
The mockery MUSIC channel


Who could deny it? MTV is crap. Here's why

#1 The main problem : MTV stands for music television. Hang on, if that's true then HOW COME THEY NEVER PLAY ANY MUSIC? I mean, you get more music during the (numerous) advert breaks than during the music programs!

#2 The music : Having said that, when they do play "music", it's not music, it's crap! But then Madonna called her latest album Music, which is definitely not the term I would use to describe it... MTV defenders, please take note : I am not saying that mtv NEVER play any good music. It's true, if you're having a particularly lucky day you might just catch a good song. But the vast majority of songs are pop rubbish. So there.

#3 The brainless VJs : When MTV have found a "hit" they play the video up to 15 times a day (that's a fact)... by doing that they destroy all songs which were any good. As for the songs which were awful initially, they just become unbearable.

#4 Those stupid little jingles : You know, those little like adverts for MTV they play the whole time. Tell me, what is the point of an ad for MTV when you're watching MTV? Talk about brainwashing.

#5 Lack of GOOD music : When MTV does play music it is all rap and pop, WHERE IS THE GOOD STUFF??

#6 MTV Select : Possibly the most frustrating thing : watching people dedicate Backstreet Boy songs to their friends when they could be asking for System of a Down or Incubus. *sigh* what is the world coming to?

#7 The News : Honestly, who cares?

#8 The theme weekends : to name a few : the Michael Jackson Weekend, the Madonna Weekend, The 'So 80's' Weekend... and I thought the weekend was something you were supposed to look forward to. I must be mistaken.

#9 The adverts : They always show the same three adverts again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again ....