Thanks for taking a moment to find out more about me.  On this page you will find out about some of my interests, who my relatives are, and other things like that.

Obviously, I like creating artwork.  So much so, that I am trying to make a living from creating artwork.  It's not easy.  But enough about my goals as an artist, you came to this page to find out more about me personally.

Some of the other things I enjoy are reading (mainly Sci-Fi & Fantasy), computer games, creative writing, walks in the woods or at the park, collectable card games, and a very few TV shows such as Stargate SG-1.  I also love spending time playing with my daughter and she loves spending time with me too.

My wife Nancy & I have been married happily for more than 5 years now.  We have a daughter, Lianna who will soon be 3 years old.  We also have two cats, Vinnie (full name, Vincent Neo Rachel) and Morgan (full name, Morgan Josephine Rachel).  Other family members include our guppie Buttercup and our golden mystery snail Sam (or Samantha).

Favorite Books & Authors

Robert Jordan - Wheel Of Time series

J. K. Rawlings - Harry Potter series

Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series.

Robert R. McGammon - Swan Song, Stinger, The Night Boat, The Wolf's Hour...


Favorite Movies

Star Wars

Dark City

Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

The Princess Bride

The Matrix


...and many more!


Certificates & Awards

Here are some certificates & awards I've earned while schooling with the Art Instruction Schools.



Here's one of Lianna, there will be more to come later...




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