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This is a special page setup for locating lost Moore's not my line
Please reply to the address thats with the pictures, as I have no information on them.
There not my line that I know of (yet).

Do you have information on the following lost Moore's?

This is the picture of my G Grand Pa William Jordan Moore born
2/28/1846,Kemper County MS. This picture is taken of him in 1925 in Wilson, Ok.
Carter County. Nov. 25, 1866 Rusk County Tx. he married Susanna
Green -they moved to Ok. then to NM where she died in 1907 and is
buried there. He moved his family back to Ok. Love county where he
lived until he died in 1934.

William Jordan Moore born Feb. 28, 1846 and his wife Susanne Green
Moore married at Rusk county, Tx Nov. 25, 1866 and the girl is my
granny Eddie Sophronie Moore, boys, are Jessee, Andrew, and Eli,
it was taken about 1902 . They left Ok. and moved to NM around
Clovis and Susanna died in 1907 and is buried there. In 1910
William Jordan Moore moved his family back to Ok. to Love County
where he lived until he died in 1934.