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William James Shanahan, Jr. SM3

My Uncle Bill died with his shipmates before I was born, but I grew up with this picture looking over me at my Grandparent’s home. I don’t know much about the circumstances of his death, but I do know that he was serving Mass at the time of the ‘dastardly attack’ (to borrow a phrase from FDR). Uncle Bill followed his Father’s footsteps in joining the Navy as Grandpa served in the Navy in World War I. Uncle Bill was the first casualty of World War II from our home town of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

This picture was obtained from the archives of the United States Naval Institute and shows our ship with the tripod mast configuration.

This picture shows some of our men taking a break and watching the swimmers. This picture was taken in 1940 – location unknown. Note the notch on the stern for the original gun mount which was dismantled during her last refit.

May she rest in peace.

February 27, 2003

My name is Tom Elias and I would like to learn more about my Uncle.
If any of my family members view this page. Please contact me.
If anyone else has any information please contact me by clicking on the mailbox below:

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