Mood: caffeinated
Topic: Your Right's
It's not the protester's don't know what they are talking about, as some networks tried to make it seem. It's not about a African American President, nor a big anti-Obama's a tax thing, a money thing, a wasted spending thing. It crosses political lines and parties, it comes into our lives and wallet's. Our government has over spent (and still is) for many years now. It's NOT just because Obama is in office, it's because the tea kettle has finally boiled over! People can only take so much come to a boil!
We have had stupid and outlandish spending now for a very long time. For instance, our military spending...way over spending. I used to date a guy, and he and others on the ship would joke that the part they needed, they could get from Radio-Shack for a few bucks, but instead had to order it through the government for hundred's of dollars. We are not as dumb as DC would like to think. They are called very over priced military contracts, in which those companies make nice campaign contributions and other palm greasing. Those companies don't give a big discount because they get the contract...oh to the contrary, they can charge outrageous prices for a piece of wire. Pig poop research also ranked among the more humorous ones I've heard, that was millions.
We can't afford to let big companies like AIG and GM fall? Why the heck not? No, your reason makes no sense. In the corporate world it happens all the time, always has, always will. For every big company that takes dive, another will pop up in it's assured. If you make horrible business decisions and your company tanks, then IT IS YOUR FAULT, NOT THE TAX PAYERS FAULT. So just HOW did these bail-outs help the common person? You now who I'm talking about, your neighbor who lost his home. Heck, your neighborhood that is now littered with foreclosure signs. NO, the mortgage bail-outs DID NOT TRICKLE DOWN. That is smoke and mirrors or politics as usual. Fair trade? Don't kid yourself. Other countries will only allow us to export a certain amount to their country, while they are allowed to export a whole lot more to us...a whole LOT more. I say fair trade should be just that, fair trade. If you want to export 100 cars to us, than you have to import 100 from us.....what a concept!
Here's the part where I end up like Jimmy Hoffa. One of the biggest reasons our jobs are going over seas and across the border? The Unions have priced themselves out of a job. NO, if you sweep the floor you do not deserve $20.00 bucks a hour, sorry. You can't very well whine and complain because there is someone else willing to do it for $10.00. BMW went to South Carolina for just that reason, no unions. It started out as a good idea, but like with many good intentions it paved the road to you know where. Yes, it's one big huge mess....but with some pulling back, cleaning up and the general public to stop being sheeps (the sheep will follow) it can be fixed, but DC is going to have to get real.