Molly's Reviews

Time TrialsTime Trials
Gail Evans
Writers Club Press


In Johannesburg 1986 Miriam could no longer stand the city. She questioned whether South Africa would be reduced to civil war. Setting out on foot Miriam's quest leads to a place where the time threads have been loosened. Her journey leads to a period spent with Bushman where she is accepted without reservation, to Shaka who founded the Zulu nation, to the days when the Dutch first appeared. Her journey continues until the inauguration of Nelson Mandela the first democratically elected President of the country.

"Time Trials" is a lively unorthodox and inceptive tale with extraordinary organization, supposition and concept. Writer Evans endeavors to set forth the notion for keeping in touch with reality when faced with actuality of what is happening to and around us. Evans takes a long hard look at the various of people who have populated Africa over the centuries and weaves a hard hitting tale that pulls few punches.

"The age of communication has changed the world that we live in and in turn has altered the manner in which we conduct our lives." Writer Evans clearly has a strong handle on the reality of the world in which we live today. Her penchant for research becomes unequivocal as we travel through the pages of her work. Citations aid the reader in knowing who, what and where has shaped Evans' understanding regarding the time and situation she is presenting. The huge world facing our ancestors is now reduced to what we can see and hear via media. The isolated countries caring for their individual situations has disappeared and in their place is a new world where every one on earth may know what is happening at the time it occurs wherever on earth.

Evans proffers Mandela quoting Marianne Williamson's 'Return To Love' in which our existence as children of God is glorified, as a powerful ending to the narrative.

Firstborn of GodThe Firstborn of God
Gail Evans
Writers Club Press

The Firstborn of God is a 272 page work of eleven chapters embracing a variety of areas of study within religious belief. Chapters One and Two offer Origins and Beginning. The Lost Tribes of Israel appear in Chapter Three. Writer Evans sets forth the premises that Moses is the Egyptian Ay, the Biblical Nun, son of Ephraim, father of Joshua. Interesting supposition to be sure. Chapters Four, and Five address both The Sadducees and The Essenes. Writer Evans gives an overview of the two groups, tells us some of the implications for our lives from their teachings and gives us much to consider. Jesus is covered in Chapter six. Writer Evans explains Jesus the name, and some of the symbolism attached to it. She brings forth a wealth of information from a variety of sources to clarify her exegesis. Chapters Seven and Eight cover the Sabbath and Zion while The Bride and The Bridegroom are presented in Chapters Nine and Ten. The Chapter work of the book concludes with a study of the Nazarene and Yom Kippur in Chapter Eleven.

The Firstborn of God is a well researched volume filled with many illustrations, quotes, and citations. Writer Evans presents a scholarly narrative written in a readable style. The work is not a novel or 'rainy afternoon read.' This is a erudite work prepared to help both the religious and the scholarly gain a little more insight into who or what The Firstborn of God may be. Evans' book cover acknowledges that her conclusions presented in this work may be considered to be controversial.

It is obvious that writer Evans has done a good bit of research into the subject she presents in The Firstborn of God. Her book jacket states that she 'has had a lifetime interest in religion.' Evans indicates a frustration with orthodox attitudes toward women along with the Calvinist Church's support toward racialism during the apartheid era in Africa as leading her toward seeking her own answers. Following fourteen years of research Evans has formulated her conclusions.




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