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A rash of U.S. News Articles, as on CNN News, are continuously showing Israel as the enemy! They are doing wickedness* in the sight of Yah. We say again and again they worship a pagan "God- Lord" which is their master, Zeus (their God) and Iesus (their savior). Billion worship Eagle Goddess Ashtaroth, a-star-of-Roth (Ashtar = “A Star” = Easter). “Roth” is a syn. for “Cain”. Millions also eat her chocolate Ashtar “fertility bunnies”, and have Ashtar (Easter) “egg hunts” every year. Now you know why many German families in U.S. hang many “colored eggs” on trees in their yards at Easter! (Arabs in Jerusalem also have highly ‘decorated eggs’ in their shop windows for sale to the tourists) This use of the “Sacred Egg of Isis” is shown again and again in Egypt and on back to ancient Ur. It is too late to write a book on the ancient history of the “Easter Egg”, but you should see the obvious.

FAMOUS EAGLE SON (Isis) ROYAL EGGS OF GERMAN ROMANOVS (Note the Ruling Purple on the center Egg and Royal Eagle Family on the Right)
Emphasis on German Romanovs by evil demons and their exotic attention given to “eggs” was due to Tsar Alexis Romanov (New Deified 666 Son of Rome). The Double Headed Eagle God that holds the world and ruling scepter and holds up his favorite “golden egg” and its family is obvious. Today, the Annual (Easter) “Egg Hunt” at the White House (Temple) in Washington, D.C. is also extremely evil: it symbolizes the ‘hunt’ to find that ‘one Isis egg’ of the Eagle (virgin) woman to bring forth Satan’s last Osiris-Iesus Pharaoh Eagle Son of Cain-Esau, to rule the world. THE SEARCH IS OVER!

* Note: Read (Matt. 24:38-39) Yahshua said that they (wicked seed) would not realize what Yahovah is going to do to them until it was too late, then sudden destruction kills them all, as in days of Noah.

"Then saw I a dream, and Behold me. THERE CAME UP FROM THE SEA AN ‘EAGLE’, WHICH HAD (12) TWELVE FEATHERED WINGS, AND (3) THREE HEADS (see the German ‘Triple Crown’ Eagle today), "And I saw and behold, [The Great Eagle Woman Goddess of Satan: illustrated on the front page as this Great Eagle Goddess is over her brood of evil Eagle son warriors]

SHE SPREAD HER WINGS OVER ALL THE EARTH AND ALL THE WINDS OF THE AIR BLEW ON HER, (Satan’s woman, the Prince of the Power of the Air’s ‘Nike’ Victoria the Fertility Eagle ‘Sex’ Goddess: this is Victoria’s ancient Secret) AND WERE GATHERED TOGETHER." "And I beheld, [All Eagle Son Ruling Seeds of Cain come from fertilized eggs of Eagle Women] (Sacred Egg of Isis, of the woman, is a major ancient sign to Masonic worshipers of Satan and son)


Note: The ‘Arch de Triumph’ Statue in France, has rebel Eagle Son warriors dressed in different battle stages throughout history, all positioned under huge Eagle wings of a giant Nike-Victoria Great Eagle War Goddess. This statue in World War II was one of Hitler’s favorites *. As the Eagle -Lion covenant in the British Museum reveals, those elite who become involved with Satan, and make a binding covenant with him, actually think they are ‘undefeatable ’ as his chosen sons. * Hitler thus considered himself also a “Son of Isis” of Egypt, and even sent a special task force to Egypt to steal the bust and artifacts of Queen Nefatari of Egypt (Aryan Hittite-German wife of Pharaoh Osiris-Iesus Rhameses II) before declaring World War II. Why? He wanted his ancient “Mother Godde ss” of the Germans near. He was fighting for all of her seed and the “perpetuation of their race.” These thousands of War Goddess statues in the world are evil.

See also U.S. Lady ‘Nike Eagle Goddess’ on top of D.C. Capitol on lot 666. She represents Eve-Isis, Victoria-Ashtaroth: women who give birth to Satan’s sons (of Cain), which grow up to be rebels against Yahovah and Yahshua. Why? They are not of Yahovah or Yahshua. (This last Son of Isis [Gore]is under this same covenant today! He too shall be greatly defeated, and brought to ruin).

Whore with her Eagle Sons Whore with her U.S. Eagle God
"Moreover, I beheld, and, lo, THE EAGLE FLEW WITH HER FEATHERS," (Esdras II). (Note: Cover of Napoleon on a book has the title: “In Flight with the Eagle” back on page 22) Eagle Son “feather bearers ” rule the earth with “the prince of power of air” (Ephesians 2:2) To substantiate this segment of prophecy, precisely 12 ancient Hittite/ Mesopotamian men are walking in a line wearing Eagle beak shoes and all carry one ‘Eagle feather’ each: shown in 2,300 B.C.+ ancient Hittite stone sculpture. These are “servants” of the Ur Eagle God (who is Satan, their father) and “servants” of their Great Eagle Goddess (who is Eve-Isis-Nike, their “Sacred Mother”of Victory).

History shows Eve-Isis (First Lady Goddess) in paintings and bas-reliefs flying over the heads of her (wicked) seeds of Cain and also worshipped. The ‘Goats’ are shown worshipping their Eagle God and Eagle Goddess and Eagle Son. Without Yah now calling ‘some’ to repent, they are all destined to perish. Why? Their God is ‘the God of the Dead’ and not our Yah of the living. (Luke 20:38). (It is extremely sad remaining World War II Veterans today have no idea what they really fought for)

Examine Seals and covenants of Ur, Mesopotamia, Chaldea and Hittites. They are full of goats, lions, and have their Great Eagle God or Eagle Goddess over them. These are the ‘goats’ of (Matthew 25). (Where are descendants today of these millions of people? Where did their seed migrate to in world?) Millions of United States coins have Isis Eagle Goddess on them, since the beginning of this country.

Today’s Great Lady Whore Lady and Great Eagle God
(Three Arrows of Covenant) (Read Isayah 47*)
* “Let down your locks, make bare the leg and thigh, your nakedness shall now be revealed.” (Look very close at Miss Liberty on this United States Coin, which has been used again and again) Masons started numerous “Osiris-Jesus ” Christ Churches in U.S. German-Roman Catholics are no different than the German Mormons, German Lutherans, German Baptists, German Methodists, and other basic German founded religions which came direct from their ancient “Double Headed Eagle God” (Teutonic Gott) Royal European and England Dynasties, which have consumed the world.

They are still working hard to convert even more to Zeus (God), Juno-Nike (Isis), and “Iesus” (Baal Eagle son over the land). Their TV Ministries are even making ridiculous movies about the false 666 Christ, as Megiddo, and their false Rapture doctrine to scare people into conversion. Christians in U.S. contribute 54 billion per year to convert and produce more of this garbage: giving nothing to Yah!

Do not be taken in as Messianic Jews to participate in worship services with them; their Iesus ! What can you do? Unless Yah’s Spirit directs them to you to deliver His truth, or you are led to them, “do not cast your pearls before swine”: and, do not try to feed the dogs. THEY IGNORE YAHOVAH’S WARNINGS OF HIS TERRIBLE WRATH TO COME UPON ALL OF THEM! What few realize is that German Catholics, Iesus Christians, German Ruling Dynasties and Bavarian Masons are all under the same ancient “covenant with death” mentioned in (Isayah Chapter 28).MO< “AND REIGNED UPON EARTH, AND OVER THEM THAT DWELT THEREIN. AND I SAW THAT ALL THINGS UNDER HEAVEN WERE SUBJECT UNTO HER," (Ref. Esdras II). (Satan’s Great Eagle woman: Eve-Nike-Victoria Eagle Goddess the world is now under today)*.

* See the world wearing her Nike shoes, hats, socks, Nike shirts and pants, and Nike sports equipment. Nike is also a Seal (a mark) of the Catholic Church’s Great Eagle Goddess now over a billion people. How is this possible? Goats love their world and being under their Nike-Victoria Eagle Goddess. Nike Swoosh is a replica “symbol-mark” of the Eagle Mark (sign) over Cain. (Genesis 4:15) The Nike Swoosh (symbol of Eagle diving down and then swooping back up) is a major evil sign for today.

Millions worldwide heavily involved in sports have no intention of giving up their world and rewards of the flesh. Think about it: some of these stars get down on their knees to Jesus and God and pray before and after games. Think about it: this is not Yahovah and Yahshua they are praying to today! They care less about these Greek/Zeus games and the twirling Osiris (Phallic) “Batons”. Yahshua said: “Flesh profits nothing”. Apostle Shaul said: “even exercise of the flesh profits little.” Then why are TV stations full of programs advertising “exercise of the flesh”, exercising equipment, taking care of the flesh, and a major U.S. multi-billion dollar industry making women more “sexy” in their flesh?

Hittite Fertility Woman “Isis as the Lioness” Great Eagle Goddess
(“These Boots are made for walkin’ all over you”: played at Waco, Texas)
This intentional slaughter of innocent was done for their “Eagle Goddess of War” (1500 B.C. Aryan Hittite and Ur-Chaldean “Ashtaroth Eagle Goddesses”)
She has been put on the fronts of boats, on the hoods of vehicles, and introducing Columbia movies. This is behind the promoted Victoria’s Secret with almost nude women on TV. CNN reported that 75% of major TV shows today have something to do with explicit sex. Inter-Net is full of porno sex. Egypt-Hittite and Ur-Chaldean “sex idols” are origin of “Barbie Dolls” today. Dolly Parton, and millions of Hittite women are living “Barbie Dolls”. Charlie’s Angels means “Chaldean Angels”. They also have teeth as lions. (Rev. 9:8). Bay Watch (for“Lust” viewers) is full of sex objects, to arouse millions of men. Bob Hope, in World War II, brought out a sexy young woman on stage in front of many troops, and said: “This is so you will not forget what you are fighting for!” (Truth)

* Note: “All Asia and the world worships the Great (Eagle) Goddess Diana." (Acts 19:24,27-36) Diana is also simply another name for Eve-Isis-Nike-Victoria-Venus, the Eagle Goddess Mother of Cain. Some of her other names are: Nefatari, Ashtaroth, Madonna, Minerva, Cleopatra, Alexandria, and Juno, 735 B.C. wife of Zeus, who sits today in the harbor of N.Y. known as “THE LADY” and “MISS LIBERTY”. Read Yah’s severe Judgement upon this U.S. “Lady Whore” in Isayah 47 and also in Revelation under “Babylon Whore”. Christians attending John Hagee Ministries, Ken Copeland Ministries and many others, love the U.S.

After Yah set the sign (Mark) of the Eagle on Cain, Cain made "IT" his God of this world. Yah’s Eagle sign ‘SWOOPING’ down over Cain’s head and then ascending rapidly, is also the ‘NIKE SYMBOL’ and true meaning behind this world famous LOGO. Cain’s seed love it. Worship of Cain’s Eagle and Eagle Goddess continued after the flood into Ur (Mesopotamia), Chaldea (Babylon), and especially in ancient Nineveh, the Hittites (Canaanites), Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, and the Greeks into Rome, and spreading its wings all over Europe and now she is glorified maximus everywhere in the U.S.

"AND NO MAN ‘SPAKE AGAINST HER’, NO, NOT ONE CREATURE UPON EARTH." (Ref. Esdras II) (To speak out against this "Great Eagle Harlot" in Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Assyria, and Greece or Rome, usually meant death, severe beatings, or prison. See the trouble Shaul got into because of the Eagle Goddess Diana worshipped in Ephesus). “Seeing then that these things cannot be ‘spoken against’, you ought to ‘be quiet’ and to do nothing rashly.” (Ref. Acts 19:36). Have you tried today to talk against the worshipped U.S. Eagle God or Madonna “Eagle” Goddess? (They want more and more time to study, and have more and more excuses to reject Yahovah’s truth)

If you want the same reaction from Catholics, tell them the vulgar Madonna (on MTV) is who they worship, and she is an image of Eve-Isis and Diana, who is “Juno-Nike-Victoria”. Can you imagine trying to stop Catholics from buying their ‘images’ of Jesus and Diana made of plaster, plastic, stone, wood, brass, gold, and silver? This is big business as it was in Paul’s day. See in the yards and on dashboards! The world still worships Satan’s Eagle Goddess, his Eve Harlot, and Eagle Son Cain. (Jennifer Lopez, Super Sex Star, came from “Hell’s Kitchen”, in N.Y. Does this tell you something?) Catholics do not want to know or discuss ancient history of their Nike-Victoria Eagle Woman Harlot. Christians want to argue, debate, and resist truths of Iesus and Diana, as in Shaul’s day. Why? They are not in the Book of Life. Greek-Roman statues show their Goddess with the Eagle and an Eve-Isis “egg”. Ancient City of ‘Eph’-esus’ (long before Yahshua) was named after Iesus , a son of Zeus!

The vast majority of Gentiles, seeds of Cain-Esau and Jacob/Israelites look at The Great Eagle as only a majestic bird and as the U.S. symbol and image of world power, world order, world peace, and pride. Again read all of the prophet Obadyah’s warning and prophecy against Edom (Esau) and all who exalt themselves as the Eagle (Satan himself, and his many sons and daughters). Woe unto all of them!

"I beheld, and, lo, THE EAGLE ROSE UPON HER TALONS*, AND SPAKE TO HER FEATHERS (her sons), SAYING, WATCH NOT, BUT LET ‘THE HEADS’ (elite sons) BE PRESERVED FOR THE LAST*." (Ref. Esdras II) Note: * Eagles are attacking birds of prey.

(The mother Eagle harlot spoke to her Cain Eagle sons she brought forth in birth to rule in the world). Masonic E-W ‘DOUBLE HEADED’ Eagle Beast today is traced back to the first Dynasty of Ur and Egypt! Many Eagle Son Rulers have come and gone from the body of this Eagle, but ‘TWO HEADS’ (East-West) have remained to this day. Satan has great power, authority, and control over “those that are his” in his worldly kingdom: Satan is their “Master Architect” and they are the Master’s builders. Their Bavarian Double-Headed Eagle represents the ancient God (Gott) and Goddess they now serve.

*Note: Mason’s sacred Philosopher's Stone Crystal contains their E-W Double Headed Eagle rising out of a sacrificial fire (referring to Moshe burning their Eagle in Exodus 8:26). He who wears the "Royal Imperial Crown" of this risen Eagle is the Eagle -Man-God-Tsar over both East (Russia) and the West (U.S.) today. Masons crowned their Eagle Son Gore [9/18/93] unknown to majority. (It was done through symbols, rituals, and occult Egyptian-Babylonian codes, and performed in Washington, D.C. at the real 666 Temple of Zeus)

Since 1993, the rapid countdown of events for Gore’s 100% power and the end have gone unnoticed. You can obtain the full 9/18/1993 Public TV C-Span coverage of the Washington, D.C. “Capitol Hill” (Zeus) Temple dedication and “sacred ceremonies” of this actual 666 “Masonic Cornerstone ” by 50 Master Masons from all 50 states. They all bowed the knee down to “Baal” (the son of Zeus) in this occult ceremony for “Gore”.

Important Note: I can only tell you what I know: not what I do not know (as all names of Eagle Son Kings in ESDRAS II). I do not know the 69 Kings under the Nike Eagle Goddess following “deified Eagle Son Augustus Caesar” after 14 A.D. These were not revealed by Yah’s Spirit at this time, nor is it relevant that all kings in 6,000 years under the “Chaldean purple” of Cain’s seed and all those kings in Esdras II be known in detail.

Why? Only those that want to remain deceived, will not see the significant truth; impact of the Eagle God and Eagle Goddess in history and what is revealed in Esdras II, Daniel, prophecy, and Scripture. The Great Eagle God and his Crowned Royal Eagle Sons (Kings) and Crowned Daughters (Queens) hold the world in one hand and a golden ruling Eagle Scepter in the other. See today’s Great Eagle Queen of England pictured on her throne, and the earlier ruling Great Eagle Queens of Russia.

(War, after war, after war, after war) (Berlin Bear II Rib of Daniel)
If you know the last 600 years of history, you should know the (4) Great German “Eagle Headed” Dynasties that ruled over all of England, Europe and Russia. They wore Royal Crowns, and grasp the world globe, or hold a world ruling Eagle Scepter, or the “conquering sword” in (Rev. 6:2). (Jews for centuries were put under this German Eagle by Yahovah because they rebelled against Him)

Hitler thought he was the last German Eagle Son Messiah from the Great Eagle Goddess: confirmed by Speer! Kings of England were consecrated under the Eagle, and U.S. Presidents/ Vice Presidents are sworn in under it (Gott). What is revealed in Esdras II is Yah’s Judgment upon the Eagle (Satan) and all Eagle Son Rulers. Kings of the earth hide. Rev. 6:15-16-17. Yahshua smites their nations; Rev. 19:15 even gives them blood to drink! Rev. 16:5-6-7. Eagles eat the flesh of these Kings! Rev. 19:18-19. Spirits of devils go forth unto these Kings of the earth and of the whole world. Rev. 16:14. Nations (under these Eagle Rulers) were angry…Yah’s wrath has come! He shall destroy them which destroy the earth! Rev.11:18. (This makes historical sense) It does not make sense to teach the deceived 6,000 years of history and all names of these world rulers. We are out of time.

It is one thing that a billion Catholics in the world and even the Russian Orthodox Greeks are under her, but what about most world Jews and the Messianic Jews? Are they also under this great whore and ancient woman (Eagle goddess)? Remember the song: “Hey Jude” (you have found her, now go out and get her) by the Beetles? This is Satan saying to Jews, that you are now under this whore especially in the U.S., now go and get in bed with her! (The number of Jews in New Babylon in New York City under “This Lady” is staggering). Will they come out of her, as Yah pleads with them?

A simple test today of Yahovah’s Spirit being in someone: those that reject (do not believe) the Eagle God is Satan and son’s symbol as the “Lord of this World” and refuse to repent, nor believe they are under this ancient Eagle Goddess in U.S., then Satan is their “father”, and is their “God”. (Wodan-Odin God of the Germanicans, of which Wednesday is named, is still their Great Eagle Gott). Christians who keep Cain’s Great Eagle God and Eagle Goddess mounted on their walls and on their desks and in their churches and on houses, are under a curse from Yahovah and Yahshua. Most Jews, Messianic Jews, and Christians, will find out this great mystery and truth too late!


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