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ELED 4343 - Social Studies in the Elementary Classroom

Objective: Given the opportunity to read about and discuss the development of social studies units, TSSBAT develop and organize a series of lessons focused on a central theme.  MAP shall consist of each student preparing a set of five to ten lessons following the OSDE lesson-plan format.  Further, each unit plan shall include a “Unit Overview” detailing overall unit objectives, teaching procedures, necessary materials and equipment, and evaluation strategies.


1.  Choose the grade level of your proposed unit.   Check the Oklahoma PASS Objectives for that particular grade level and become familiar with what students are supposed to know and be able to do in Social Studies.  (Hint: Think ahead to your intern-teaching semester.  Develop your unit for the grade level you will be requesting)

2.  Choose your topic.  After looking over the PASS Objectives, choose a topic.  Try to find something of particular interest to YOU.  Develop your unit over something you believe is truly important, interesting, and worthy of study.

3.  Begin your search for lesson plan ideas, support materials, interesting assignments, guest speaker and/or field trip possibilities.  See what you can find in the Curriculum Materials Lab (John Vaughn Library), and on the World Wide Web.  NOTE:  I am not asking that you “reinvent the wheel” when it comes to unit/lesson plan development.  If you find interesting, motivating, activity-based lessons already prepared; use them.  You must, however, put them in the OSDE lesson-plan format discussed in class.  Strive for variety in teaching and evaluation strategies.

4.  Complete and type the Unit Overview.   (See handout)

5.  Submit a minimum of 5 individual lesson plans and the unit overview.  Include with each lesson, the PASS Objective being addressed.  Lesson plans can be hand-written or typed.  Be sure and cite the source of your lesson plans if they are other than your own creation.

6.  Evaluation Strategy Used.  Be sure to include in your unit, your plan for assessing student learning.  How will you assess the students’ level of achievement?  Tests, assignments, quizzes, projects, .....  Include any tests, quizzes, or assignments you intend to use.

Due date:______________________________            This assignment is worth 30 points.