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Assignment:  Interview 5 elementary students (grades 4 - 8) about the nature of their Social Studies Program.

Objective:  Given the opportunity to interview 5 elementary students regarding the nature of their Social Studies program, you shall be able to interpret their overall feeling for the subject, the manner in which it is taught, and gather suggestions for improving instruction in the Social Studies.  Minimum acceptable performance shall consist of 5 student interviews, a written record of each interview, and an overall summary of the information gathered.

For each child interviewed, turn in a neatly hand-written or typewritten paper with the child's response to the following questions.  The student's name should NOT appear on the paper.  Indicate only grade level and gender.

1.  How often do you do schoolwork in Social Studies?  (everyday,
     every-other day, once a week, ...).

2.  Is Social Studies one of your favorite subjects?  Why or why

3.  Do you think Social Studies is one of you teacher's favorite
     subjects?  Why or why not?

4.  What do you usually DO during Social Studies? (read, games,
     research reports, answer questions, see films).

5.  What is the best thing about Social Studies?  Why?

6.  What is the worst thing?  Why?

7.  If you were the Social Studies teacher, what would you do to  make it a better class?

8. If you could study and learn about anything you wanted during  Social Studies, what would it be?  Why is it important?

ASSIGNMENT DUE: __________

REMEMBER:  Turn in one response sheet for each student.  In addition, turn in one overall summary of your findings noting trends, similarities, and/or differences in student opinion.