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Leon Lhermitte 1892

Anti Christ means "Instead of Christ"
or "In place of Christ"
(Greek, anti = "instead of" or "in place of")
Picture Perfect Jesus: The Fabulous Fraud
Written and compiled by Norbert H. Kox

Leon Lhermitte painted "Friend of the Humble" in 1892. Warner Sallman was born in 1892.

Leon Lhermitte's painting appeared in Lady's Home Journal, in 1921. Sallman cut out the head of Christ from the reproduction and framed it for his mother.

In 1924, when he painted "Son of Man," precurssor to "Head of Christ," was it from an apparition, or from the head he had cropped from Lhermitte's picture?

Compare the lay of the hair, the back-lighting on the hair, the high-lighting of the forehead, eyebrow, and cheekbone, the shape of the beard, shadows on the neck, and the folds in the robe. Can there be any doubt where Sallman got his "vision"? Was Warner Sallman a visionary, or a thief and a liar?

"All the World Wondered after the Beast" (Rev.13:3). Satan has duped the people of the world into mistranslating and distorting the Word of God, to create a false gospel, a false image of the Saviour, and a false name: the mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:18). The Devil said "I will be like the Most High." He is the imitation God, and the "idol shepherd".

If You are worshiping and cherishing this image you have been Worshiping a false image of Christ!

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Leviticus 26:1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.

The Shroud of Turin / Ostara

Seduction of the masses
Picture Perfect Jesus:
The Fabulous Fraud
Written and compiled by
Norbert H. Kox

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