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Lavender Crafts

Bunches of simple lavender arrangements, pressed flowers, dried flower arrangements, potpourri and wreaths  add  color and fragrance - an old idea that seems to be catching on again.  English varieties are traditionally used because their higher oil content gave off a stronger fragrance. (Pick or strip the flowers just as they show color and then press or dry them in a cool, shady place).

They make a lovely addition for fresh bouquets. Pictures of things to make:

Bath/Relaxation    Food/Cooking    Medicine/Healing   Body and Cosmetics   Crafts   Brides  
Aphrodisiac   Around the house   Pests    Headaches    Pillows made from lavender    

This is not a complete list. I have much more...from how to grow it to lots and lots of lavender recipes. Give me a couple of years and I will get it on here....or e-mail me at and I will be glad to give you more info.