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Tea Party Americans
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Stop the whining!!!
Mood:  on fire

Oh for pete sake, PLEASE STOP THE WHINING!  Why is it that every person who say's "I was raised in the projects, poor, ate dirt, went to the Salvation Army for our clothes, struggled my whole life to get where I am today."  Um, so what?  What did you think our Founding Fathers had to do, to build this great country? A heck of a lot more than people do now!  Why is it that people who are mostly minorities think that they are the only ones to face struggles to get ahead? 


All of us who are alive today, had Great Grandparents, Grand Parents, Parents...who lived through the great depression and came through it without all the "woe is me" stories. Enough is enough! Your family choose to move here, you decided what to do with your future...and you did well, great, you want a pat on the back?  Now you think your story of struggle is new? Do you think our Founding Fathers went on and on with the "woe is me" thing? No, they had too much class, too much true nobility, and too much dignity.


Why is one of the first things mentioned when you or some one else is talking about you, does the sentence start with "I came from nothing"Is that a automatic "like me I'm good!" button? No it is not. Your nothing more special than anyone else, sorry to crush your cloud! 

Posted by at 11:04 AM EDT
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Sunday, 17 May 2009
The Take Over of America
Mood:  on fire
Topic: News

Ok, How many things does the Government have to over take before people start to wake up and smell the fire? How many right's do we have to lose before people begin to realize they have lost them? If you really can't see by now, you never will.

The Obama administration has taken charge of mortgage companies, banks, investment firms, a auto company and are on their way to over take health care, your health care. Now if that does not jolt you awake, they are also working on taking over your right to bear arms. Awake yet?  Ok, How about leaving our children and grandchildren with ruffly 20 trillion in debt? Still asleep? Don't take anyone's word for it, go study and do your own investigating, go ahead....take some time and read, listen and study what's really going on in this country.

Americans have become very complacent in the past years.  We want quick, easy fixes. Heck we expect our food ready by the time we drive from the speaker to the window. We want our dry cleaning and photo's in a hour. We expect high speed in everything and as long as we get it, were fine. Some things take a little more time and a lot more effort, like speaking out, like taking action, like taking control. That is what we need right now, for Americans to wake back up, find that revolutionary spirit, know that we have a fight on our hands that is going to take time, effort and most of all passion for our country.

We all know you have heard of the Tea Party Movement. These are "We The People", these are Americans fighting for America. You need to get up off your seat, rise to the call as our forefathers did, and fight for America...your America! Not since our founding Fathers, have we needed to come to the aid of our country. We are losing Lady Liberty, she is falling.......and it's our duty to make sure she stands proud and tall! We can not let one man and his constituents destroy what took hundreds of years to build.


So go ahead, really study what's going on. You need to, you need to be shocked and in fear of where we are headed. Then you need to come out on the 4th of July and fight to reclaim our independence on our nations Independence day!


Posted by at 1:23 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 May 2009 2:02 AM EDT
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Thursday, 7 May 2009
Who are they kidding?
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Your Right's
Term: Socialist- <snip>

In the economic calculation debate, classical liberal Friedrich Hayek argued that a socialist command economy could not adequately transmit information about prices and productive quotas due to the lack of a price mechanism, and as a result it could not make rational economic decisions. Ludwig von Mises argued that a socialist economy was not possible at all, because of the impossibility of rational pricing of capital goods in a socialist economy since the state is the only owner of the capital goods. Hayek further argued that the social control over distribution of wealth and private property advocated by socialists cannot be achieved without reduced prosperity for the general populace, and a loss of political and economic freedoms.[53][54]

Hayek's views were echoed by Winston Churchill in an electoral broadcast prior to the British general election of 1945:

 Socialism is inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and the object worship of the state. It will prescribe for every one where they are to work, what they are to work at, where they may go and what they may say. Socialism is an attack on the right to breathe freely. No socialist system can be established without a political police. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.[55]

<sniped from Wikipedia> 

 So does O'bonehead really think this works? Has socialism eve worked in socialist countries? The answer is obviously ..NO.  Mr. Obama seems to like to quote Winston Churchill but as Ol' Winston put it, it does not work. Look at the countries that are socialist? It's has never worked and never will.......yet this is where we are heading. This is becoming our new Government.

 People might not see it coming in a 'gang busters' sort of way. It's more like a trickle here and a trickle there, those little trickles add up to a tidal wave. Do you know how the wave will effect you? Do you want to see the rest of your Constitutional Right's slip away for good? Sound impossible? I'm sure it did to other people in socialist countries before it was instigated. Are you going to wait for that "ut-oh' moment,or don't you think you need to get up and do something now?

Sorry politicians, we  need SMALLER Government and less of the politicians, a LOT less. Yes, that means a lot of you will have to find regular jobs in the regular people's work place......bummer. Ask the politicians, "would you do the same job for less or no money? Would you do the job as a volunteer just because you are passionate about it? I would LOVE to see how many would quit as soon it was announced that it was a voluntary job only, it sure would weed a lot of people out!

Under this Government we have now, it's not working for the future of America as we know her. Lady Liberty's arm is straining under the loos of right's and freedoms.If you want to continue to be a sheep and just follow along, so be it.....but don't you dare complain about a thing! Because you don't have the right too, sorry, sitting in a chair and doind the good ol, rant and complain does nothing, ACTIONS WILL ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

There will be a RE-TEAPARTY going on in your area, please stay tuned for updates and information! This will be your change to get off your behind and let your voice be heard! The voice of many is a powerful thing. YOU still have your power, DON'T LET ANYONE TAKE YOUR POWER FROM YOU!


Posted by at 12:02 PM EDT
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Thursday, 30 April 2009
A New Level Of Anger!
Mood:  on fire
Topic: News
I don't now about you, but I have risen to a new level of anger. I mean to the point that I think Mr. Obama and I should go toe to toe....I'm just a single Mom...he shouldn't be afraid? I had a member of Congress  once tell me that he would rather face a army of men than one angry Mother!

Does Mr. Obama (no, I will not call him President because that title carries respect) think we are  American mushrooms and we can be kept in the dark and fed sh*t? Does he really think we are that stupid?

Mr. Obama~ If I can’t get a passport without my ORIGINAL birth certificate, how can you become President without one?

Mr. Obama~ Since you thought it was so necessary to bail out over sized companies  and your reason being….we had to because if they failed it would have a catastrophic effect on the economy. I do know historically, for every big company that falls, there are other smaller ones ready to take it’s place. If your that bad in business, you need to fall., not be bailed out.

Mr. Obama~ Speaking of being bailed out, please let me know once again how this has helped the average American, if you think it did….please call Wells Fargo for me. You remember them? One of the mortgage companies that got millions of bailout dollars, that won’t talk to me without trying to run me in circles (rudely I might add). One of bailed out companies who plays dumb at the suggestion that they are SUPPOSED to  be helping people?

Mr. Obama ~ Why are you flying your stupid plane over New York and then trying to say “you didn’t know?” I don’t know if someone who doesn’t know where his plane is, could know how his country is? Oh, the plane…..does it burn Green Fuel? I didn’t think so. The cost of one little run with your plane could sustain me for 10 years…and I have 2 kids.  While my small business is cringing and gasping for a breath, your spending my money terrorizing New Yorkers….nice.

Mr. Obama~ Now tell me again, who is going to pay off all this spending? You can not sit up there on that hill and tell me that YOU SIR are not set for life. Your retirement is very safe huh? Is mine?

Mr. Obama~  Who the heck is going to over see you? Tax paying citizens took to the streets in protest  (as is our right…at least for now) and YOU SIR poked fun at them? You’re a jerk for doing that! That was down right un-American. You didn’t even have the gall to come out and say “ok, I hear you”. You could have rolled up your selves and did that rare thing that politicians do …..LISTEN.

Yes Mr. Obama, I am calling you out. I have constitutional  rights that not only my Grandfather but also my Father fought for, can you say that? You sir work for me. NO, I didn’t vote for you, but I did give you the benefit of the doubt when you were elected, and like most Americans, held out hope. Now, I’m furious. You are doing everything for the betterment of your own agenda, and make yourself look good ….be Mr. Popular. No, I don’t care if your Black, White, Green, Yellow, Straight or Gay. I could care less. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Wake up and smell the White House coffee. Things like fair trade (remember that word? F-A-I-R ) Fair trade means fair trade. Is that concept really that hard? If a country is allowed to import 10,000 cars to the US, but we are only allowed to export 2,000 cars to their country,……excuse my math but that’s NOT fair trade. That happens with a lot of American companies, not just auto’s. Our companies go over seas…ummmm no. You can make it  harder for them to do so.

Like our border…oh geesh! Our border to Mexico is and has been a huge problem. It does not need to be. Let’s take a look at Mexico’s’ policy on letting Americans in? Could we go there, not pay taxes and be
eligible  for government benefits? Again, I’m thinking the answer would be no. We have a top notch military, and we can’t secure our border? That’s sad.

Your government is sad, lacking, and just plain screwing up. So, like the companies who made bad business decisions, are you expecting yourself to be bailed out?

Posted by at 6:57 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 April 2009 1:39 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Just in case You forgot
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Your Right's

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed-


That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Posted by at 1:09 PM EDT
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Monday, 27 April 2009
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: News

Come on now people.....really, there is no need for the mass panic about this swine flu. Aids is also a epidemic we can't cure. Bird flu set in panic, Y2K set in panic and all of it was just a blip on the screen.

I am calling this Swine Flu thing...Karma. Why? because according to the American Humane Society's top veterinarian this epidemic could have been prevented by not keeping pigs in such small pens that they can not even turn around! The way pigs and other animals are raised for food is so far removed from normal habitat it's unreal. With proper bedding and room to move, it cut's down 10 fold on disease. It goes back to Einsteins simple rule, for ever action there is a reaction.

So this is how we raise them, and this is what happens......and people have the nerve to be shocked and dismayed? Um, get a grip. People are going as far as to think that the world will be infected to the point of mass death's? Um no. BUT we do need to heed this as a wake up call to take a better look at raising HEALTH animals for food production and healthy humane farming habits!

Mother Nature is trying to tell you something.



Posted by at 10:48 PM EDT
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Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: News

Come on now people.....really, there is no need for the mass panic about this swine flu. Aids is also a epidemic we can't cure. Bird flu set in panic, Y2K set in panic and all of it was just a blip on the screen.

I am calling this Swine Flu thing...Karma. Why? because according to the American Humane Society's top veterinarian this epidemic could have been prevented by not keeping pigs in such small pens that they can not even turn around! The way pigs and other animals are raised for food is so far removed from normal habitat it's unreal. With proper bedding and room to move, it cut's down 10 fold on disease. It goes back to Einsteins simple rule, for ever action there is a reaction.

So this is how we raise them, and this is what happens......and people have the nerve to be shocked and dismayed? Um, get a grip. People are going as far as to think that the world will be infected to the point of mass death's? Um no. BUT we do need to heed this as a wake up call to take a better look at raising HEALTH animals for food production and healthy humane farming habits!

Mother Nature is trying to tell you something.



Posted by at 10:48 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26 April 2009
Swine Panic?
Mood:  sharp
Topic: News

Ok, Ok, Ok, the lovely press and Government once again can send panic through the US. This tie the panic is called "Swine Flu". It has has other names in the past, Y2K scare, the Bird Flue scare, the Sars scare, they all end the same.....panic for no real concrete reason.  Everyone flew into a flat panic, stocked up on food, water, generators, guns & ammo and went into commando mood.

I don't know if people love the drama or they just need something else to focus on because their lives got boring and might need a little...excitement. I don't know what it is in human nature that pulls people to need a little extra drama in their lives? 

The whole Swine flu thing, I mean come on people, more people die from HIV and other infectious diseases we have no cure from each year. No one has become hospitalized yet, they only had normal flu like symptoms so far. NOW IF people start to get worse and people are dying from it, THEN you should become 'jittery".

 For now of course YOU SHOULD  take precaution just as you do during flu season. If you know people who are sick or have the the bird flu....OF COURSE YOU SHOULD SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE PERSON, AND TAKE NORMAL PRECAUTIONS. 

Panic will get you no where, only unnessary stress. Be clam, be diligent, but not paniced.....there are bigger fish to fry.

Posted by at 3:49 PM EDT
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Friday, 24 April 2009
We The People
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Your Right's
We The People of a not so free country, now declare our Independence. We shall no longer trod behind you like sheep, but instead rise up and exercise our right to disagree with our Government and question our leaders.

We The People have not forgotten that we have the right to throw you out of the office we voted you in. We The People know that you have misused your power, your position and any trust we had in you. You can be knocked off that pedestal you think your on, and others put in your place. If the others that are put in your place do the same........let it be known that the same swift action will befall them too. {note; They can apply for unemployment and cobra}.

We The People don't believe everything you tell us, contrary to your belief, we have our own minds and they do work. We The People are sick and tired of trying to budget our households and save money while our Government waste's it all in way's that make us sick.

We The People are not going to keep letting you pick our pockets clean to make up for your mistakes. You screwed up, you pay for it. We reserve the right to take back our country and vote out party lines and what ever we wish to vote out. We still have these right's, no matter how many times you choose to amend our Constitution.

We The People love our firearms, and have the right to use them to defend ourselves, with out the repercussion of a law suit for harming the person who tried to kill us. We The People have freedom of religion. This seems to tick off most people, but we are founded on it. It should not matter if you worship a pencil, it's no one's place to judge....not your job. {note} There is a big section about judging others in that big book with a cross on it, please re-read}

We The People might not always see eye to eye, we will have differences of opinion.....that's the beauty of freedom. White, Black, Yellow, Green, Blue, straight, gay, by, it or not we are all "We The People" {note: if you have a problem with this, please refer again to that Judgment section of the big book with the cross} This our beloved Country, made up of all different people should defend our boarders against illegal entry that leads to illegal acquirement of government programs meant for legal taxpayers. We can't come into your country illegally, so it works both ways.

We The People should have the right not to be held captive by foreign oil or anything else foreign. We feel we have the brain power within our country to figure this out, just give us a shot at it. This includes being held in terror by the thought that our jobs will move out of OUR country. We The People have had enough of that. Speaking of terror..........We The People think that if you strike us on our land and kill hundreds of innocent people, that your country should quickly become a parking lot with one strike, enough said. We The People want you to remember, that there are more of us citizens...........than there is places in our government for you. You are simply out numbered.

Posted by at 7:27 AM EDT
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Come On!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Your Right's

Come on now....people WAKE THE HELL UP!  It's NOT a black thing, a Democraitc thing, it's a freaking TAX & MONEY thing.  I know first hand, yes I do! As a small business owner, single Mom and just about every voting demographic I happen to fall under....all but two by the way, I know I have had my taxes JUMP and as a matter a fact I have never ever received one those nifty rebate checks or stimulous  checks, ever!  I have listend to both sides, yes I have. I always do, I think you can't make a informed opinion without all the fact's and hearing both sides of the story. Well, Obama is making some really bad choices. Your only good as the people around you, and he does not have the support of people with a brain, or the experienc...but then again, he picked them?

 I have yet to ever witness such as uprising as we have now. People always have seemed to be sheep (that's what I call them) because they bitch about everything but do nothing, they just keep following. I think the sheep are mad now, ok some of them.....a lot of them, anyway perhaps it's time that people found their voice again. it's only been a a couple hundrend years

I'm sure you watch the news and can read for yourself. Compare the statements for yourself. Mr. Obama came in like a gang buster, and was going to set himself apart from the rest but instead just fell in line with the gang. This time however things are a bit different. You don't make nice with countires that have either gave threat to us, or we don't have any peace agreements with, or countires that just plain old non-commendable. You don't shake the man's hand that stabbed you in the back, not in America. You don't put down America either in any way shape of form if your the one in charge...image people, image.

You dan't have to be of 150 IQ to see what is going on. Would these choices he is making float in your own household? If you were doing a simple budet, would you go deeper and deeper in debt? You can't rob Peter to pay Paul, it has never worked and never will. In the long run, it's only gong to add to the ever mounting debt we have and you keep seeing your right's slip away.

I got a news flash for both sides. We all have freedom of speach, freedom of religion and the freedoms that this country was based on. Nope it has nothing to do with religion. We have Christains, Jews, Muslim, Pagan's, etc etc etc, it does not make anyone less American. The country was to be church and state are seperate. There is no one on this Earth that has the right to judge another based on religion, race, or ethnic background. It's not your place or job to judge, and if you do? Well it must be hell living in those glass houses.

Posted by at 5:15 AM EDT
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