[PART V f]
[Cont. from Ve]
for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, has been effectively taken over by
the PALESTINIAN LIBERATION ORGANIZATION (PLO) in that country and is actively
involved in guerrilla causes...
"A major PLO propaganda production and distribution operation is based
in UNWRA headquarters in Beirut, and Palestinian guerrilla employees of
UNWRA routinely pass along to the FATAH organization [of the P.L.O.] reports
of Israeli troop movements gathered by United Nations truce observers stationed
along the borders. Millions of dollars in UNWRA funds, originally CONTRIBUTED
BY THE UNITED STATES FOR REFUGEE RELIEF, are diverted to pay for the international
agency's activities in support of the PLO." - MICHAEL SCHIFF ("Soldier
of Fortune") [105]
"It seems that a P.L.O. official named Ahmad Jada was assigned to investigator
Schiff (who spent eleven days posing as a PRO-P.L.O. journalist) and readily
admitted to being a 'full-time employee of the United Nations' while simultaneously
in Beirut, Lebanon. Jada's department and one other, located in the basement
of a building in the U.N. compound, handled the production of P.L.O. propaganda
and its distribution throughout the world.
"When Comrade Jada asked Schiff what pictures he needed to supplement his
supposedly pro-P.L.O. story, Schiff replied, 'anything that you have that
can be good propaganda shots that will make the world stand up,' Jada declared,
'Oh we have quite a few of those,' boasting that U.N. PHOTOGRAPHERS 'do
all our photography for us.' Jada and a colleague also admitted, according
to Schiff, that 'the ONLY funds they have coming in are the funds ALLOCATED
BY THE UNITED STATES to the United Nations Works Relief Agency.' Indeed:
"He [Schiff] said he later asked Jada 'if the money is being used for this,
what money is being used for the refugees?'
"And he said the funds are allocated for the refugees, but they (the Palestinians
working in UNWRA headquarters) have complete control over the funds in
that building, to do with as they see fit. Jada told Schiff that they consider
"My CONGRATULATIONS on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the October
(the birth of Communism)."
- DAVID ROCKEFELLER (Message to the Kremlin bosses) 11/77
"...among the priorities of American education announced by newly appointed
U.S. Commissioner of Education, Ernest J. Boyer, is GLOBAL education...He
immediately set up a U.S.O.E. Task Force on Global Education." - "THE SOCIAL
Two Sioux Falls kindergarten classes rehearse, memorize, and perform a
Christmas program, entitled "THE BEGINNERS CHRISTMAS QUIZ" for their parents:
TEACHER: "Of whom did heav'nly angels sing, And news about His birthday
CLASS: "Jesus"
TEACHER: "Now, can you name the little town where they the Baby Jesus found?"
CLASS: "Bethlehem"
TEACHER: "Where had they made a little bed for Christ, the blessed Savior's
CLASS: "In a manger in a cattle stall."
TEACHER: "What is the day we celebrate as birthday of this One so great?"
"Imagine with me that black-bag professionals - working for a secret government
agency - bug your home to eavesdrop day and night into every phone conversation,
e-mail and fax coming from or to your home and business. Then imagine finding
out that the warrant authorizing these bugs came from a SECRET COURT that
does not need reasonable cause to issue a wiretap, its UNELECTED JUDGES
meeting in a secret courtroom (a "star chamber") with NO ACCESS for OR
your attorney. And if you are charged with a crime, you are not allowed
information about your accusers.You are not even allowed to know which
judge issued the surveillance order. Sound like Stalinist Russia, Honecker's
East Germany or Hoxha's Albania? No, this real-life scenario is the United
States, circa 1998.
"In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the 'Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act' (FISA), which permits the secret bugging and wiretaps
of individuals suspected of being agents of a hostile foreign government
or international terrorist organization, even when the target of the surveillance
is NOT SUSPECTED OF ANY CRIME. There is not a requirement for probable
cause for FISA judges, who are chosen from the federal district court bench
by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, to issue a wide-sweeping surveillance
authorization against a citizen of the United States...
"There are a number of frightening aspects to the whole FISA process. Primary
among them is that the FISA COURT can authorize surveillance against US
citizens in order to CIRCUMVENT the FOURTH AMENDMENT requirements that
protect citizens from unreasonable searches. The Bill of Rights was adopted
and incorporated into our country's Constitution to protect against this
very procedure.
"Secondly. Congress has allowed this super-secret court that is SEALED
UP FROM PUBLIC VIEW on the 6th Floor at the Department of Justice Building
to go without any review since its creation...Such a massive weapon against
citizen's civil liberties needs regular comprehensive congressional oversight.
"Thirdly, in over 10,000 requests for surveillance...NOT A SINGLE REQUEST
HAS BEEN TURNED DOWN. Not one. Nada. Zero. Zilch. The FISA court remains
a court of last resort for federal agencies that have failed to meet the
Constitutional requirements of other federal courts and are eager
to build a case against a suspect WITHOUT ANY SUBSTANTIATING EVIDENCE.
"Using the pretense of 'NATIONAL SECURITY' to infringe on explicit Constitutional
rights portends a frightening future for us all...With the mammoth growth
of governmental powers, many Americans would be surprised to soon find
that we are not sliding down the Big Brother slope, we may be at the BOTTOM
of the hill." - PATRICK S. POOLE [108]
"In its many-pincered attack against national sovereignty, the U.N. has
designated certain tracts of land around the world as World Heritage Sites.
So far there are twenty of these sites in the United States. In 1972, the
U.S. State Department signed the WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION, which was declared
law in 1975 by President Gerald Ford. The treaty established 'an effective
for cultural and natural sites of outstanding universal significance.'
All of the 146 nations that signed on to the treaty agreed that it is the
duty of the international community to protect World Heritage Sites.
"The World Heritage Committee was formed to implement the treaty under
the direction of UNESCO, the United Nations Environmental, Scientific and
Cultural Organization...In 1978, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK was designated
as the nation's first World Heritage Site. Since then, the U.N. has made
its influence known inside and outside the park." - "THE WINDS" 9/26/97
[NOTE: *Right.
"Protection" - MOB-style! - OL]
"What the world lives by at the moment just will not do...Countries like
ours are full of people who have all the MATERIAL comforts they desire,
yet lead lives of quiet (and at times noisy) desperation, understanding
nothing but the fact that there is a HOLE inside them and that however
much food and drink they pour into it, however many motorcars and television
sets they stuff it with, however many well-balanced children and loyal
friends they parade around the edges of it...it ACHES..." - "FESTIVAL FOR
We've all heard of "SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING" but I bet y'all never heard
of "SNAPPING" before. Neither did I. It seems that "snapping" is "the way
in which intense experience may affect fundamental information-processing
capacities of the brain...The experience itself may...render the individual
extremely vulnerable to suggestion. It may lead to changes that
ALTER lifelong habits, values, and beliefs...TV stills the mind through
REPETITION...in the...assault of MOMENTARY images upon vision...Television
may also be a potent neutralizing force of human thought and feeling. Its
incessant transmissions of information physically trains an individual
to hear and observe WITHOUT STOPPING TO THINK...Advertisers have long known
that this rapid-fire kaleidescope of consumption may make
television viewers more
vulnerable to their suggestions." - FLO CONWAY & JIM SIEGELMAN [109]
"One will notice in the coming years a great increase in the number of
images. Researcher
Bill Strittmatter explains the psychological principle involved in terms
of the body's involuntary reaction to 'high-lighted moments or events'
(i.e., a gunshot). Man's survival instinct causes him to immediately absorb
critical sounds and images which are not common in daily living. If, therefore,
TV ads fill THIRTY SECOND or ONE-MINUTE periods with quickly changing images
which one does not ordinarily experience in daily life, then the body is
in a constant ABSORBTION mode rather than engaging in thoughtful
analysis." - DENNIS L. CUDDY, Ph.D. [110]
[NOTE: *This
is the REAL reason (not the high cost of TV time) for so many commercials
between show segments today. Note also how illogical and inane they have
become. This style of "advertising" neither requires, nor encourages thinking
on the part of the viewing audience! - OL]
David Spangler, who is on the Board of Directors of Planetary Citizens,
has written many New Age books. In one of them, he states: "LUCIFER comes
to give us the final...Luciferic initiation...that many people now and
in the days ahead, will be facing for it is an initiation into the New
Age" - DAVID SPANGLER [111] But, he goes even farther. Spangler
"NO ONE will enter the New
World Order unless
he or she will make a pledge
No one will enter the New
Age unless he will take a
"Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away (Rapture of the Believers) first, and that Man
of Sin (the ANTI-CHRIST) be revealed, the Son of Perdition (SATAN); Who
opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped; so that he AS GOD sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself
that HE is God." - II THESSALONIANS 2:3,4 (KJV)
[NOTE: *Make
no mistake about it: the so-called "New Age" religion goes all the way
back to the Garden of Eden. It is LUCIFERIAN (SATANIC). And if you think
we aren't ready for it, consider this quotation from back in the late 50s:
"We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man
who is great enough to be able to KEEP ALL THE PEOPLE IN SUBJECTION TO
HIMSELF (what a perfect description of the Anti-Christ!) and to
lift us out of the economic bog (created by the Luciferian- worshipping-Illuminati)
into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil.
We will ACCEPT him." - GENERAL PAUL HENRY SPOCK (WWII) How much more ready
do you reckon the world leaders and their people are TODAY to accept Lucifer
and the Anti-Christ? Let's face it: They already HAVE! And when we go along
with them - where does that leave US? Think about it! - OL]
"The HUMANIST MOVEMENT is...an absolute NECESSITY for our times. If it
did not exist, we would have to INVENT it."*
- PREFACE (to ASCD Report) 1978
[NOTE: *No
problem. Satan already invented it! - OL]
"One sees the fruits of this (Humanist) Movement is such worldwide developments
as...the establishment of the WORLD COURT, the UNITED NATIONS, UNESCO,...SOCIALIZED
MEDICINE...In the United States the movement has found expression in the
past 50 years in...EQUAL RIGHTS LEGISLATION, and most recently, in WOMEN'S
LIBERATION...New goals for education must be holistic... Prime objectives
must be the...production of self-propelled, autonomous...citizens...Truly
effective education must be HUMANISTICALLY-oriented toward student self-concepts...Greater
efficiency in the teaching of subject matter is NOT our most pressing
need." - INTRODUCTION (to ASCD Report) 1978
"Many educators committed to the GOAL of HUMANIZING education have been
fearful that the accountability and 'Back to Basics' movements
could turn back the advances in Humanistic education that have been made
in the past decade." - ELIZABETH RANDOLPH (President - Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development [ASCD] )
"[Humanistic Education] facilitates self-actualization...(and) recognizes
the primacy of feelings... Subjects are taught WHEN A CHILD IS READY rather
than at a given age or grade...Students will demonstrate a willingness
to act upon freely chosen options...in a given situation (situation
ethics)... Teachers help students understand the educational and social
aspects of human SEXUALITY...Children and youth are trusted to make 'good'
decisions in areas where they have experience or knowledge or, if they
make faulty ones, are allowed to FOLLOW THROUGH...Evaluation...includes
more than academic achievement." - MORREL CLUTE [112]
"...The main objectives of the disinformation which is coming from
Brezhnev and his Soviet policymakers are:
(a) To reconfirm for US policymakers the essence of the larger Communist
disinformation theme that the Communist Bloc DOES NOT
EXIST and that Communist ideology is DEAD;
(b) To conceal the existing secret coordination between the Communist states
and Communist Parties in the NON-Communist world in the implementation
of their long-range strategy in its final phase'...
"...Over the past fifteen years this analyst, in oral and written reports
to the CIA and other Western services, has described various aspects of
the Communist Bloc's long-range strategy, the new political role of the
KGB and the role of disinformation...The West and its scholars underestimate
the gravity of the COMMUNIST THREAT which is more serious than after
the Second World War when the United States had a nuclear near-monopoly...
"A special committee or group of qualified and reliable people should be
set up by the US Government to study this problem...A confidential project
along these lines was in preparation at this analyst's suggestion under
the late French President Pompidou. President Pompidou was a scholar who
had read Lenin's and Mao's works and Sun Tzu's treatise on 'THE ART OF
WAR' which dealt with disinformation and its patterns. When President Pompidou
died, the project was cancelled. But the point is, If the FRENCH could
recognise the challenge, why cannot the AMERICANS? No other Western
government has the capability to make such an assessment..." - ANATOLIY
"If education is to meet the current and future needs of our society, HUMANISTIC
OBJECTIVES and Humanisth thought must operate at the very heart
of every school and classroom in the nation." - ARTHUR COMBS [114]
"Five-hundred political sycophants and super-numeraries, representing a
thousand regional government organizations and related associations, converged
on the Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. January 29th through February
2nd to attend a White House Conference on Balanced Growth and Economic
Development, and to set the course America is to follow as we enter our
third century. Focus of attention was (communist) John D. Rockefeller IV,
Governor of West Virginia, principal financial sponsor, and Chairman of
the White House Conference; President Jimmy Carter, member of the international
Trilateral Commission, and lesser luminaries from federal agencies and
state governments. The White House Conference was the debut of 'Jay' Rockefeller
as public spokesman for the king-making dynastic trio: Nelson-David-John
Rockefeller...Chairman of Chase- Manhatten Bank, DAVID ROCKEFELLER CONTROLS
"During Theme IV workshop, South Dakota, 'Streamlining Government,' shared
by Governor Richard Kneip, techniques and procedures were raised on how
to make Councils of government legal by electing administrators
to these substate REGIONAL units of government. Appointing elected
officials from subordinate governmental units, i.e.: county commissioners,
mayors, etc. to positions of limited authority in COG was proposed, a system
WELL ADVANCED in some areas. The prevailing view, however, was that Councils
of Government should be independent of public opinion so that regional
administrators could speak for the region with no responsibility or control
by either citizen or local government." - COMMITTEE TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION
"A singular divergent view, perhaps reflecting a state of growing alarm
by elected officials who attended the Conference, was voiced by the Honorable
Frederick B. Dent (former Secretary of Commerce, President, Mayfair Mills,
Arcadia, SC), Chairman, South Carolina Delegation to the White House Conference:
'It seems apparent...that the nearly universal theme being expressed by
the delegates from all regions is A GREAT DISSATISFACTION with the role
the Federal government is playing in our lives. Businessmen, labor
leaders, elected officials all are telling Washington, 'Get off our
States...asserted their view that the fundamental responsibility for growth
rests with the free market sector and does not include responsibility on
the part of the federal government to fashion a national growth policy.
But, expression of this view has not been encouraged by either the staff
or structure of the Conference. The Bureaucratic Interventionist theme
has been evident to me even from the opening audio/visual presentation.
The staff would apparently see a greater, rather than a reduced,
federal role. I think the divergence between what the people's representatives
say they WANT, and what the bureaucrats think they OUGHT to have, is tragic.
The future growth and development of this Nation, and the happiness of
the American people, is too critical to be left in the hands of a SELECT
FEW'." - CTRTC [116]
"Disenchantment with the Federal REGIONAL concept is evident at every level
of the American society. An increasing number of Americans correctly view
regionalism as a world government concept imposed upon the people WITHOUT
THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT...Key to corrective action, bringing the federal
government under citizen control, is the half-forgotten fact that the Federal
Government is a creature of the States, which created it by the first three
articles of the Constitution. The reason that the States and the people
are burdened by unconstitutional acts of federal agents is that the STATE,
as principal under the Constitutional contract, has failed to challenge
UNLAWFUL ACTIONS by its agencts (the federal government).
"The state legislature (the law-making body) is required under terms of
the constitutional contract, to investigate any action which it deems to
be in violation of the CONSTITUTION. If the State finds that its
federal Agent has exceeded the delegated and LIMITED powers enumerated
in the Constitution, the State, as Principal, must declare such acts ultra
vires and void; must enact corrective statutes which will enforce provisions
of the Constitution within the State, and must provide criminal sanctions
for persons found guilty of violating the State law..." - CTRTC [117]
"Our schools are taking on the aura of a psychiatric clinic, without taxpayer
consent...The school child is immersed in a psychological environment in
which he is cajoled, invited, seduced, even bludgeoned into seeking counseling...Almost
all the (School Psychology) personnel are actually LAYMEN. The entire
practice of school psychology may be seen as an intrusion of bureaucracy
into the family structure. Further school counseling may not be
LEGAL. In most states, school personnel may not practice psychotherapy
on children.
"By labeling it as 'counseling' instead of 'psychotherapy,' they
may have invented a semantic subterfuge to CIRCUMVENT the law...There is
no real evidence that the anxieties, neuroses, or eventual psychosis rate
of children is in any way reduced by school intervention. There is the
equal possibility that the effort is actually a neurotic stimulus. With
our taxes, we are helping poorly trained specialists to tamper with the
psyches of an already overpsychologized generation." - MARTIN GROSS [118]
"Basically, suggestology is just another word for hypnosis...Actually,
there is nothing deceptive or surreptitious in calling hypnosis suggestology
or even relaxation because both of these words are descriptively accurate...The
instructional system, called suggestopedia, is a unique combination of
suggestion-relaxation...In a well-controlled study at Kent State University.
Krippner used techniques in a summer REMEDIAL READING program. (In some
instances, the process was called relaxation or suggestion instead of hypnosis.)
"During the sessions, HYPNOSIS was employed to decrease tension while reading,
to increase motivation and interest, and to increase attention span and
concentration. It was also used to facilitate revisualization and reaudition
of graphic symbols..." - ALTON HARRIS, JR. & DIANN MUSIAL [119]
"I died in Vietnam, but I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT." - PAUL REUTERSHAN (Victim
of "Agent Orange") [120]
Maude De Victor continued her interviews with the Vietnam veterans and
their wives, contacting Bill Kurtis, a local television news correspondent.
Skeptical at first, his interest grew when he examined her findings:
"In March 1978, WBBM, a CBS affiliate in Chicago aired an hour-long documentary
entitled 'Agent Orange, the Deadly Fog.' In the following weeks De Victor
received hundreds of calls from veterans who were sick or dying from symptoms
remarkably similar to those of laboratory animals exposed to TCDD-dioxin.
"By 1978, articles about Agent Orange were appearing in local and national
publications, and officials at the VA decided it was time to begin mapping
a strategy for dealing with the veterans' complaints. First, the VA held
a series of meetings from which VETERANS, INDEPENDENT SCIENTISTS, and members
of the public were excluded. Meeting behind closed doors with representatives
of the chemical industry, the VA established its 'NO Health Effects' position
on Agent Orange, thus commencing what the National Veterans Law Center
(NVLC) calls 'a two-year history of closed and secretive decision-making'."
"In his attempts to justify the VA's policy on Agent Orange, [Max] Cleland
(Secretary of Veteran's Affairs) often referred to his agency's 'Agent
Orange Program Guide,' a seven-paragraph, one-page 'No Health Effects'
document that set down the official line for DENYING all disability claims.
The 'guide's' brevity, however, was not the only reason why veterans and
their supporters rejected it as a scam sheet and hype...the VA had drafted
the document 'in secret and without the participation of other government
officials knowledgeable about the scientific evidence.'
"Before long the VA faced yet another lawsuit, this time on behalf of veterans
who might have been, or would be, affected by the program guide - perhaps
several hundred thousand. The VA then astonished legal observers by declaring
that VETERANS HAVE 'NO STANDING' (legal position or right) to 'challenge
the agency's refusal to conduct rulemaking.' Lawyers representing the veterans
noted that the VA made 'the rather incredible argument that Vietnam veterans
had not been SUFFICIENTLY INJURED by the rule to challenge the fact
that public rulemaking was not conducted before the rule was adopted and
"The agency took the extraordinary position that it had the DISCRETION,
unlike any other federal agency,*
to decide whether it [would] COMPLY with its own regulations at
38 C.F.R. SI.12 which require the agency to conduct rulemaking...Confronting
this lawless position compelled the obvious remark that such a view leads
to a government of men, not law." - NATIONAL VETERANS LAW CENTER [122]
[NOTE: *Actually,
the VA is correct. They DO have this discretion: Thanks to Franklin Roosevelt,
the Department of Veterans' Affairs (or Veterans Administration) is a SOVEREIGN
entity not controlled by our Constitution, and therefore answerable to
neither our Representatives nor our citizens!! See "Joshua Report" #26a,
page 12, paragraph 3 for an explanation.
While reading the following Veterans Administration (VA) Internal Memo,
bear in mind the chemical being discussed so casually here is DIOXIN, "THE
Matthew Meselson of Harvard, a dioxin expert. Also keep in mind that they
were very democratic in the use of this spray: they sprayed our forests,
rivers, and private lands at the same time they were spraying our men and
women in Vietnam - although the spray used in Vietnam was 10,000 times
stronger than the spray used in America! But even the level they used here
was far more toxic than the VA's claims. - OL]
1."During the Vietnam War, herbicidal war chemicals were utilized for defoliation
of vegetation...
2..."A large number of studies performed on man and several animal species
have demonstrated that the four herbicides ('Agents' Orange, White, Blue,
and Purple) have a LOW level of TOXICITY, both individually and when mixed.
Furthermore they appear to be RAPIDLY absorbed and COMPLETELY excreted
in both the human and the animal.
3."Humans exposed repeatedly to these agents may experience TEMPORARY and
FULLY REVERSIBLE neurological symptoms; however, the only chronic condition
definitely associated with such exposure in humans is chloracne. Comprehensive
animal studies...have demonstrated that very massive doses of these agents
produce fatty degeneration of solid organs, gastrointestinal disturbances
and thymic atrophy, all of which were REVERSIBLE after withdrawal of the
4."These studies have failed to confirm the suggestion in the Vietnamese
medical literature that liver cancer, frequent abortions, and fetal birth
defects occur among those exposed to the defoliants. In addition, no confirmation
has been obtained for the experimental studies of one scientist who found
that hepatic and pancreatic cancers followed prolonged exposure to one
of the chemicals." - VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION (VA) INTERNAL MEMO 5/18/78
5."In contrast to the apparent low toxicity of the four defoliants, evidence
has been adduced that a contaminant called DIOXIN found in some of the
storage drums has a SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL TOXICITY. Although its concentration
of dioxin was variable in different drums, it was always found in MINUTE
quantities (this is an outright lie!). Experimental evidence from animal
studies indicates that this chemical is eliminated from the body fairly
rapidly and that it produces its toxic effects rather promptly. All available
data suggests that it is NOT RETAINED in tissues for prolonged periods
of time. Accordingly, the recent suggestion by some observers that dioxin
might still be detected in the fat tissues (I thought he just said "ALL"
data? This data doesn't seem to agree!) of Vietnam veterans exposed to
it appears to be implausible.
6."Despite the generally negative results of human and animal studies
of the toxicity potential of the Vietnam defoliants, a great deal of concern
has been engendered among veterans and their families by MEDIA presentations
on these agents. The VA is responding to these concerns by working collaboratively
with appropriate experts (i.e., spin doctors) from the federal and private
sectors in order to more adequately define the potential human toxicity
of the defoliants for humans...
7."Meanwhile, we request that all VA staff who are called upon to deal
with veterans who are concerned about toxic effects from a possible exposure
to the defoliants ADHERE to the following protocol (in other words, do
it or else!):
A."Every veteran who alleges defoliant exposure must receive prompt, courteous,
compassionate consideration.
B."If the veteran has no objective symptoms or signs, simple reassurance
should be offered. The veteran should be told that a record of the medical
examination will be kept for future reference, but that if the veteran
does not now have symptoms and did not previously experience any, the likelihood
of herbicide poisoning is
virtually zero.
C."If the veteran presents with symptoms and signs which are not clearly
explicable in terms of definable disease, a detailed history should be
recorded on the VA form 10-10m, including such details the veteran may
remember (one of the symptoms of Agent Orange exposure is loss of memory
- OL) concerning his exposure to defoliant agents. This information can
be checked against military data, if indicated." - VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION
(VA) INTERNAL MEMO 5/18/78 [124]
D."In view of the remaining uncertainties on the long-term effects of the
defoliants, All VA personnel should avoid premature committment
to any DIAGNOSIS of DEFOLIANT POISONING. Similarly, entries in medical
records should not contain statements about the relationship between
a veteran's illnesses and DEFOLIANT EXPOSURE unless unequivocal confirmation
of such a connection has been established. Accordingly, veterans in whom
defoliant poisoning is suspected should be admitted to a VA hospital for
appropriate work-up.
E."If there is evidence suggestive of defoliant agent poisoning, pertinent
data must be forwarded to the ADCMD for operations (n), VACO.
F."No veterans other than those referred by DVE should be called
in for the express purpose of having them EXAMINED FOR POSSIBLE DEFOLIANT
G."All VA forms 10-10m indicating that the veteran or the physician
material concern about the possibility of defoliant poisoning, should be
preserved (placed on the back burner!) until further notification." - VETERAN'S
H."A 3x5 locator card should be developed by MAS so that VA forms 10-10m
can be swiftly retrieved if the need develops. MAS staff have received
instructions on how to develop these cards (I'll BET they have!).
Significant administrative problems may be reported to VACO MAS (136D).
I."If a patient who already is hospitalized intimates that he or she may
have been exposed to defoliants, a statement to this effect should be entered
in the medical record. If there are symptoms or signs which cannot be explained
in terms of well-known medical entities, these should be appropriately
J."Many agricultural and horticultural agents contain the same herbicidal
chemicals as were incorporated in the Vietnam defoliants. Whenever there
is suspicion of chemical poisoning, therefore, inquiry should be directed
to OTHER SOURCES OF INTOXICATION as well as the allegations concerning
the Vietnam episodes. There also are many industrial sources of chemical
intoxication whose manifestations are similar to the syndromes ascribed
to the defoliants. A careful occupational history therefore is necessary.
K."Staff of field HCF's who may be called upon to make public statements
concerning the defoliants SHOULD NOT DO SO before reviewing their proposed
expositions with the ADCMC for Professional Services, whose staff will
provide the needed technical guidance (spin!).
8."We trust that the foregoing guidance will be sufficient. If new information
indicates a change of policy, additional directives will be issued. Should
any problem arise which is not covered by this policy statement additional
clarification may be sought by calling VACO Medical Service (Dr. Gerrit
Schepers, ext. 389-2550). Any FREEDOM OF INFORMATION requests should be
MEMO 5/18/78 [126]
Is there a link between AGENT ORANGE and the GULF WAR SYNDROME? Was the
sickening of our veterans done purposely, and if so, WHY? The following
was sent to me by Nick Begich, the son of Rep. Begich (who was killed -
along with House Majority Leader T. Hale Boggs in a plane crash in Alaska)
and author of 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP.' (from all of us - thank you,
Old Friend!). Although this begins in the 70s, it continues on through
the 90s. I am going to make an exception with this article, and jump ahead
a little, because the following is something you NEED to know and I don't
want to take a chance on it getting lost (or blacked-out):
"In the late 1970s Soviet military analysts, led by Marshall N.V. Ogarkov,
began to write of an emerging REVOLUTION in the nature of warfare. [127]
By the early 1990s, this idea had spread to the United States, leading
strategic thinkers inside and outside the government to conclude that ongoing
innovation represents a true turning point in history. [128]
If this is true, the strategic implications are far-reaching. Revolutionary
changes in the character of warfare, 'have profound consequences for global
and regional military balances.' Andrew F. Krepinevich says. [129]
But while it is clear that dramatic change is underway, its ultimate repercussions
remain hidden.
"In its purest sense, revolution brings change that is PERMANENT, FUNDAMENTAL,
and RAPID. The basic premise of the revolution in military affairs (RMA)
is simple: throughout history, warfare usually developed in an evolutionary
fashion, but occasionally ideas and inventions combined to propel DRAMATIC
AND DECISIVE CHANGE. This not only affected the application of military
force, but often altered the geopolitical balance in favor of those who
mastered the new form of warfare...In a time of shrinking defense
budgets, emerging technology may allow the United States to maintain or
even enhance its global military power [130]
"...It is ironic that just as MARXISM reached final bankruptcy as a framework
for political and economic organization, one of its BASIC NOTIONS gained
new life. Karl Marx, after all, postulated that revolution can be deliberate
rather than inadvertent; historical change can be created, engineered,
and harnessed by those who understand it...The United States now faces...a
crucial choice. We can choose to drive the current RMA further and faster
than any of its predecessors...But conflict short of war - whether terrorism,
narcotrafficking, peace enforcement or insurgency - is different. Even
if the RMA does prove applicable to these problems, there are good reasons
for deliberately LIMITING it. As the United States faces this dilemma,
strategic considerations rather than our fascination with technology and
enthusiasm for change must be paramount."
[Cont. in Vg]
105] "How U.S. Tax Dollars Pay
For PLO Terrorism" - "Soldier of Fortune" Magazine Winter 1977
106] 'The United Nations
Conspiracy' by Robert W. Lee - Western Islands 1981
107] "Global Education Top
Priority: Commissioner Seeks Advice" - "The Social Studies
Professional" 11/77
108] "End America's Secret
Court" by Patrick S. Poole - [pspoole@hiwaay.net]
109] 'Snapping: America's
Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change' by Flo Conway and Jim
Siegelman 1978
110] 'America 2000/Goals
2000 - Moving the Nation Educationally to a "New World Order" ' -
Citizens for Academic Excellence 3/94
111] 'Reflections on the
Christ' by David Spangler - Findhorn Scotland 1978; as quoted in
'Unicorn in the Sanctuary' by Randy England - Trinity Communications.
112] "Humanistic Education:
Objectives and Assessment" by Morrel Clute - Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) 1978
113] 'The Perestroika Deception:
The world's slide towards The 'Second October Revolution'
['Weltoktober'] by Anatoliy Golitsyn - Edward Harle 7/90
114] "Humanism, Education,
and the Future" by Arthur Combs - "Educational Leadership" 1/78
115] "Regionalism - The
Unveiling" by the Committee to Restore the Constitution
[comminc@fortnet.org] 3/16/96
116] id.
117] id.
118] 'The Psychological
Society' by Martin Gross 2/78
119] 'Other Ways, Other
Means: Altered Awareness Activities for Receptive Learning, Practical
Teaching Strategies for the Use of Relaxation, Imagery, Dreams, Suggestology-Hypnosis,
Meditation' by Alton Harrison, Jr. and Diann Musial - Goodyear Publishing
Company 2/78
120] Statement made during
an interview on the "Today" television show. exact date unknown.
121] "Statement of the National
Veterans Law Center before the Subcommittee on Medical
Facilities and Benefits of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs," U.S. House
of Representatives
7/22/80 - "The Congressional Record"; as cited in 'Waiting For An Army
To Die' by Fred
A.Wilcox - Random House 1983
122] id.
123] Reprinted in 'Waiting
For An Army To Die' by Fred A. Wilcox - Random House 1983
124] id.
125] id.
126] id.
127] "Another View of the
Revolution in Military Affairs" a paper by Jeffrey R. Cooper presented
at the Fifth Annual Conference on Strategy - U.S. Army War College (Carlisle
Barracks, PA)
128] See, for example, reports
of the roundtables on the revolution in military affairs held for the
Army, Air Force, and Navy by Science Applications International Corporation
of McLean,
VA, and Michael J. Mazarr, et. al., "The Military Revolution" - Final Report
of a CSIS Study,
Washington, D.C. - CSIS 3/93 Another important early work was "The Military-Technical
Revolution: A Preliminary Assessment" a report by Andrew F. Krepinevich,
Jr. - Office of
the Secretary Defense/Net Assessment (OSD/NA) 7/92
129] "The Coming Revolution
in the Nature of Conflict: An American Perspective" by Andrew F.
Krepinevich, Jr. in "The US Air Force Roundtable on the Revolution in Military
Affairs" - a
report prepared by Science Applications International Corporation 1/94
130] "Is There a Military-Technical
Revolution in America's Future?" by Dan Goure` -
"Washington Quarterly," Vol. 16, No. 4 Autumn 1993