Health Beyond Medicine a Chiropractic Miracle Dr Scott Paton Healthcare Unity Press
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Dr Scott Paton’s Health Beyond Medicine a Chiropractic Miracle is a work of nearly 335 pages.
Acknowledgments and Foreword written by Dr. Edward Pearson, MD, ABHM are followed by Patton’s Introduction in which he discusses his becoming a chiropractic student and how his view of healthcare, rooted in symptom based mentality, has changed over the years.
Chapters address Health Care Today, and Deeper Inside the Health Care System; I am not reassured to realize that our system is basically one that is broken.
An Examination of the Insurance Industry, Vaccines and whether they are the life saving technology we have been led to believe they are as well as how Antibiotics affect our Health are eye opening, and at time disturbing narratives.
I turned to Chapter Six entitled Hope with the anticipation that there is some available. I can happily say that Dr Patton does offer optimistic outlook for individual and national health.
Because Dr Patton is a Chiropractor he provides some good, in depth explanation regarding the practice as well as how chiropractic care fits into the over all health care regime. A discussion of Five Factors of Health including chiropractic care, sleep, nutrition, exercise and positive living are presented in depth with emphasis upon how each fits into the over all health of the individual.
The Irrational Side of Medicine, including the notion that there are hard and fast one size fits all notions when it comes all things medical are presented as are some success stories in which chiropractic and medical are willing to work together, and Faith is mentioned in a context of how it fits into the health program.
I like the format of Dr Scott Patton’s Health Beyond Medicine a Chiropractic Miracle with chapters well laid out, easily read, and nicely presented. A topical index so that reference to specifics is easily accomplished makes the work very workable for referring to when seeking specific information regarding a specific malady. Case histories add to interest and understanding regarding how medical and chiropractic can mesh to further the health for patients.
I have long sough chiropractic in tandem with medical methodology when seeking to maintain my own health status.
Happy to recommend Dr Scott Paton’s Health Beyond Medicine a Chiropractic Miracle.
Note: Not for everyone: those who have no belief in chiropractic care are not likely to find much to like, believe or enjoy, for everyone who is open to all methods for maintaining good health Dr Scott
Patton’s Health Beyond Medicine a Chiropractic Miracle is a work filled with much to regard, understand, and read with an open mind.