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Chad's Story as told by Mom


Our son was born on a cold January day.   He held the title of Life Rank in the Boy Scouts, a member of Who's Who Among American High School Students for 4 years, a member of Tri-State Honor Band, a football letterman, a representative for People to People Youth Science Student Exchange to the former USSR in aerospace, a Junior Ambassador of Good Will for the Piedmont Chamber of Commerce, a representative of the National Youth Leadership Forum in Security and Defense, a member of the Academic Team, an active member of his church youth group, full tuition scholarship to New Mexico Military Institute, American Legion Award for scholastic excellence, member of the elite Centurion Silent Rifle Drill Team, commissioned by the Department of the Army as a Second Lieutenant.

But most of all he was our precious son.  We had prayed for you to come for four whole years. You were so very wanted and loved ever so dearly from the moment we knew you were in mommy's tummy. You were your daddy's little miracle. Daddy took a two week vacation (all he had at that time) as soon as you came home from the hospital. He took total care of you. He changed your diapers, brought you to me when you were hungry, sang "Old H. H. had a farm, e i e i o" to you as he rocked you. I don't think he put you down except to care for me during that whole 2 week period.

I called you my angel man before you left us - and now I can call you that still- you are and always will be my angel man.

Chad, I wrote this poem back in April - after you left us. I have never shared it with anyone - but I think I want to share it here.


The Lord is our Shepherd

 We are His own.

 He shields and protects us.

He hears when we groan.

Protects me and shields me 

But I don't understand 

How Chad could get lost 

When our God is so grand?

Lord, I know You are special. 

My faith tells me so.

But how could Chad die? 

Why didn't I know?

Christ is my banner 

My strength and my God. 

But why did He allow 

My son to the sod?

These questions I'll ask 

As long as I live. 

When heaven's my home 

The answers He'll give.

Our Beloved Chad - Mom's Angel Man- We will love you forever. Mom, Dad, Chris, Grandad, and all of your family!!!! <>< <>< <><

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Chad in the Beginning
Chad's Preschool Years
Chad's Grade School Years
Chad's High School & College Years
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