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Teens of Tortall
For Tamora Pierce fans, writers and dreamers


15th Jun - Hehehehe... I'm still here! (but for anyone who doesn't know... scroll down.. this site IS officially inactive, I'm just here anyway.) Basically, I'm just saying hi :) AND, more importantly, if you want to chat about TP or anything else, that'd be great! Come here and join with me and Lina and...well, it's mostly us, but ANYONE is welcome!

21st April 2003 - LOL, I know... Not again!! Anyway, a link. Anyone else read Louise Lawrence's Journey Through Llandor? Yahoo group just started up here!

12th April 2003 - An update??? Well, just a teensy one, in books, because someone kindly mailed me to tell me the title of a book I couldn't remember. Ah, much better, that was bugging me :) And actually, I sort of checked up on all the sections and made minor changes. But what's down there *points* pretty much still stands... don't expect more.

Some people have been wondering why there are no Circle options in Who's da Best and such - er, basically cos 1. not enough options and 2. this is primarily a Tortall-based site! Actually, the Polls are probably the best part of the site... certainly the most amusing... Read the comments!! There's PAGES and pages of them and they're funny :D

29th December 2002

Tough decision time, and you might know that I don't like desicions in general.

I haven't updated for months.

It looks like Teens of Tortall won't ever see it's 2nd birthday; not really anyway, although the place may still be sitting here, taking up space for angelfire ;) I've never 'closed' or discontinued a site before, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with this one. To be quite honest - and I realise this could offend a lot people, including me, and a year ago I NEVER thought I'd be saying this - I'm not anywhere near as obsessed with Tortall and everything as I used to be. It's been a long time since I was. For months I've been trying off and on to put something new and exciting here, but there isn't anything I want to do with it anymore. Maybe I'll go read SOTL again (they were always the best!!) and try to get back into it. Sorry, everyone... (anyone? I guess this won't be so bad if no one's here...) I feel really, really bad saying this, but I also feel really bad just not updating and NOT saying anything.

I loved this site to death at one point, updated the whole time, and Tortall was on my brain constantly. Seriously, it was the obsession that got me through the school day at one point; I'd pretend I was Kel and go all stoic when anyone was mean. I learnt so much, and it was through this that I got into writing in the first place, got into web 'design' and the internet (hehe, I shouldn't think my parents are too pleased about that...) If anyone actually cared about this place, believe me - I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. I remember being stunned and upset when Tara's placed closed - probably more than a year ago now.

Tamora Pierce books are a GREAT obsession, one I highly recommend to anyone!

But as for me... what I'm trying to say here is: I realise I'm no longer really updating. But I won't be closing this site. That is, it will remain on the internet and if anyone sends me in anything, I will gladly put it up. I just want to let people know that I don't really intend to do much in the way of updates necessarily myself anymore. Who knows, I might yet even add to my fanfic, but it's unlikely and I don't want to confuse anyone (like I haven't already...) Thank you to EVERYONE who's ever been here, especially people who submitted stuff, especially people who signed the guestbook or e-mailed in those early days when that absolutely made my week! And I'm not really disappearing, I'll be around if anyone wants to e-mail me for anything, and like I said; feel free to keep on sending me fanfic and everything, or continuing the story of your alter ego.

OK..... I've just written paragraphs and paragraphs on this... From the point of view of some people, it might be seen as a huge waste of space. But this has meant a whole lot to me, and I think any fellow obsessee - past, present or future - will know the effect and importance of Tortall... whether I stay around the internet community or not, something inspired me, and it will always be there :)


JestaAriadne ~

A cool TP message board

Which Tortall character are YOU? (Find out at!)

See front page for disclaimer...

One more note about this site: It was the first anywhere near serious website I ever made ever. I wrote (a tiny bit of) my first fanfic here. I wrestled with pure HTML and actually learnt it. This site was never as good as I thought it was in terms of looks. In terms of content...well, I used to update a LOT more even when no one ever visited. Now that I've got onto a slightly more impressive look of things, I don't want to mislead anyone... This is nowhere near a good representation of the TP fansites out there, but I really have to keep it going for sentimentality's sake. There some decent enough stuff, I guess, for you to enjoy, and there's always Alter Egos :)


This site part of Another Realm where there's a load of other stuff, some of it even updated! LOL, that's my "collective", I guess...