Molly's Reviews

Killer Cats In San FranciscoKiller Cats In San Francisco
Lew Shields
Publish America

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Engaging Read ... Highly Recommended ... 5 stars

Puma attacks in the suburbs of San Franciso are met with the usual stun, tag, release to the wild methodology prevalent in many areas today as man encroaches upon the habitat of critters. The notion that 'the wild' might in fact be inhabited by more than opossum, raccoon and the occasional rabbit is not part of the thinking of the 'preserve the puma' at any cost set. When Glade County (Napa? Sonoma? Solano?) residents begin to suffer puma attacks: small animals are the first to disappear. They are followed by pets and finally people. An attempt to get an initiative onto the ballot denying the release of puma's to outlying areas is voted down, primarily by the residents of San Francisco. Glade county suffers a horrendous attack: Marion Moody and her infant daughter are attacked near their home. Marion's husband Jed will never be the same: he and several friends track down and shoot the murderous cat. It is one of the tagged critters released into 'the wild.'.

In the city officials are first alarmed then dumbfounded and finally anxiety-ridden when puma's begin to prowl among the streets with increasing frequency. Skid row bums, down and outers, children and pedestrians out on the street all are falling prey to the murderous beasts. The only clue is a run down truck, reeking of critter and seen in first one and then another location in the city. When a big cat corners children in a school gym something must be done. Suddenly the outbreak of cats reappearing in the city stops. Minnesota does report wolves released into the wild have somehow found their way back into populated areas.

Writer Shields has produced an exciting read based on an intriguing premise. Animals released into the wild is a neat notion, however wild animals who have developed a taste for human blood or a willingness to come where the hunting is easy…. fenced back yards filled with trapped pets and kids are not likely to relish being released into an area where they have to search for food and fight with others for territory.

Running through "Killer Cats In San Francisco" are several sub plots: Jed Moody and is distress to have lost his wife and child to a killer cat. The ongoing tension between the 'do-gooder' head of the governmental body releasing critters into the wild and his brother over what is to become of 'the old home place.' Various vignettes detailing some of the lives of the folks introduced in the work.

Writer Shields pulls it all together with a zigzagging hand to produce an spine tingling, highly readable publication certain to satisfy those who luxuriate in a shocker filled with fascinating characters, gratifying interplay, absorbing exchanges, exciting plot-line, and at times pleasantly puzzling consequences. "Killer Cats In San Francisco" takes a meandering look at settings, people, and the social ills we humans tend to foist on one another in the name of doing well by whatever our own personal agenda might be.

Found "Killer Cats In San Francisco" to be a most agreeable way to spend a long evening. Gives the reader much to think about. Reader interest is held tight from the opening lines as the reader is treated to an overview of 'Glade County' and is held fast from the work by the county residents during their defeated ballot initiative right down to the last paragraphs as the focus changes from cats to wolves.

Exciting read, happy to recommend.




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