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Aug. 20 to 24, 2003


This was our biggest reunion yet with well over 150 attendees.  Some brought their wives and girlfriends and guest's.  Tuesday Aug. 19th some of the early birds showed up and got the Hospitality Room going.
Actually people were arriving every day.
Lt. Col. Ray Stewart conducted Oral History Interviews every day for the Marine Corps History Project.
On Thursday we all went to the Skyway VFW Post 9430 for "Hamburger Night".  There we held our annual "Auction" fund raiser.  Seems we did quite well.
On Friday we had a Business Meeting in the morning then in the afternoon we went to the Boeing Museum of flight.  While there President Bush paid a visit to Seattle.  He didn't come to see us, but we got to see Air Force One land and take off.
Saturday was a tour Seattle day.  Then our "Farewell Dinner".  Bob Peavey did an outstanding job with the "Fallen Heroes" presentation.  Lt. Gen. Martin Steel (USMC Ret.) was our guest speaker, and he was outstanding.  His talk had some of us ready to ship over.
Through out the reunion the Tankers of the 4th Tank Battalion had an M1A1 in the Hotel parking lot.  We spent a lot of time on, in and around this outstanding vehicle.  As the Marine Tankers spent some time in our Hospitality Room.  As stories were shared we learned a lot from these "New Breed Tankers" and they listened to our "Sea Stories".  Great Comrade was built.

The Hospitality Room was the general gathering place for all hands.

Hamburger Night at the VFW Post 9430 was a big success.  Our Auction went over quite good to,
 and a lot of money was raised.

The biggest hit of the reunion (other than renewing old friendships) was the M1A1.
Our thanks for this goes to Lt. Gen. Steel and the Marines of the 4th Tank Bn.
This 60 + ton tank is the Cadillac of all tanks.

There was an Association business meeting but the President had to leave early.
(Actually during our visit to the Boeing Museum of Flight, Air Force 1 landed and left Seattle.)

L to R.  Dale Reed, Wally Young, Danny Wadsworth.

L to R. Guy Wolfenberger, Greg Martin, Hank Brightwell, Terry Hunter.
"Tory" Cole & Fred Revero, both one time 1st Plt Leaders of Bravo Co.

L to R. Lloyd "Pappy" Reynolds, Fred Rivero, Jack Butcher, Harris "Alphie" Himes.

L to R. "Alphie", Mike Flick, Fred Rivero, "Tory" Cole. Front. "Pappy".

Look out "Pappy"'s in the drivers seat again.

Some (but not all) of the Bravo Company attendees.
Front, L to R. Jack Nolan, Danny Wadsworth, Wally Young, Tom Knobel, Jack Butcher, Larry Parshall, Mark "Andy" Anderson,
Back, L to R. Dale Reed, Bob Embesi, Fred Kellogg, Fred Revero, Lloyd "Pappy" Reynolds, Jerry Clark, Mike Flick, Harris "Alphie" Himes, Vincent Chavoya.  On tank Guy Wolfenberger, Jess Griffin, Tom "Sparrow" Moad.

Clock ways. Mike Bolenbaugh, ?, ?, ?, Mike Parshall, Jack Butcher, Susan Farrow.

Harris "Alphie" Himes

Fred Revero, ?, William "Tory" Cole.

Clockwise. ?, Don Gagnon, (Author) Oscar E. Gilbert, Doc. Gene Hackman, ?, Mrs. C.B. Doten, C.B. Doten.

USMCVTA President. Richard "Dick" Carey.

Guest Speaker and USMCVTA member.
Lt. Gen. Martin R. Steel, USMC (Ret.)