Could It Be this Simple? A Biblical Model for Healing the Mind Timothy R. Jennings, M.D Autumn House Publishing
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Informative Read ... Recommended … 4 Stars
Dr. Jennings has produced a sixteen chapter book containing what he has learned about mental illness and the treatment for it gleaned from his years of Biblical study and psychiatric practice. Dr. Jennings has successfully treated thousands of patients in addition to his extensive research into the relationship between Christianity and psychiatry. Two chapters in particular caught my eye. The first, 'The Power of Belief' explores the whether or not belief really matters. Numerous studies are cited centered around how the power of belief can actually cause the believer to suffer less pain, need less medication, and heal more quickly. Dr. Jennings states that 'numerous experiences have convinced me of the important role that spiritual beliefs play in our overall mental health.' I found the chapter to be especially interesting because I too have long believed that what we think has great impact upon our health and daily lives.
Reading over the listing of chapters another title seemed to leap from the page, chapter 12 'Forgiveness' was one I knew I had to explore. Various myths surrounding our misunderstanding of forgiveness are offered by Dr. Jennings. Because so many of us have little understanding of what forgiveness really is we are left fumbling around wondering why things happen as they do. Thinking that we can forgive only if the other party says they are sorry, equating God's forgiveness for salvation or believing that if we forgive then we condone what another has done are all impediments to our own mental happiness and cause us to harbor needless feelings of betrayal or sadness. To forgive does not mean we always forget, or have greater vulnerability or restore trust anymore than forgiving means the other party has somehow 'gotten away' with something.
Dr Jennings suggests that exiting from the morass of darkness that seems to surround those struggling with mental illness may not be a difficult as has been portrayed. Pain is felt, however Dr Jennings offers that the peace found in belief and the gospel can help make the unendurable more tolerable, and the hurting less painful.
The chapter illuminating the dissimilarity between the types of love is instructive and striking. Legitimate guilt and three different types of illegitimate guilt are explored in chapter 10. Dr. Jennings points out that when we don't leave a relationship but want to, we leave ourselves open to guilt and depression.
'Could It Be this Simple?' Is a well thought out work meant to aid those who are hurting and honestly want a way out of the darkness in which they feel they are mired. Dr. Jennings' love for humanity as a whole and his patients in particular comes through in his writing. I like the format and title of the various chapters, 'Could It Be this Simple?' is a book that can be carried and read in small chunks as time permits.
A quick overlook followed by careful perusal of individual chapters and revisits to the chapters containing information for a specific time or place can be accomplished easily. Writing is easily read, filled with enough human interest to keep the reader turning the page and nicely documented with facts, statistics and studies.'Could It Be this Simple?'is a must have for the therapist, the hurting and those who simply are yearning for something better in their life.Excellent read, happy to recommend