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VB Tutorial

     Click on "Standard EXE" icon and then click on the "Open" button.  Visual Basic then loads the template for the "Standard EXE" project.  You can see a form, where you put the buttons and textboxes and labels (OH my!) on the form.  The "form", which is the layout of your program and also contains the program code, is the program (at least in the "hello world" type project).
     To the right is the toolbar.  From left to right, starting with the pointer tool, are the names of the tools and objects: Pointer, PictureBox, Label, TextBox, Frame, CommandButton, CheckBox, OptionButton (a.k.a. Radiobutton), ComboBox, ListBox, HScrollBar, VScrollBar, Timer, DriveListBox, DirListBox, FileListBox, Shape, Line, Image, Data, and OLE.
     The only objects you will need in this project are the CommandButton and TextBox.
     Below is the Properties Menu, as I would call it.  It allows you to change the properties of objects on your Form.  You can click on any object and the Properties Menu will display the properties of that object.  Some common properties are (Name), which is the name the code uses to identify an object, Caption, which is the text on some objects, such as the caption on a cancel button might be "Cancel", telling that it probably has something to do with canceling.  Width and height are the properties for the width and height of an object.   

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