Mary's Place...Inner Child Page

Please meet my Inner Child. Her name is...MeMe. I want to include my memories of her childhood on this page, let you get to know her, and allow her to come out to play and have fun. You see, she tends to be a little to serious.
I chose MeMe for my name because when I was a child I didn't get much attention. There were so many of us and I was the oldest. I always felt like I was getting pushed aside. I was always getting blamed for the things my brothers and sisters did wrong. Since I was the oldest I was supposed to have known better. There was me, John, George, Lula, Martha, Billy, and Everett. My parents were John and Gertie. They did the best they knew how and I will always remember that, and I never ever remember going to bed hungry. But I do remember the razor strap.
My best friends were Barbara, Carolyn, Connie, Doris, Helen, and Lynn. I still keep in touch with all of them except for Doris I lost track of her.

In this section, I want to tell everyone about my brothers, sisters, cousins and friends from my childhood.
I was the oldest of seven children, I had four brothers and two sisters. About every summer Dad would put us all in the back of the pickup and we would go from Indiana to Kentucky to visit our cousins. It was about a two hundred mile trip. We would sing songs and try and get all the truckers to honk their big horns for us. Once we got to my Uncle and Aunt's house we would all sleep on the floor and talk all night long.
I always enjoyed going to another cousins house who lived on a farm in Royal Center, Indiana. They would have to milk cows every evening and they tried so hard to teach me how but I could never get any milk to come.
I never did learn how to milk a cow.
I remember when my little sister would recite poems and everyone would give her money, she was so cute with her curly hair, everyone loved her.
I remember having to pick up wood and kindling with my brothers every night so my Mom could build a fire to cook with. We also had to bring in coal for the pot belly stove. We would all take baths in a big ole galvonized tub setting by the stove every Saturday night.
I always had friends to play with. Some of the friends from my childhood are still my best friends. I have always valued my friends.

In this section, I want to tell my most precious memories of my own mother, father and grandparents from my childhood.
Both of my Grandfathers died when I was very young and I don't remember them. I always loved spending time with my Grandma Singer, she would make the biggest, best sugar cookies and I think they tasted the best of any cookies I ever had. Grandma always had a special cup at the pump that she would drink from and now I have that cup. Grandma was such a happy Christian lady, always smiling, everyone loved her and always said she was a living Saint.
My Dad and Mom would always take us for a drive in the country right after dinner every Sunday and I remember sometimes Daddy would get lost. Daddy would always say he wouldn't take a dime for any of us but wouldn't give a nickle for another one of us. Daddy was a funny guy sometimes. I just remember my Mom was always working, and she loved flowers. Daddy would always have several big vegetable gardens and he loved to go coon hunting.
I loved coming home from school for lunch on Monday's because that was always wash day and Mom would always make cornbread and cook a big pot of soup beans.
Every Easter we would go to my Grandma Best's house for dinner and all my cousins would be there. We would always have a big Easter Egg hunt. I loved it when I got to stay with my Grandma because she would always spoil me. I would help her gather eggs and she would store them in her basement. I remember her phone. I believe her phone number was two longs and a short. I also remember the outhouse with the Sears Catalog. The only thing I didn't like about Grandma was that she would always make me take a nap.

In this section, I want to tell about the most memorable Christmas celebration I had in my childhood.
My Mother was one of these people who could never wait till Christmas Day for us to get our presents from Santa. When I was five years old, on Christmas Eve, she would have us all go into a bedroom and close the door, and she told us if we peeked Santa would run away. I was so afraid one of my brothers or sisters would peek and Santa would run away and I wouldn't get my present.

In this section, I want to tell a story about my cat, Silly!
My friend Lynn's Mother raised persian cats. She gave me one and I named her Silly. She was a lot of company to me. She would jump in bed with me in the morning and wake me up with her purring. I remember one day she got my parakeet and that was the end of the bird. I don't remember what ever happened to Silly. She might have gotten old and died

This Award is for MeMe who worked so hard on her "INNER CHILD" Page from 'Resa Keep up the good work, MeMe!!!
Thanks for visiting my page.
03/14/2025 12:37:04

My Favorite Things from Childhood
- Going to Grandma's house
- Playing with my doll
- Eating my Mom's fudge
- My cat named Silly
- Standing in front of the pot belly stove to keep warm
- Going to visit my cousins
- Waiting for Santa to come on Christmas Eve.
- Riding in the back of Daddy's pickup with my brother's and sister's
My Favorite Fun Web Sites to Visit
Email: mari5113@juno.com