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 Lavender for the Body

Queen Victoria used a lavender deodorant. Queens Elizabeth I and II of England  both used products such as perfume from the famous lavender company Yardley and Co. of London, which is still popular today.

Lavender is used in perfumes and other scented products such as  soaps,  antiseptic, bath salts, lotions, skin cleanser, toner, scented oils,  men's shaving creams and other cosmetics. Lavender bath splash is popular today, softening the skin . 

Trendy spa patrons rave about lavender helping to make it one of the top 10 aromatherapy oils.

Early Egyptians wrapped their dead in lavender-dipped shrouds. In ancient times lavender was used for mummification and perfume by the Egyptians, Phoenicians and peoples of Arabia. 

Bath/Relaxation    Food/Cooking    Medicine/Healing   Body and Cosmetics   Crafts   Brides  
Aphrodisiac   Around the house   Pests    Headaches    Pillows made from lavender    

This is not a complete list. I have much more...from how to grow it to lots and lots of lavender recipes. Give me a couple of years and I will get it on here....or e-mail me at and I will be glad to give you more info.