked innocently. But I had little by little felt the warm bump swelling in his groin. “I…I’m sorry.” “What is it Tay?” I asked, smiling gently at him. “It’s me. I’m…You’re making me…” he couldn’t finish. His voice was thick with desire and sent chills down my spine. “Shh.” I said kissing his lips. I stood slowly and wrapped my other leg around his waist. “Oh Mel…” he whispered against my ear. I kissed him deeply, my tongue moving languidly against his. Slowly, I began moving my thighs against him. He moaned involuntarily, a deep guttural grunt ripping from his throat. Sweat beaded his forehead and he began moving with me. “Taylor…” I sighed and the word escaped my lips. I felt a surge of passion pulsing through my veins. His damp blond locks tickled my shoulder as he kissed my neck and slowly went down. His teeth tugged at my bathing suit strap and I moaned softly. Feverishly I helped him, but before my suit fell to reveal my breasts, he stopped me. He looked down at me with glazed eyes and whispered, “Are you sure this is what you want?” “Yesss.” I moaned. “Don’t tease me Mel.” I smiled, kissed his nose and urged him to go on. He grinned and slowly returned to my bathing suit. He looked at me with hungry eyes and slowly began to peel my top back…

Chapter 37

The next morning, I awoke enveloped in his arms and musky scent. I opened my eyes to realize I was in his room. I remembered that the previous night we had come upstairs barely before 3 am. I smiled at the memory, and slowly stretched. I was still wearing my damp suit bottom, but my bare breasts slid across his chest as I sat up. I wrapped my arm around his waist and kissed his cheek softly. We had had a lot of fun, but the way he hadn’t pressured me to go all the way in the heat of the moment made me love and respect him even more. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled up at me. “Good morning Taylor.” I said softly. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” His voice was deep and groggy. I laughed. I reached down and brushed my lips against his. “Are you still sleepy?” I asked. “A little. You?” I shrugged. “If you’re asking if I could sleep more, the answer is yes.” I said smiling. I leaned over him and glanced at the clock. It read 7:18 am. He began kissing my neck softly and I lay back down on his soft pillow. “Do you think maybe I should sneak back into my room?” I asked. He continued to kiss me, making his way down my arm and only when he was down to my wrists did he look up. “That would probably be best, but I don’t want you to go.” He said holding on to me tightly. I smiled, brushed his bangs away from his eyes with my fingertips and slowly began to sit up. “Well, I’ll see you in a couple hours?” I asked, reluctantly slipping from the warmth of the bed. “Yes.” He said grinning as he watched me searching for the missing part of my bathing suit. I felt his eyes on me and heat rose to my cheeks. “Hey Mel.” He said suddenly. I looked up to see him twirling the red flowered top around his index finger. He laughed as I jumped on top of him and attempted to grab it. He pinned my wrists behind me and just laughed at my pleading look. “Tay, please.” I begged. He smiled and surrendered. I slipped my top back on and jumped off the bed. I looked down at myself and laughed. “Can I borrow your sheet?” I asked grinning. He laughed and folded the comforter over. “Even better, I’ll lend you a sweater.” He stood and walked to his dresser. I sat back against the edge of the mattress and watched him closely. He moved effortlessly and the sight of his bare skin made me fight the urge to climb in the bed all over again. “Here,” his voice broke through my thoughts and I stood. He extended an oversized gray sweatshirt and I slipped it on. “Well, I’ll see you soon okay?” he said, giving me one last kiss. “Thank you.” I returned the kiss and left his room. I felt rebellious as I trotted through the hallway of the top floor quickly. Soon, I made it to my room and sighed with relief. No on else was awake. The sunshine poured through my window, and for the first time I looked down into the backyard. A large swing set sat empty upon the lush grass. The tender wind kissed the yellow roses and swept up to grace my face as I pushed the wooden frame aside. The sweetly scented air drifted to my nose and I inhaled deeply. It was a glorious morning and I knew I couldn’t go back to sleep now. I turned and glanced around my bedroom again. My suitcase sat in the corner and I decided to unpack. I dragged it on top of my bed and began to put clothes into the white dresser. I looked around once more and realized how soothing the soft hue was to my senses. Only the small purple blossoms on this surface served as contrast. As I was finishing, there was a quiet knock on my door. I opened it and Jawnell smiled up at me. “Good morning!” she boasted. “Hi! Come in!” She flopped over on my bed and sighed. Then she stole a peek at me and began to laugh. “Nice sleepwear!” She said pointing to Tay’s sweater. I looked down at myself, embarrassed, and pulled a pair of shorts out of the dresser. She smiled at me and winked. “Want to help me make breakfast for everyone?” I raised my palms defensively and laughed. “I don’t want to start their kitchen on fire!” “Aw, come on! Let’s make a cold breakfast then.” “Okay, fine.” I laughed. “Just give me a second to change.” “Why? I’m comfy!” She said getting up and strutting around the room in her flannel boxers and red tank top. “Alright,” I said shrugging. Together we left my bedroom and padded down the stairs quietly. Once we were in the kitchen, we began exploring the contents of the cupboards. “We could make a fruit salad.” Jawnell suggested, poking her head into the fridge. I joined her, “Yea, that’d be good.” I agreed. “Don’t bother girls, I brought breakfast.” We both spun around at the sound of an unfamiliar male voice.

Chapter 38

“Oh Ashley! You scared me!” I said laughing nervously. “Hi Melodie.” He said extending his hand. “It’s been a while.” I said shaking it firmly. He smiled, nodded, then said hello to Jawnell. “Are those lazy butts still asleep?” He asked laughing. “Yea, but Mellisa is probably feeding Alexia by now.” Jawnell said glancing at her watch. Ashley’s grin grew wide. “I can’t wait to see Ike’s little girl.” He leaned back against the counter, put down his bag and sighed. “Well Ashley, we’ll go wake the boys up. They should be down soon.” He smiled and nodded. Jawnell and I went back up the stairs quickly. “My God!” she said in wonder. “Yea, he’s changed a lot.” Along with us, Ashley had gotten older. When we got to the 2nd floor, I turned towards Tay’s room. “I’ll get Mellisa.” Jawnell said. “Okay.” Silently, I opened the door. He was laying on his side with his back to me. The clack comforter was bunched at his waist, and his breathing was even. Quietly, I shit the door, bit the sound woke him up and he turned around. “Hey Mel. Time to get up already?” He asked sleepily. I smiled and sat at his side. “Ashley’s here Tay.” I told him softly. He bolted to an upright position. “What? Now?” “Yea.” “Awesome!” he shouted. He tossed the covers aside and pulled a pair of jeans out of a drawer. “I’m going to get dressed too. Make sure Ike’s awake too okay?” He nodded, and we both started out of his room. Once I reached mine, I slipped into a comfortable pair of shorts and a yellow tank top. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and smiled. The day was starting and it was barely 9 o’clock. On my way down the stairs, I saw Mellisa coming out of Ike’s room, Alexia in her arms. “Good morning!” She said smiling. “Hey!” Lexie smiled faintly at the sound of my voice. As Mellisa and I made out way down the remaining steps, we heard loud laughter coming from the kitchen. Mellisa pulled Lexie a little closer to her chest and we stepped through the doorway. “Hey girls!” Ashley said smiling. The boys were sitting together around the kitchen table. Jawnell had insisted upon slicing fresh fruit to serve with the bagels Ashley had bought at a pastry shop in town. His lips parted into a smile as Mellisa approached him with Lexie. His eyes glimmered as he looked from Alexia’s small face to Isaac’s smile of pride. “She’s beautiful!” he exclaimed as he reached for her. Jawnell and I joined them at the table and we began to eat. Ashley’s features melted into a pleased smile when Alexia fell asleep limply in the crook of his arm. “So!” he said pleasantly, “what’s on the agenda today?” I looked around as everybody shrugged. Ashley laughed. “Well, let me change that.” He looked over at us coyly, “What do you want to do girls?” “Well actually,” Zac began, “We did have something planned, but since you’ve ruined it now, you might as well come along.” We laughed. “Did you really think you could get rod of me that easily?” Ashley asked smiling. “Of course no! You can come with us Ash, it’ll just be more fun if you’re there.” Ike said. “Alright, let’s get going.” Taylor said standing. We cleared the table and met at the door. Alexia was safely secured in her child seat and we made our way to the rented van. Ashley’s black convertible was parked by the garage and he decided to leave it there and ride along with us. The day was mild and clear. The early sunlight was warm, promising a hot day. We piled into the van and winded down the driveway. “Our day will begin with a tour of downtown L.A., we’ll have a quick lunch at the Hard Rock Café, and then we’ll hit Rodeo drive!” Zac said dramatically. I smiled, tingles of happiness warming my heart. The Hanson’s California home was situated somewhere in between L.A. and Hollywood. Taylor had once told me that the famous ‘Hollywood’ sign could be seen from the balcony. Isaac drove swiftly through what little morning traffic there was, and soon we found ourselves amidst tall 50 story buildings and hundreds of bustling people hurrying to work. Ike parked the van in a garage under one of the tall buildings, and we stated on foot. “And this…” Zac said in a thick English accent, “is a building!” We giggled and strolled down the street. The morning was filled with touristy sightseeing. We made a giant square and turned left on Sunset Blvd. The girls and I sighed in disappointment as we realized that it was a street corner like every other. But nevertheless, we took pictures. We walked back to where the van was parked. We climbed back in and Ike announced a change of plans. “We’re going to Beverly Hills.” Squeals of excitement erupted from our lips and Ike laughed as he pulled the van out of the lot. Zac’s cell phone suddenly began to ring. He reached into his pocket and answered it. “Hello?” Everyone looked at him strangely while he listened. “Oh no, no we’re okay Jason. Yea. We’re going to Beverly Hills for lunch. Sorry, I guess we forgot you were coming. Okay. We’ll see you tonight. Bye!” He turned off the phone and bit his lip. “Oops. Jason’s kind of ticked. Remember we promised mom and dad to let him come with us.” Ashley laughed. “I think Walker will feel better once he know I was here.” The ride to Beverly Hills seemed much faster than it was and soon we began spotting posh cars driving along the road, and elegant restaurants with crowded terraces. When the glowing Hard Rock Café sign came into view, I smiled excitedly. A valet parked the van and we headed inside. Suddenly, a waiting group of bodyguards surrounded us and took us to the second floor where the dining room was quiet and quite empty. “Where did they come from?” I wondered out loud. Ashley winked and pointed to his pocket. “I called them.” When the waiter arrived, I ordered a Cesar salad and raspberry lemonade. The restaurant was quite ordinary. I guessed the name gave it the fame. After our meal, we climbed back into the van. “How about a little shopping now?” Ike asked us grinning. We quickly agreed and when we arrived, we split up into 2 groups. Zac, Jawnell, Tay and Ashley went across the street while Mellisa, Alexia, Ike and I remained to look at clothing stores. Mel fastened Lexie in a carrier bag and we entered the first store. My breath caught in my throat as I walked toward some of the most beautiful gowns I had ever seen. Mellisa laughed and followed me. “Look at this one!” I said, fingering the delicate hem of a red evening dress. Mellisa looked at the tag. “Ha! Please shoot me if the day ever comes when I’m willing to pay that much for a dress.” She walked away laughing. With one quick glance at the price tag, the dress’s beauty suddenly became less to me. Mellisa was right. Willing to pay $2560 for a simple evening gown was outrageous! I told myself walking toward Mel and Ike. We stepped out of the store. “Well, looks like we’re here for some window shopping only.” I sighed. Isaac smiled slowly. “But you’re wrong! Look what we’ve got here!” Both Mel and I turned to see a small wedding shop on the corner. Mellisa looked at it, then at Isaac. “But…Now? We don’t even have a date picked out for out wedding day!” He pulled at her elbow. “Come on!” I smiled and followed them. Once inside, Mellisa was overcome with tears. She looked left, then right. Most beautiful wedding gowns surrounded us everywhere. A simple faced woman approached us. “Can I help you?” Her tone was cynical, but we forgave her for it because it was not everyday I’m sure that she saw 3 young people in her store. “Yes,” Ike said pleasantly. “My wife-to-be needs a wedding dress.” She eyed us suspiciously and drummed her fingers against her chin. Ike discreetly told her his name and she nodded in understanding. “Alright!” she said smiling. “What size are you my dear?” she said trying to act natural. Mel looked down at herself and sighed. “I was a proud size 4 before my daughter was born.” She said touching Lexie’s head. “Now I’m a size 6.” The saleswoman smiled and said, “Please follow me.” She guided us through several isles until we stood at the back of the store. “If you don’t want a custom made dress, your best luck is here.” She said pointing at a long rack. “Actually, we were hoping to walk out of here with a dress this afternoon.” Isaac said. Mellisa looked at him with a questioning smile. He winked at her. “Alright then!” the lady said, clasping her hands together. “Let’s start looking and then we’ll narrow down what you prefer. Color, sleeves, patterns, ect…” Mellisa turned to me, a beaming smile touching her lips. “Melodie, would you please go find Jawnell? I’m sure she doesn’t want to miss this.” I smiled. “Of course. I’ll be back soon.” I trotted out of the store and headed down the street. A few blocks away I spotted them. I yelled out Tay’s name, but he didn’t hear me. I began running, and finally I reached them. I slowed to catch my breath and they looked at me with puzzled expressions. “Is everything okay Mel?” Tay asked. I smiled. “Yes! Mellisa and Ike are just up the street at a wedding shop. He’s buying her a wedding dress and she wants us all to be there.” Tay smiled and muttered to himself, “Well, he did it.” I look at him and raised an eyebrow. He waved it away and we headed up together. Just as we reached Isaac, Mellisa was coming out from behind a curtain wearing a gorgeous white lace gown. It flowed down her frame with grace and she was flushed with excitement. Jawnell grasped my hand and I held my breath. The look on Isaac’s face was a mixture of awe, admiration, and happiness. She looked beautiful. She giggled and came out to stand in front of a full-length mirror. She smoothed the dress down and suddenly began to cry. Ike rushed to her and hugged her fiercely. “I love you, you’re beautiful.” Enclosed in his arms, she sighed. “Is this the one?” he asked. Mellisa pulled out of his embrace and said, “I don’t know…It’s lovely.” “It’s perfect!” Zac blurted out. She turned and looked at him. “Do you really think so?” He stepped forward and smiled at her. “Isn’t my sister-in-law beautiful?” he shouted. Everyone in the store looked up. Mellisa got several compliments from the ladies around her, and finally, she turned to Isaac. “Yes, I think this is it. But you’re not supposed to see it until the big day.” She said laughing. “Nothing will ever change the magic that special day will bring.” His lips brushed hers lightly and she disappeared behind the curtain to change. “Did you tell her?” Taylor whispered. “No, not yet. But I’m thinking maybe I should. I mean, she obviously knows something’s up now.” “And how did she ever find such a perfect gown so fast?” I wondered aloud. Ike smiled mischievously at Jawnell. “Mel was secretly looking at a bridal magazine a few weeks ago. She really like this on gown, she even cut it out. So I photocopied it without her knowing for Isaac who then found this shop, faxed a copy to the owner who ordered something very similar in Mellisa’s size. It was hung second on the rack so she might see it quickly. It was quite an elaborate plan actually.” Jawnell explained laughing. I smiled and Mellisa came out. “You’ll have to choose bridesmaids dresses too honey.” Ike said to Mel. She breathed in deeply and looked at him squarely. “Ike, what’s going on? Why the sudden rush?” He looked over at us and we nodded. It was time to tell her. Well, I first planned to have our wedding in August and not to tell you. Have it be a surprise.” She absorbed this information slowly. “But,” Ike continued, “I now realize that it would have been next to impossible. Most things are already taken care of. My mom and yours banned together under my suggestion and they already took care of almost everything. The church, the flowers, the reception, the food, the invitations…” He stopped and looked at her. She was stunned, but yet she was pleased at his efforts to make her happy. When she didn’t say anything, Isaac winced. “I should have told you, I’m sorry.” She took his hand and simply said, “Thank you.” “You think you want to do it then?” She smiled and nodded. We all cheered. “August 8th, you become mine forever.” He whispered sweetly as he embraced her.

Chapter 39

The next 2 days were spent going back and forth to the wedding shop, us girls getting measured and Mellisa choosing our dresses. They were white, like hers, and made of fine silk and lace. By July 3rd, everything had been taken care of. Mellisa had even picked out her veil and jewelry. We headed back to the house as the sun started to set. Ashley had gone home after the first day, but we were expecting him on the morrow for out Independence Day picnic. “Hello!” Jason greeted us as we entered the house. “Hi!” I replied. Jason was a good man, as well as a faithful bodyguard to the family. We had all gotten used to him living with us already. But that night, he approached Isaac with an almost apologetic look in his eyes. “Do you mind if I leave tonight and go spend the holiday with my family? I’ll be back on the 5th.” Ike smiled. “Of course Jason! We promise we’ll stay here and watch the fireworks from the backyard.” Jason smiled. Jason smiled. “And as a matter of fact, you can just go home for good until we get back in the fall. We’ve all decided to leave late on the night of the 7th. Mellisa and I are to be wed August 8th. If you can make it out to Oregon, we’d love you to be there.” “I’ll be there, I’ll contact you for information later.” “Alright then!” 20 minutes later, Jason left. After dinner, we gathered in the living room. Alexia suckled gently upon her mother’s breast as she was sitting back against the couch, purely exhausted. “It’s been a busy few days,” I said to no one in particular. Taylor wrapped his arm tightly around me and I sighed. “Time went by so fast.” Zac said quietly. “I know. I can’t believe we have to go back so soon.” Ike agreed. “But we have something to look forward to.” Mellisa murmured, slipping her hand in his. I smiled and looked up at them. Yes, we all had grown up. The next day we got up and 9:00. Ashley and his fiancé were due to arrive around 11:30. While the boys set up a table outside, we busied ourselves making sandwiches and potato salad. This was going to be a real picnic down to the checkered tablecloth. We all the preparations were made, we headed upstairs to get dressed. As we were coming back, Ashley and Helen were arriving. At 1 o’clock we made our way outside. The day was gorgeous and the sun smiled upon us. We spent a very pleasant afternoon getting better acquainted with Helen, and dusk came too soon. The fire works were to start at 9 so we decided to go out for dinner first. Ashley took us to a trendy little Italian café in L.A. As the waiter brought our plates he leaned over to talk to Ike. “So what are the plans Isaac? Are you ready to buy a house, settle down? You have a child now, everything has changed.” Isaac sighed. “Yea, I guess so. I hate to take Mellisa away from her family, she’s only 18, but we’re both ready to start our lives together. I love her so much.” He said softly. Ash smiled. “Good.” It was 8:30 when we returned. We placed 3 flannel blankets upon the grass and sat down. I cuddled against Taylor and we laid back. The stars gleamed in the sky and the air was sweet with the scent of roses. “Did you have fun?” he whispered to me. I smiled. “I did. It’s beautiful here. So many things have happened, so many good things. You and I. We’ve grown closer, I’ve even grown to truly love.” He looked down at me with a smile playing on his lips. “You love me?” “Yes, I do.” The first firework of Independence Day 2002 exploded in the sky as our lips met.

Chapter 40

On the evening of July 7th, we packed and Isaac returned the van. Ashley drove us to the airport in L.A. He hugged us all goodbye, and we got on the plane. After a smooth takeoff, Mellisa relaxed and began to feed Lexie. I went to sit over by Jawnell and Zac. “Time has just gone by so fast.” Jawnell sighed. “We’ll have to leave a couple of weeks after the wedding too. I don’t want to leave you.” Zac said. Jawnell smiled and took his hand. “I know Zac, but your fans would never forgive me if I kept you from going back to the studio.” The flight was short, and soon enough, we arrived at PDX. Jeff picked us up in the van. “So! Did you guys gave fun? You were gone a little shorter than we expected.” Mellisa smiled. “Ike and I have to get ready for our wedding.” Jeff smiled big. “So you finally told her. Congratulations to the both of you.” “Thanks.” Ike said, reaching his arm around Mellisa. “How’s the baby doing?” he asked glancing at Alexia’s car seat through his rear view mirror. “She’s doing great. Seems like she’s growing already. She’s got quite the appetite.” Mel said proudly. We dropped off Jawnell at her house, and Mellisa, Lexie, and Isaac at her house. The remainder of us started home. The next few weeks flew by. Endless phone calls and visits, fun in the sun, until finally, it was August 6th. Ashley and Helen arrived first among the guests. They stayed at a hotel near the house and helped us make all the final preparations. On the 7th, Mellisa was getting antsy. Almost all the guests were to arrive that day, and she started becoming nervous. “You guys! I’m getting married in less than 24 hours! Married! ME!” she screamed at Jawnell and I that afternoon. She was pacing the room and knotting and unknotting her hands. “Isn’t this the moment you’ve always been dreaming of Mellisa? To love someone who loves you and to spend the rest of your life with him?” Jawnell asked in an attempt to soothe her. She sat down between us on the bed. “Yes, yes of course, but GOD!” she yelled standing again. “There’s no way I can describe this feeling to you guys. It’s like rushing down the steepest hill going 800 mph. Butterflies, edginess…” I laughed and she soon joined me. I stood and took her hand. “I think you’ll be okay Mel.” I gave her a smile of encouragement and she nodded firmly. It was decided that morning that Isaac was not to see Mellisa until she walked down the isle. We were at my house having out last real girls night. We were all plopped comfortably down on my bed when the phone rang. I answered it on the second ring. “Hi Melodie! This is Diana!” I smiled and put my hand over the receiver. “It’s your future mother-in-law Mel!” she paled at my words. “I never thought of it that way…” she murmured. “Sure! Hang on, I’ll ask her!” I told Diana. “She wants to know if she can take us out to breakfast tomorrow. Let’s see. We’re due at the spa right around noon, so do I tell her nine?” Mellisa smiled and nodded. When I finished talking to Diana, I replaced the phone in its cradle and looked at the girls. “Well guys, I think this is it. It’s 10 already. Let’s get some good sleep.”

Chapter 41

The morning of the big day, Mellisa was awake by 7:30. She was sitting near the window, a thoughtful expression on her face. I pulled the comforter away and sat by her. For several long minutes, we sat in silence. “Are you ready?” I asked breaking the silence. She breathed in deeply and smiled. She looked at me and suddenly tears shone in her eyes. “The hardest part will be knowing I can’t walk a few blocks and come knock on you door. I’ll miss you Mel.” I stood and hugged her. “I’ll miss you too. But think about it. Isaac will finally be your husband; you have a beautiful little girl. We’ll always be friends no matter where you are.” I struggled not to choke on my words. “Did Isaac say where you guys would live?” “Actually, we haven’t even discussed it.” She admitted laughing. She sat down again. “My mother will take care of Alexia while we’re in Honolulu, then when we come back home, it will be a whole new life.” “You’ll be happy.” I said smiling. “And who knows, in a few years you might even be my sister-in-law!” We both laughed. “It’s high time you forget your worries and begin to enjoy yourself! You’re a bride for today only you know.” Jawnell said joining us. Mellisa smiled. “Yes, you’re right.” We dressed and got ready for the grand day ahead. At 8:50, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Diana stood on the threshold smiling. She entered and hugged me. She looked up at Mellisa. “Come here you!” They hugged for several seconds and finally, Diana took Mellisa’s face between her palms. “You’re going to make my Isaac so happy.” She hugged her again. Jawnell and I stood back and watched. Diana took us to the Double Tree Hotel for brunch. Mellisa was really beginning to be excited and it really showed in her face. She was simply glowing. After discussing the day’s schedule with Diana, she nodded with satisfaction. “Today’s your day darling, and you’re going to shine.” We lingered over tea, and suddenly Diana glanced down at her watch. “Oh no!” She said. “It’s 11:15 already! Where’s that spa?” She had already signaled for the waiter to bring the check and reached into her purse for her wallet. I laughed. Yep, Diana was used to having it on the go. “It’s the Colombia Gorge Spa. About 30 minutes away.” Mel said. “Well, if we hurry we can make it on time.” She slapped $40 on the table and was on her feet. We followed her hurriedly to the parking lot and climbed into the family mini van. Jawnell and I struggled hard to keep our laughter in check as Diana cut and whizzed through the traffic all the while yelling obscenities. We all finally made it to the spa with 3 minutes to spare. “Thanks Diana! I’ll see you at the church at 4? Don’t forget, we’re all getting ready together.” Mellisa said smiling. “I’ll be there honey, have fun girls!” she yelled through the open window as she drove away. We walked into the lobby and right away, a tall elegant lady approached us. “Mellisa I presume, our bride-to-be?” Mel smiled and nodded. “All right! We’ve got a fun relaxing afternoon planned for you guys. Please follow me.” We were led through a narrow hallway and emerged into a large open room. “Your first appointment is a massage.” She pointed out our specific rooms and we entered. I slowly undressed and lay under the sheets. Sweet scented candles burned softly in the corner and the sound of a waterfall trickling played from hidden speakers in the ceiling. The masseuse entered and began to rub me down with oil. It felt so good that I let myself drift away. Soon, she awoke me and told me I had 10 minutes to get dressed and join the girls for a facial. I dragged myself off the comfortable massage table and stood. The muscles in my legs were so relaxed I almost lost my balance. Caught in a trance of relaxation, I pulled on my clothes and went out. Mel and Jawnell were waiting for me in the massage lobby. “How amazing was that!” Mel exclaimed. “Ike will be sorry I experienced this…” We laughed. The same lady brought us to a small sunny room where 3 chairs were set up. We sat back and let the pros do their work. They scrubbed our faces with cold creams, plucked our eyebrows and put a mask on while they washed our hair. Someone was giving me a pedicure as someone slipped my hand in a bowl of warm scented water. I tried to remain awake, but I was too relaxed to care. It felt amazing to just sit back and be pampered. An hour later, it was time for the final touches: our makeup and hair. The hairdresser lathered my hair in mousse and pinned it up, adding fresh white roses. I stood back and looked at me refection in the mirror. It was perfect. We met up in the lobby and admired each other. Mellisa was absolutely gorgeous. It was hard to describe. She seemed to glow. I glanced down at my watch. It was already 3:15. We called a cab and thanked everyone for the wonderful service. We all got into the backseat and sat back, trying to relax. “Well, this is it, your wedding day.” Jawnell said smiling. “Yes. It almost feels unreal, but I’m so happy.” We pulled up to the church 15 minutes later. Taylor and Zac were standing outside talking softly. Tay smiled as I approached him. “You look beautiful.” He said, taking me into his arms. “Thank you. We have to go get dressed now. You should probably do the same soon.” I brushed my lips against his and slipped away. I followed Mellisa and Jawnell directly into the dressing room where Zoë, Avie, Jessie, Diana who had Lexie, and Mellisa’s younger sister Sarah were waiting. Zoë and Avie were already wearing their matching white flower girl dresses, Jessie and Sarah had bridesmaid dresses like ours. I looked at Alexia lying quietly in here grandmother’s arms. She was wearing a tiny pink and white jumpsuit. Diana was elegant in a long flowing white dress, her long hair pinned up in a braid. Mellisa smiled. “You guys all look so good!” she said hugging them all. She fed Lexie a last time before she changed. While Jawnell and I put on out dresses, Sarah helped Jessie put on light makeup. 10 minutes later, Mellisa shyly came into the room from the back. We were all sitting in a small circle when Zoë spotted her. “’Lissa!” She said running toward Mel. We all looked up as she came into view. It seemed like we all rushed to hug her at the same time. Unable to help myself, I began to cry. It was such an important moment that would affect us all. “Come on Melodie, don’t cry or you’ll make me cry and my mascara will run everywhere!” Mellisa said in a meet attempt at humor. I breathed in deeply and held back my tears. The clock on the wall read 4:30. Zoë and Avie were to start walking down the isle at 5 o’clock exactly. Outside of the thick oak doors, we could hear the guests entering the sanctuary and making their way to their seat. Zoë, Ave and I went over what the flower girls were supposed to do one last time and finally, we were ready to get the show on the road. Diana slipped away with Alexia and we took our places at the door.

Chapter 42

Mellisa adjusted her veil over her face and the wedding march began to play. I squeezed her hand one last time as I watched Avie and Zoë scatter rose petals on the floor as they walked down the isle. Next was Mackie with the rings. He walked briskly and ushered his sisters to their places. It was my turn. I smiled as the first best man appeared and took my arm. His tux fitted perfectly, a brilliant smile touching his lips, he leaned over and whispered, “Look Mel, we’re walking down the isle.” I smiled up at Taylor and winked at him. When we reached the altar, we broke apart. He stood tall and proud beside Isaac. I gave a reassuring smile to Ike and took my place behind Avie and Zoë. Jawnell and Zac were coming now, followed by Jessie and Ashley. Sarah walked alone, for as Mellisa’s sister, she was the maid of honor. Every head turned and every eye watched as Mellisa slowly made her way down the isle. She was smiling a beautiful smile and tears glistened in her eyes. She reached the altar and Isaac took her hand in his. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Mellisa Grace Horne and Clarke Isaac Hanson.” The priest began. I cried as they repeated they vows, and finally, they shared their first kiss as husband and wife. “Are you having a good time?” Taylor asked as he handed me a glass of punch. I smiled. “Yes. I can’t believe it’s all over already. So much has happened.” I laughed as I watched Zachy pull Zoë onto the dace floor. My mother and Jeff were sitting at the head table speaking to Walker, Mellisa and Ike playing with several of the guests’ children. Suddenly, ‘Amazed’ by Lonestar began to play softly in the background. “Would you join me?” Taylor asked, taking my hand. I smiled and nodded. Together we made our way to the dance floor and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “I’m so in love with you…” he whispered into my ear, swaying in time to the music. I smiled and pulled him closer, feeling my heart pulsing every rush of emotion through my body. I leaned my head against his shoulder and smiled to Mellisa cross the room. She stood holding Lexie, her husband’s arms securely closed around them. Our new lives had just begun.
