Jeremiah 1/ THE SIX MARYS

The Six Marys
This Is Appendix 100 From The Companion Bible.

   The name "Mary", when used of the Lord's mother, is always in Greek Mariam = the Hebrew Miriam, as in Exodus 15:20.

   The other five are usually "Maria".

  1. Mary the mother of our Lord (Matthew 1:16, etc.). The context never leaves room for any doubt as to her indentity.

  2. Mary the mother of James the less and Joses (Matthhew 27:56. Mark 15:40; 16:1. Luke 24:10). She is called "the other Mary" (Matthew 27:61; 28:1), and the wife of Cleopas (John 19:25).

  3. Mary the sister of Martha, who anointed the Lord's feet (John 12:3), see Appendix 156 and 158. She is mentioned by name only in Luke 10:39, 42 and John 11:1, 2, 19, 20, 28, 31, 32, 45; and 12:3.

  4. Mary Magdalene, of Magdala (Matthew 15:39). She is always to be indentified by this designation (Matthew 27:56. Mark 16:1, 9. Luke 8:2. John 20:18, etc.); there is no authority whatever for identifying her with the unnamed woman of Luke 7:37-50.

  5. Mary the mother of John Mark (Acts 12:12).

  6. Mary, one of Paul's helpers (Romans 16:6).



Jeremiah 1