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What's New

I am in the middle of a huge update. Wonderland photos have been updated. Stay tuned for a lot more very soon.

The Photo Gallery is starting to take shape. Check it out!

Stay Tuned DUBAILAND the US$ 5 Billion theme park is coming to Dubai. 

My new site will cover all the construction details of the park:-

Or direct at


If you wish to jump straight to the roller coasters please click here. (Coming soon) (Alright I haven't done it yet, Coming sometime)

Hi Here is my site dedicated to theme parks in the UAE. Please take a look around and let me know what U think.

This is my first attempt at a website so any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am also trying to identify the rides on this site. If you can help please email me. I am going to start a links page so If you have a site about theme parks or coasters let me have the link.




DSF 2003 is here!. Several traveling fairgrounds are in the city. Check back for Photos Soon.

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