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Take a picture of yourself (or have a friend take it) doing something of interest to you.  For example, the photo may show you involved in a favorite sport, hobby, or pastime.  The shot should be relatively "close-up" and not include others.  No sunglasses or hats please.

Attach the photo (3 X 5 minimum) to a sheet of notebook paper and provide to the following information in paragraph form.

1. What does this picture say about you?  What are your interests?

2. What activity, hobby, or craft are you displaying in the photo?

3. How did you become involved in this activity?  Who taught you; how did you learn?

4. Is this activity local, regional, national, or international in nature?  How do you know?

5.   Is this activity practiced by people of all cultures or is  it generally associated with a specific culture?

6. What are the possible costs and benefits associated with such activity?

  This assignment is worth 10 points.

DUE DATE: _________________________________

Remember, late assignments are worth a MAXIMUM of 50% of total possible points. If you must be absent the day an assignment is due, send it with one of your classmates.

Proofread and correct for errors.  The public reasonably expects a high level of written expertise from teachers.  Spell checks and/or proofreaders should be used on all correspondence with parents.