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Bathing in Lavender

 In Medieval and Renaissance Europe the washing women, known as "lavenders" (from the Latin word lavare, meaning “to wash”) washed in lavender infused waters and dried their laundry on lavender bushes.  

Louis XIV loved lavender and bathed in water scented with it. The Greeks and ancient Romans anointed themselves heavily with Spanish lavender and French Lavender tossed into their  public bathhouses both for the scent and to  provide muscle relaxation.    

As a bath additive for a calming, relaxing effect a lavender bath before bedtime is soothing and sleep inducing. To increase overall well being, lavender oil, in combination with grapeseed oil used in a bath may help . Mixed with oatmeal and rosemary it makes a soothing bath blend relaxing. 


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This is not a complete list. I have much more...from how to grow it to lots and lots of lavender recipes. Give me a couple of years and I will get it on here....or e-mail me at and I will be glad to give you more info.