Elaine's Amazing Stink
Valerie Hardin
Artist: Kym Jones
Exchange ePublishing
Highly Recommended Elaine is an unhappy little girl
skunk. She has lost her stink and believes no one will be her
friend. When Betty, Mick and Jay learn Elaine's problem they
have an idea. The story ends on a happy note when the little
skunks tackle the problem of "Elaine's Amazing Stink".
"Elaine's Amazing Stink"
is a delightful little book of 10 pages with text and enchanting
illustrations. The little tale is sure to delight children ages
3-8. I believe this book will have value in the classroom, with
homeschoolers and as a read at home book. I like the problem
presented and the children working together to come to a solution.
I am intrigued by 'Flower of Beet.' Years spent in the classroom
convince me that children in K-3 will have their funny bones
tickled by the whole book and especially the 'Flower of Beet.'
Two things I as a classroom teacher
would like to see: state clearly on the book itself the target
audience. Teachers and school media personnel do look for this
when choosing books for their classrooms. And, I like to see
the vocabulary listed at the end of books whether for classroom
use or home use.
"Elaine's Amazing Stink"
is a good readable little tale presenting a problem and solution
in an interesting, child pleasing manner. This is a read to
for the 3-5 set and 'read alone' for those who read on a second
reader level. The book will lend itself well to classroom 'free
reading' use and 'student tutor' use. Home schoolers and parents
will find the book of value in their programs. |