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Tea Party Americans
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Tea Party!
Mood:  energetic

Tea Party!

A SUPER HUGE THANK-YOU to FOX NEWS and GLENN BECK! for the best ever coverage of the the Tea Parties across America today! Other networks seem to think that when the American people stand up, that we are a threat or seen as right/left wing extremist's? The sheep have followed long enough and are pissed off at the Shepard's!

 The fat of our Government has to be cut, NOW! We are all loosing jobs, paying too much taxes and taxes for the wrong spending! Millions of dollars for things like pig poop research, cow sex...ya know...if you let them go in the pasture long enough...they'll have sex all by themselves, no need for spending!

 Your tax dollars are being wasted by the FAT of our Government's ludicrous spending of your tax dollars.  We have the power (just in case you forgot) to over throw, throw out and simply get rid of anyone in government that simply...suck at their job! You and I would be fired if we did not do a good enough job, so why are they getting paid to do a sucky job? Take your power back AMERICA!

 We The People.......A very powerful statement in itself. We the people have the power and Thank-God for networks such as FOX NEWS for getting the news out into the world. I can not fathom that other networks slammed Fox News for their coverage. I watched the coverage and flipped back and forth to see all the information coming in, to get a non biased opinion. I need to flip no more. FOX NEWS IS NEW FOR THE PEOPLE, OTHER NETWORKS...ARE NEWS FOR THE GOVEREMENT....plain and simple.WITH OUT GLENN BECK WE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD SUCH UN-BIASED, COMPLETE, COVERAGE! MR.BECK NEEDS A AWARD FOR THIS SHOW!


NO, I am in no way paid by or in any way support by any part of FOX NEWS. I am simply a single Mom and business owner who also is on the verge of loosing that business.....and I'm  sick and tired of our fat hogs in Washington. I have been saying for years...stand up, we are not sheep, we should not just follow......and now I think we are not just mad, but really waking up. We The People have been diligent, hardworking, followed the law, paid our taxes, and now have been dumped on our butts! Mad...ya think!

One other thing, when the people were in front of the White House protesting....why didn't the President come out? why didn't he come on TV and at least say..."I hear you"

Posted by at 8:20 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 23 April 2009 9:19 PM EDT
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