Vol I     THE JOSHUA REPORT  No. #29 [e]

[Continued from 29d]

 "The CLUB OF ROME is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the
Committee of 300 - the other being the BILDERBERGERS. It was put together in 1968...on
the basis of a telephone call made by the late AURELLIO PECCEI for a new and urgent
drive to SPEED UP the plans of the one-world government - now called the 'New World
Order'...Peccei's call was answered by the most subversive 'FUTURE PLANNERS'...that
could be mustered. During the period 1968-1972, The Club of Rome became a cohesive
entity of 'New-Science' scientists, GLOBALISTS, FUTURE PLANNERS and
INTERNATIONALISTS of every stripe...Peccei's book 'HUMAN QUALITY' formed the basis
of the doctrine adopted by NATO's political wing. The following is extracted from Dr.
Peccei's book: 'For the first time  since the first millennium was approached in
Christendom, large masses of people are really in suspense about the IMPENDING
ADVENT of something UNKNOWN which could CHANGE their COLLECTIVE FATE
entirely...Since man has opened PANDORA'S BOX  of new technologies,  he has
suffered...ENERGY CRISES,  actual  or  potential  RESOURCE SCARCITIES,
DEGRADATION OF ENVIRONMENT, NUCLEAR FOLLY and a host of related afflictions'."

 "...By 1900 only 4 in 10 American workers were still on farms. A few decades
earlier it had been 8 in 10...Americans ceased to be SELF-RELIANT...They became
EMPLOYEES and CONSUMERS...The value of the individual was reduced: 'People
SURRENDERED CONTROL over their own lives, accepted a smaller role for themselves as
COGS in the vast and complicated economic machinery, in exchange for mere material
goods.' The meaning of being an employee was suggested in 1968: 'Most adult
Americans...are NOTHING MORE than employees. For the most part they are precariously
situated; nearly all of them MENIALS...the position of the LANDOWNERS is occupied by
the financiers, industrialists, and big renters and that of the PEASANTS by the low-paid
employees (all subject to dismissal for one reason or another)'. The grandfather's
warning to SAVE FOR THE FUTURE and AVOID DEBTS was soon REPLACED by smart
young consumers doing the opposite. GET IT NOW AND PAY LATER. The rising
generation began living like no tomorrow existed and soon IT WAS TRUE." [289]

 "The NEW AGE MOVEMENT began with a member of the Theosophical Society
named Alice A. Bailey...In 1968 and before, it was known as a movement advocating the
'AGE OF AQUARIUS.' [290] This term is taken from ASTROLOGY. The astronomical
shifting of the vernal equinox, which passes approximately every 2000 years through a
new constellation in the zodiac, is superstitiously believed by some astrologers to affect
the fate of our planet Earth. At the turn of the century the vernal equinox will pass from
the constellation PISCES (the FISHES) to the constellation AQUARIUS...The FISH, a sign
representing FAITH IN CHRIST, was often used by the Early Christians as a MARK OF
IDENTIFICATION. Hence New Age members believe that the transition AWAY from the
zodiac sign of the Fishes means that THE ERA OF CHRIST IS COMING TO AN END.

 "...the New Age Movement...advocates a need for a new way of thinking which
considers all things as INTERDEPENDENT, which accordingly need to be regarded
holistically. Every individual must feel a PART OF NATURE and the whole cosmos...Thus
RATIONAL thinking, which proceeds analytically and critically and which formed the
basis of scientific method, is to GIVE WAY to SYNTHETICAL thinking and INTUITIVE
KNOWLEDGE based on NON-RATIONAL EXPERIENCE. The philosophy of  the New Age
Movement aims at reconciling all opposites in such way that science and occultism are
placed on a par. All ETHICAL VALUES collapse, GOOD AND EVIL NO LONGER EXIST. All
is one. This explains their move towards a synthesis of all religions. New Agers agree
with Catholic Thomists in claiming that the ULTIMATE GOAL of man is to find
HAPPINESS. Their main emphasis for the criterion of living is on PERSONAL
SATISFACTION and TEMPORAL SUCCESS. [i.e., $$$] Fear of APOCALYPTIC events [i.e.,
Heaven, Hell, Judgement Day] is therefore channelled into escapism to a utopian 'WORLD
SOCIETY where there are NO TENSIONS.' [291] "...the Movement proclaims that MAN is
God and that Man CREATED God in HIS OWN IMAGE. Indeed, true to their conviction that
'all is one,' they consider MAN to be a PART of the Godhead, i.e., the 'COSMIC
CONSCIOUSNESS' or the 'FORCE'..." [292]

  "The growing FEMINISM has some links with New Age spirituality. While feminist
theology endeavours to represent the God of the BIBLE as being BOTH masculine and
feminine or even as an EXCLUSIVELY FEMININE Godhead, the radical vanguard of the
New Age feminist movement is already demanding that the CHRISTIAN FAITH be replaced
by the myth of GAIA, 'MOTHER EARTH,' whose cult is now being revived and practised.
What is common among many New Age groups is a counterfeit religious experience such
as CONTACT WITH DEMONS through Drugs, Meditation, Psychotechnologies, and other
ventures..." [293]

 "Following the Beatles...came other 'Made in England' rock groups...Tavistock
and Stanford Research then embarked on the SECOND PHASE of the work commissioned
by the Committee of 300. This new phase turned up the heat for SOCIAL change in
America...The media now focused its attention on...'HIPPIES,' 'FLOWER CHILDREN'...It
became popular to 'DROP OUT' and WEAR DIRTY JEANS, go about with LONG,
UNWASHED HAIR...American youth underwent a radical revolution without ever being
AWARE of it, while the older generation stood by helplessly, unable to identify the
SOURCE of the crisis..." [294]
 "In 1968 a TRUCK carrying contaminated soil to an off-site burial ground was
found to be leaking, forcing plant operators to REPAVE one mile of road. It was a modest
measure at best, considering that the HALF-LIFE of plutonium is more than 24,000
YEARS, while the 'full-life' of asphalt paving is far less." [295]

 "By 1968 JANE FONDA fell under the spell of two dedicated communists, ROGER
and ELISABETH VAILLAND, her first political gurus. While living in Paris she was
introduced to the NLF representatives and actress VANESSA REDGRAVE, a radical
TROTSKYITE and ardent supporter of the PLO." [296]

 UH, OH! Parents, Grandparents: YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS [and keep in
mind this was 30 YEARS AGO!]: In JANUARY, 1968, "The ESALEN INSTITUTE sponsored
a symposium entitled 'U.S.A. 2000' at which CARL ROGERS of the Western Behavioral
Sciences Institute delivered an article...sketching the possibilites for the year 2000 [just
around the corner]. He declared: '...It seems likely that SCHOOLS will be greatly DE-
EMPHASIZED in favor of a much broader...ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING...The
TEACHER or PROFESSOR will have largely disappeared. His place will be taken by a
'FACILITATOR OF LEARNING'...focusing his major attention on the prime period for

 "(The student's) UNHAPPINESS with parents or with other children [which will be
ENCOURAGED by the facilitator, of course!]...will be an open part of his curriculum, as
worthy of exploration as history or mathematics...and the student will NEVER BE
GRADUATED...By the year 2000, INSTITUTIONALIZED RELIGION, already on the wane as
a significant factor in everyday life, will have faded to a point where it is of only slight
importance in the community. Theology may still exist as a SCHOLASTIC EXERCISE, but
in reality the God of authoritative answers will be not only dead, but BURIED'." [297]
"From cradle to grave..." This is COMMUNISM, folks - and more importantly, this is the

  "On JANUARY 22, 1968, a B-52 crashed 7 miles south of Thule Air Force Base in
GREENLAND, scattering the radioactive fragments of FOUR HYDROGEN BOMBS over the
terrain after a fire broke out in the navigator's compartment. The contaminated ice and
airplane debris were SENT BACK to the U.S., with the bomb fragments going back to the
manufacturer in AMARILLO, TX. The incident outraged the people of Denmark (which
owned Greenland at the time, and which prohibits nuclear weapons over its territory) and
led to massive ANTI-U.S. DEMONSTRATIONS. One of the warheads was recovered in
1979 by Navy Seals and Seabees." [298] Dear Lord! What if this had happened over NEW

 "The TET OFFENSIVE in the Vietnam War [was] a prolonged attack mounted by
the Vietcong against Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) and other South Vietnamese cities
and hamlets beginning JANUARY 30, 1968. Although the Vietcong were finally forced to
withdraw, the Tet Offensive brought into question the ABILITY of the South Vietnamese
army and their US allies to WIN THE WAR and added fuel to the ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT in
both the US and Australia." [299]

 "On JANUARY 30, 1968, [General Vo Nguyen] GIAP launched SIMULTANEOUS
ATTACKS on major U.S.-held cities, towns, and bases. Some U.S. military men said the
U.S. LOST THE WAR from that day. Others argued that Giap's offensive was a tactical
disaster; what cost America the war was the effect the TET OFFENSIVE had on opinion
back home, where the WILL TO WIN was already faltering..." [300]

extraordinary restrictions were placed on the U.S. military. These...'RULES OF
ENGAGEMENT' were not declassified until 1985, when 26 PAGES in the 'Congressional
Record' were required to SUMMARIZE them:

 *The Air Force was repeatedly REFUSED PERMISSION to bomb those
   targets that the Joint Chiefs of Staff deemed MOST STRATEGIC;

 *U.S. troops were given a general order NOT TO FIRE at the Vietcong
    until fired upon;

 *Vehicles more than TWO HUNDRED YARDS off the Ho Chi Minh Trail
    could NOT BE BOMBED (Enemy trucks, FOREWARNED of approach-
   ing U.S. planes, had only to temporarily divert off the trail to escape

 *A North Vietnamese MIG could NOT be struck if spotted on a RUNWAY;
    only if airborne and showing hostile intent;

    CONSTRUCTION; only after they became operational;

 *ENEMY FORCES could not be PURSUED if they crossed into LAOS or
   CAMBODIA. This gave the Communists a SAFE sanctuary just 50 MILES

 "LIEUTENANT-GENERAL IRA C. EAKER observed: 'Our political leaders elected to
fight a LAND WAR, where EVERY ADVANTAGE lay with the ENEMY, and to employ our
vast sea and air superiority in very LIMITED supporting roles only. Surprise, perhaps the
greatest of the principles of war...was deliberately sacrificed when our leaders REVEALED
OUR STRATEGY AND TACTICS TO THE ENEMY...The enemy was told...that we would not
bomb populated areas, heavy industry, canals, dams, and other critical targets - and thus
SANCTUARIES were established BY US along the Chinese border and around Haiphong
and Hanoi. This permitted the enemy to concentrate anti-aircraft defenses around the
North Vietnamese targets that our Air Force WAS permitted to attack - greatly
INCREASING our casualties. Missiles, oil and ammunition were permitted to enter
Haiphong harbor UNMOLESTED and without protest'." [301]

 WHEW! Talk about your RIGGED war! Of course, these rules of protection for the
enemy did not apply to OUR troops: like wrestling matches, the outcome had already
been pre-determined - by the 300, the UN SECURITY COUNCIL, NSA, etc. In exchange for
the assistance of Russia, the Vietcong sent a great number of our POWs to Russia and
Red China - for BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL and other "war" EXPERIMENTS. Are y'all
familiar with "WAR GAMES" and "SURVIVAL GAMES" where the prey are HUMAN? [That's
what they were recommending in the Report from Iron Mountain] Well, the sad truth is,
58,000 of our FINEST men and women died NEEDLESSLY in a foreign country [thousands
more were wounded - some handicapped for life] for nothing more than a giant Insider's
CHESS GAME - with our troops the pawns! This was not a "war" - it was GENOCIDE - and
more importantly, it was HIGH TREASON. According to our Constitution, our leaders
should have all been SHOT OR HUNG!
 "On MARCH 16, 1968, in a small skirmish during the TET OFFENSIVE, a task force
under the command of LT. WILLIAM L. CALLEY stormed a distant village. According to
official reports, the operation was a 'success,' killing more than 100 enemy soldiers. A
year later, the 'truth' began to emerge. The details of that massacre and Lt. Calley's trial
were to become one of the war's leading stories." [302] The horror of the Tet Offensive
swept the country.

 On that very same day, ROBERT KENNEDY announced his CANDIDACY for the
Presidential nomination.

 " 'There is a division in the American house, now,' President Johnson noted at the
close of his address. 'There is DIVISIVENESS among us all tonight.' [As PLANNED!] The
dispute over the war was threatening not merely the conduct of the war, the President
suggested, but the nation itself. To meet that threat, he announced that HE WOULD NOT
SEEK [nor accept] ANOTHER TERM." [303]

 "By the SPRING and SUMMER of 1968, the Vienam War had come home to poorer
states like ARKANSAS with a special vengence...SECRET GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS
told the ugly story. According to a typical memo of the time, the selective service was
glad to EXEMPT those middle-class or wealthy students who were 'busy acquiring
approved skills,' while it gave EXAMS to ferret out 'underachievers.' As late as 1966-67, as
a historian later revealed, the system was deliberately using the draft as an instrument of
class privilege.' Scarcely ONE college graduate in TEN would go to Vietnam, and only a
small fraction of those saw COMBAT. By contrast, young Americans with a high school
education or less were more than TWICE as likely to be called for service, and more than
twice as many were sent into BATTLE...

 "The results were stark for Arkansas, a state near the BOTTOM of the nation in
household income...[but] by the beginning of 1968, with casualties mounting, the
wholesale conscription of the poor, uneducated, and non-white was no longer
ENOUGH...avoiding Vietnam would now take FAR MORE than simply staying in school."
[304] "For some time Clinton had been using a student deferment, calling on the influence
of his mentor, SENATOR J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT and other political contacts. Then, on
MARCH 20th, the Hot Springs draft board RECLASSIFIED CLINTON 1-A." [305]

 "...Without the slightest feeling of irreligiosity, any thinking man today can accept
the REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. as a prince of peace in a world more sorely
troubled than at any other time in history. Now the PRINCE OF PEACE is dead. A hidden
assassin [More "hidden" than you know!] armed with a deadly weapon of war and the eye
of a deerslayer slew the prince of peace with a single shot. MARTIN LUTHER KING DIED
AT 7:02 on the evening of a bright spring day, APRIL 4, 1968...They wanted to march on
City Hall in quest of their rights and nobody could lead a march as well as Dr. King. They
DID march in SILENT, NONVIOLENT PROTEST - but Dr. King was not there to lead them.
They marched on Monday, APRIL 8 - the day before Dr. King's funeral in Atlanta...During
the short 12 years of his career, Dr. King became one of the best known civil rights
leaders of all times...Celebrities in all fields flocked to his support and his SOUTHERN
VIOLENT civil rights organizations in U.S. history..." [306]

 Say that AGAIN? "Militant" is defined as "belligerant, warlike." Sort of a
contradiction to "least violent!" Perhaps they were referring to the FUTURE of the civil
rights movement: ENFORCED SOCIAL EDICTS - ever hiding behind Martin Luther King,
just as the ENFORCED "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" of the Klinton Regime constantly
hides behind "THE CHILDREN!" Despite the creative twisting and rewriting on the part of
both segments, none of it, of course, is Constitutionally-commanded, nor even permitted!

 "On APRIL 21, 1968, London's 'SUNDAY TELEGRAPH' carried an unsettling article
headlined 'STRANGE CASE OF CLIMATE SHIFT,' which detailed the views of several
prestigious authorities who saw signs that the earth was steadily getting COLDER.
Climate expert GORDON MANLEY of Lancaster University told the 'Telegraph' that it
appeared as if '1950 was a peak [in warmth],' and declared that 'there are signs that the
glaciers may be advancing again'." [307]

 In MAY, Clinton received a RHODES SCHOLARSHIP. For those of you just tuning
in, that is the scholarship fund set up by diamond mogul CECIL RHODES - in which he
specified the KINDS of men who should receive the opportunity to go to OXFORD. [Yes,
he had KLINTON in mind] 'Rhodes men,' wrote Rotberg (author of 'THE FOUNDER: CECIL
RHODES AND THE PURSUIT OF POWER'), are a special breed: "Rhodes wanted the best
men for 'the WORLD'S FIGHT' [Rhodes was referring to the fight to take over the
world!]...In the 90 years of scholarships, ONLY CLINTON took Rhodes' dream to the top.
[See JOSHUA REPORT #23 Footnotes #55 & #56. Remember, Rhodes Scholars were
charged with preparing their countrymen for a ONE-WORLD TAKEOVER BY THE ELITE,
through the DESTRUCTION OF THAT COUNTRY'S SOVEREIGNTY!] "Clinton was twenty-
two years old. In the end, he did study in England, at Oxford University for two
years...but, first he needed to take care of a CALL TO ACTIVE DUTY. The Sixties were
years of opposition, and anti-war protests against the Vietnam War were DIVIDING
AMERICA." [308]
 During that same month, "ARISTOTLE ONASSIS was crowned HEAD of the
INTERNATIONAL MAFIA. America's CIA Chief, WILLIAM COLBY, who had proved
invaluable to Onassis during the Vietnam war and after, was now head of the CIA covert
operations in South East Asia. With the help of 200 GREEN BERET MERCENARIES, he
ran the Onassis heroin operations in the infamous Golden Triangle (Laos, Burma,
Thailand). [It was because of the LOCATION of these poppy fields that our POWs could
NOT be RESCUED...or even acknowledged!] GERALD PARSKY, deputy to ex-CIA/FBI
Robert 'IBM' Maheu in the Howard Hughes' organization, was made responsible for
laundering skim money from the Onassis casino operations in Las Vegas and the
Bahamas. Onassis, Colby and Parsky met in Hawaii to discuss establishing
AUSTRALASIAN AND PACIFIC HOLDINGS, LTD., his new front company to be located in
Australia. MICHAEL HAND managed it. TRAVELODGE MANAGEMENT, LTD., using the
Onassis-Rockefeller banks, CHASE MANHATTAN and SHROEDERS, set up another front,
linking the new operation to the US." [309]

 "On MAY 21, 1968, he U.S.S. SCORPION, a nuclear-powered attack submarine
carrying TWO MARK 45 ASTOR torpedoes with NUCLEAR WARHEADS, sank
mysteriously. It was eventually photographed lying on the bottom of the ocean, where
ALL 99 OF ITS CREW WERE LOST. Details of the accident remained classified until
November 1993, when the Navy admitted that it had suspected all long that the Scorpion
had accidentally been torpedoed by an AMERICAN vessel. The nuclear material was never
recovered." [310]

 "...BOBBY KENNEDY had unthinkingly exposed his brother Jack's killers in his
first book, 'THE ENEMY WITHIN.' Now, he was foolishly running for President, and was
almost a certainty to win. He was not a 'player' and posed too great a threat to the MAFIA.
He had to be STOPPED. When Bobby attended a rally in Los Angeles in JUNE, Onassis
used a sophisticated new technique, and a hypnotized Arab, Jordanian-born SIRHAN
SIRHAN, to shoot Bobby from Kennedy's front 'security guard.' OTHER SHOOTERS were
present and witnessed it. But, as in the case of Jack, NONE of these other would-be
assassins was ever MENTIONED by the FBI, or the MEDIA. One of them, hit man THANE
CESAR's shots were simultaneous to Sirhan's...and they were fired from a mere 2-3
INCHES AWAY, behind Bobby's head. ALL of Sirhan's shots missed. Cesar's did NOT."

 "The new assassination, so soon after Jack's, raised a lot of questions, and
graphic memories of Dallas. One of the witnesses, a MYSTERIOUS WOMAN in a polka dot
dress claimed to have seen ANOTHER man, just prior to the shooting. The FBI IGNORED
her claims, and immediately after the shooting, she DISAPPEARED, without a trace.
EVELLE YOUNGER, District Attorney for Los Angeles, immediately moved to COVER UP
all the questionable circumstances surrounding the murder, including questions from
LA's coroner, THOMAS NOGUCHI. The mob REWARDED him with the post of Attorney
General for the State of California. They gave his son, ERIC YOUNGER a judgeship at the
age of 30! TEDDY was terrified for his life. He ran to Onassis and swore ETERNAL
OBEDIENCE. Onassis granted him his life, and PROMISED HIM THE PRESIDENCY...if he
would BEHAVE himself and follow orders. Relieved, Teddy agreed." [311]

 "In one country after another during this century, totalitarian and authoritarian
regimes have used GUN REGISTRATION records to CONFISCATE FIREARMS from those
who might otherwise threaten their rule. An article in Florida's 'PALM BEACH
POST'...described how STRINGENT GUN LAWS established during the anti-communist
regime of Cuba's FULGENCIO BATISTA enabled communist dictator FIDEL CASTRO to
solidify his control after toppling the Batista regime. JULIO RABELl, who with his family
escaped from Cuba in 1961, told the 'Post' that under Batista the 'owner of any gun, had
to register it with the police. The license, filed with the police, contained not only the
make, number and description of the gun, but also the OWNER'S PICTURE and
FINGERPRINTS. Thus, it was a simple matter for Castro's men to collect every gun in the
country." [312]

 Personally, I would call this guy a "MONSTER," not to mention sick, sick, sick: In
REPORTS') [THAT explains a lot!] was released. "In the book, the author stated: '...there
are some (boys) who build up a strong EMOTIONAL attachment to a particular ANIMAL
and will have INTERCOURSE with it on a regular basis...If this kind of sexual behavior
should ever happen to a boy, he would do best to keep knowledge of it from other people
so he will not be RIDICULED, and at the same time FEEL SECURE in his self-knowledge
that he is NOT a monster, NO MATTER WHAT SOCIETY'S ATTITUDE MAY BE'." [313] For
those of you who didn't get it before, I will state this one more time: this [Beastiality, in
this particular case] is the DEVIL'S agenda - do not kid yourself: he is REAL!

 "In JULY, the PLACID OIL CO. and the SEVEN SISTERS (the major international
oil companies) began the Great South Basin oil exploration. HOWARD HUNT financed
45.5% of the exploration costs; GULF OIL covered 14.5%; SHELL (US) 10%; BP OIL
(British Petroleum) 10%; STANDARD OIL OF CALIFORNIA 10%; MOBIL 6.5%, and ARCO
6.5%" [314]

 "Writing in 'BARRON'S' during the incredible national turmoil in AUGUST 1968,
[ACLU]...[She] wrote: '...nearly all the causes it has taken up tend to WEAKEN LAW AND
ORDER and the ability of society to DEFEND itself. Some landmark cases give
COMMUNISTS more freedom to DESTROY THE NATION FROM WITHIN. Those involving
the draft ERODE the state's ability to DEFEND ITSELF against armed attack. Other
significant ACLU cases DIMINISH THE AUTHORITY of SCHOOLS and POLICE and the

 On SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 Bruce Robert's car was struck by a hit-and-run driver. At
the time of the incident, it was parked in front of the RUSSIAN CONSULATE in San
Francisco. They routinely take pictures of everything that goes on in front of it. Their
photos showed the license plate of the hit-and-run car UKT-264, on a blue Cadillac
belonging to ANGELO ALIOTO, JOE'S DAUGHTER, being driven by TOM ALIOTO, JOE'S
SON whose driving license had been revoked. His license and the car's license were both
fraudulent. To cover up the hit-and-run circumstances, B.F. MPJ's from the Presidio
quickly STAGED A FEW MORE HIT-AND-RUNS...all duly filmed by the Russians.
KATHRYN HOLLISTER, the Alioto family nurse was 'persuaded' to take the rap...Roberts
threatened to spill the whole story in court with photos.

 President of the BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO, Alioto had Presidential ambitions -
encouraged by the success of the Dallas operation. He knew that everyone who helped in
the killing of JFK was now getting their 'piece of the pie'...Hoover, however, killed Alioto's
ambitions, when he released some of the raw FBI files on Aliota at the Democratic
National Convention. Joe was out of the running for Vice President, and Presidential
candidate HUBERT H. HUMPHREY (D-MN) had to settle for EDMUND S. MUSKIE (D-ME).
Humphrey had planned to come to San Francisco for a final pre-election rally, inspired by
Joe Aliota. Roberts...warned Humphrey that if he did, Roberts would expose the hit-and-
run story involving him, plus its MAFIA. Humphrey didn't go. He LOST San Franciso...and
ultimately, the PRESIDENCY.

surrounded the marriage of film star GRACE KELLY to Monaco's PRINCE RANIER III was
missing from the Kennedy-Onassis wedding. The American people were not happy. They
considered him TOO OLD for her, and some claimed that Onassis was an ENEMY of
Jack's. The overriding question was "WHY?" As you and I know, dear reader, the
American people would not be nearly as confused about this "marriage," if they knew the
truth about Kennedy's REAL relationship with Onassis. Or, the fact that Onassis believed
Kennedy had "BETRAYED" him.

 "There is an old MAFIA RULE: 'If someone welches on a deal, kill him and take his
gun and his girl.' In this case, Kennedy's gun was the PENTAGON, and his 'girl' was
Onassis' new wife, JACQUELINE!" [316]

 Meanwhile, during that month - half-a-world away: "Hunt and the Seven Sisters
get geological findings on the new Great South Basin oil field in Australia. They
announced that the new field was comparable to the ALASKAN NORTH SLOPE - gas
reserves estimated at 150 TIMES LARGER than the KAPUNI FIELD." [317]

 "Less than two weeks before the election, President Johnson called a HALT to the
bombing of North Vietnam and proposed resumption of the PARIS PEACE TALKS. It was
both an adroit political move, to help Democratic presidential candidate, Hubert
Humphrey, and a highly PERSONAL one, for above all else Johnson wanted to END THE
WAR BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE. Unfortunately, South Vietnam's President, NGUYEN VAN
THIEU, balked, refusing to send a delegation to Paris...Johnson learned that Thieu was
attempting to SABOTAGE THE TALKS in the hope that if NIXON was elected he would
demand MUCH TOUGHER TERMS..." [318]

 "On DECEMBER 9, 1968, clouds of RADIOACTIVE STEAM from a nuclear test in
NEVADA broke THROUGH THE GROUND, releasing fallout and violating the limited
nuclear test ban treaty signed 5 years earlier." [319]

  This guy must be kin to ROCKEFELLER: "In 1969, DR. ROBERT MAC MAHAN of
the Department of Defense requested from Congress $10 MILLION to develop, within 5 to
10 years, a SYNTHETIC biological agent to which NO NATURAL IMMUNITY EXISTS." [320]

  "The theory and design for the NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL [for
the gifted and talented] was explained in H. MICHAEL LEWIS' 'OPENING WINDOWS ONTO
THE FUTURE' (1969), in which he indicated that the theory was 'about some generalized
aspects of fact, on the basis of which we may predict and thereby perhaps control what
future facts [events] are likely to be.' Students will be presented with 'a RADICALLY
REFORMED worldview...(including) all sorts of STRANGE NEW MORAL and
THEOLOGICAL DOCTRINES (e.g., 'God is dead?')...INDEPENDENCE in thinking implies
more STRENGTH OF CHARACTER...' " [321]

way to OXFORD and come forward from there,' says a former government official who
claims to have seen files long since DESTROYED...the future president's final months in
England were indeed shrouded in some mystery and in inconsistencies never
explained...the CIA's famous 'OPERATION CHAOS'...had been directed at...recruiting
American student INFORMANTS and placing PROVOCATEURS [Instigators] among the
demonstrators. 'Get me some COMMIE money and ORGANIZERS behind this student s--
t,' Lyndon Johnson had ordered...

 "The CIA swiftly obliged, using FRONT ORGANIZATIONS and FOUNDATIONS that
ALREADY OPERATED ILLEGALLY within the United States and sending out a circular
cable by its own channel to station chiefs all over Europe - especially in countries where
there were large numbers of American students, such as the United Kingdom, or where
there were increasingly conspicuous colonies of DRAFT RESISTERS, such as Sweden -
to target and penetrate student anti-war movements abroad more aggressively than ever,
employing American students themselves as prime sources and DE FACTO AGENTS.
According to at least TWO former agency chiefs and TWO more deputies who received
the instructions and directed such covert operations...'I could get them some MONEY and
THEIR BACK,' said one former CIA officer. '...The RHODES and FULBRIGHTS and others
were going to be IMPORTANT FOLKS someday, and they knew the ADVANTAGES of
helping out'." [322]

establishment dealing in 'PSYCHOTECHNOLOGY.' Most of its personnel are Tavistock-
trained. 'Psychotechnology' covers GI MOTIVATION, MORALE and MUSIC used by the
enemy. In fact a lot of what GEORGE ORWELL wrote about in his book '1984' appears to
be remarkably SIMILAR to what is taught at HUMRRO. In 1969 the COMMITTEE OF
300...turned it into a private non-profit organization run under the auspices of the CLUB
    "...HUMRRO teaches the Army that a SOLDIER is merely an EXTENSION OF HIS
EQUIPMENT and has brought great influence to bear on the 'MAN/WEAPON' system and
its 'HUMAN QUALITY CONTROL,' so widely accepted by the United States
Army...HUMRRO'S applied psychology courses are supposed to teach Army brass how to
make the human weapon work. A good example of this is the manner in which soldiers in
the war against IRAQ were willing to disobey their field manual standing orders and
BURY 12,000 IRAQI SOLDIERS ALIVE. This type of brainwashing is terribly dangerous
because today...the Army applies it to brutally destroy thousands of 'ENEMY' soldiers,
TO GOVERNMENT POLICIES are 'the enemy'..." [323]

 "Just ONE YEAR after the episode at Kellner Canyon, BOB MC KUSICK got a
phone call from the National Forest Service. McKusick was a professional potter at the
time, and was fortunate enough to have found a piece of land that included clay deposits.
The forest ranger told McKusich to 'put pie tins at each corner of his clay deposits to
MARK the area so it would not be sprayed. But, says McKusick, 'They sprayed my CLAY
DEPOSIT, too.' All of the complaining neighbors were sprayed, including a woman named
BILLIE SHOECRAFT, who compiled more than a HUNDRED FILES on chemical poisons
before she died of CANCER. For THREE CONSECUTIVE DAYS the Forest Service
sprayed, and, explains McKusick:

 'We all got BLEEDING EARS; in fact we had bleeding from ALL body orifices.
1,300 war dogs got it and the government said it wasn't because they were spraying with
AGENT ORANGE. The dogs got a VIRUS, they said, and had to be destroyed. Well, after
the 1969 spraying, we had IHS and I can't tell you how many horses and cows had it.'
Animals in the canyon began DYING, giving birth to DEFORMED OFFSPRING, lying
PARALYZED on the ground. Some even FORGOT HOW TO BREED. Before the spraying,
McKusick recalls, there were NO problems, no deformities or miscarriages. But in 1969,
'60 TO 70 PERCENT of our goats were BORN DEFORMED, and we've had HEAVY
deformities ever since'." [324]

 "When the GLOMAR drilling ship drilled in the Atlantic Ocean in 1969...they hit
MANTLE ROCK for the first time. Their seismographs showed that under the continents
this mantle rock is 300 MILES deep, indicating a virtual SOCKET of mantle rock under
EACH of the SEVEN CONTINENTS. This is a remarkable CONFIRMATION of a truth
FOUND IN THE BIBLE." To a true scientist or researcher, the BOOK OF JOB is an
amazing SCIENTIFIC TREATISE, explaining and describing things man didn't "discover"
or even think of until THOUSANDS of years later:

 "Today we are involved in space exploration of the planet Venus and beyond. Our
space vehicles take MANY YEARS to reach even these planets in our solar system, giving
us a little feeling for the vastness of the solar system. Yet BEFORE man even DREAMED
of solar systems beyond ours, the BIBLE indicated the vastness of the heavens.
JOB...describes the CREATOR GOD in action in the solar system: 'HE alone stretches out
the heavens...HE IS THE MAKER of the BEAR and ORION, the PLEIADES and the
Constellation of the South.' - Job 9:8-9 Lang explains: 'The word for SPREAD ('stretches'
in the New Intenational Version [NIV] of the Bible) is in an IMPERFECT tense in Hebrew,
representing CONTINUED action...In applying this to the statement in Job 9:8-9, it means
that God is stretching out the heavens. There is no end. The heavens are CONTINUALLY
EXPANDING'." [325]

WELLSTONE, a 19-year-old English woman charged William J. Clinton with ASSAULTING
her, after she met him at a pub near the Oxford University campus where the future
President was a student. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be
identified, confirmed...that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his
superiors. Clinton ADMITTED having sex with the girl, but claimed it was CONSENSUAL.
[Uh huh!] The victim's family DECLINED to pursue the case." [326]

 "In 1969 JANE FONDA hailed her movie, 'THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON'T THEY?'
as a 'very forceful CONDEMNATION of the capitalist system."  Later that year she bought
into an idea by then boyfriend FRED GARDNER, an ouspoken Marxist and screenwiter, to
RADICALIZE GIs through performances at coffeehouses." [327]

 "In JANUARY of 1969, the International MAFIA consolidated its banking
operations. The Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City named DAVID ROCKEFELLER
as their new chairman. WRISTON became chairman of Citibank; MICHELE SINDONA of
the Vatican Bank. Meanwhile, PARTNERSHIP PACIFIC was launched by the Bank of
America, Bank of Tokyo, and Bank of New South Wales." [328]

WILLIAM GLASSER proclaims: "We have to let students know there are NO RIGHT
ANSWERS, and we have to let them see that there are many ALTERNATIVES to certainty
and right answers." DR. DENNIS CUDDY illustrates how our schools are now turning out
juvenile criminals - completely without consciences:

 "What Glasser promotes here amounts to the concept that there are a lot of
'GRAY' areas in life...students who BELIEVE that stealing is an absolute moral WRONG
might be asked by 'progressive educators' if they would steal HITLER'S DIARY if that
would PREVENT World War II. When students answer affirmatively, they are persuaded
that STEALING CAN BE GOOD - based upon the SITUATION. They therefore adopt a
'SITUATION ETHICS' philosophy of life, rather than realizing that it was NOT the
'situation' driving their decision to steal (violating the moral absolute 'Thou shalt not
steal') Hitler's diary, but rather that they would violate an even GREATER moral absolute
('Thou shalt not kill') if they did not take the diary, thus preventing millions from being
killed during World War II." [329]

 "On JANUARY 14, 1969, a series of explosions aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier
ENTERPRISE left 17 DEAD and 85 INJURED." [330]
 "In FEBRUARY, ARI met with fellow council members, NELSON ROCKEFELLER
and JOHN MC CLOY, co-managers of the Seven Sisters, and DAVID ROCKEFELLER,
manager of the MAFIA's banking operations. At the Washington meeting, McCloy outlined
a plan to STEAL all the oil and mineral resources in Australia and New Zealand for

 "Through Australasian & Pacific Holdings, PARSKY and COLBY set up a 'front'
company in Australia in March. Using old banks - Mellon and Pittsburgh National - they
bought control of nearly-bankrupt INDUSTRIAL EQUITY, LTD., managed by New
Zealander, RON BRIERLY. Consultant to Australasian & Pacific Holdings, BOB SELDON
helped Michael Hand set up the new organization. Seldon took orders from Mellon and
Pittsburgh National, while Hand was directly responsible to Gerald Parsky and William
Colby. Ron Brierly took his orders from Hand." [331]

 NO LOVE, MARRIAGE FOR OUR YOUNG: "In his graduation address at Sonoma
State College, CARL ROGERS stated that 'the MAN OF THE FUTURE...will be living his
transient life mostly in TEMPORARY relationships...He must be able to establish
closeness quickly. He must be able to leave the close relationships behind without
excessive conflict or mourning'." [332] And by what RIBBON did you measure this so-
called "man?"

 "...on Sunday, MAY 11, 1969 - at a time when little Kristen Haag was likely to be
playing in her sandbox 6 MILES DOWNWIND - plutonium stored in a cabinet at Rocky
Flats ignited. The flames leapt into the glove boxes of Buildings 776 and 777. At 2:27
P.M., when the fire alarms sounded, the blaze was out of control. According to veteran
reporter ROGER RAPPOPORT...'When company firemen reached [Building] 776-777 they
found TONS of flammable radiation shielding feeding the blaze. The fire-fighters donned
respirators and charged into the dense smoke.' Once again plant officials hesitated to use
water. But when the carbon dioxide supplies ran out - after 10 minutes - they had no
choice. At times the smoke billowed so thickly that firemen were 'forced to crawl out
along exit lines painted on the floor.' After 4 HOURS the fire was under control. But
isolated areas continued to burn through the night.

 "The AEC first estimated the damage at $3 MILLION. It soon proved to be MORE
LIKE $45 MILLION, ranking it as the MOST EXPENSIVE industrial fire in American history
at that time. It would take 2 YEARS and hundreds of regular and part-time employees to
clean up the mess. One regular plant janitor REFUSED to help in the cleanup for fear of
radiation poisoning. He was FIRED. Far from letting a major radioactive fire slow down
bomb production, Rocky Flats operators continued FULL-SPEED CONSTRUCTION of a
$74 MILLION addition designed to INCREASE plant capacity by HALF. Nor were the fires
the only source of contamination. DOW records showed that at least 1,000 BARRELS of
contaminated lathe oil were burned in the OPEN AIR during their operation of the plant,
sending UNKNOWN QUANTITIES of uranium into the air. And despite assurances to the
public that no radioactive waste was being stored on site, more than 1400 BARRELS of it
were found there." [333]

 "In MAY, CLINTON was ordered to report for ACTIVE military duty on JULY 28,
1969. He had now been OFFICIALLY 'DRAFTED!' Years later, the opposition charged him
with 'DODGING the Draft,' but Clinton just denied the charge...claiming he 'had a high
number and it was 'UNLIKELY' he would have been called at all,' and besides, reporters
were told, 'he DID serve: in the ROTC.' [This lie infuriated the ROTC officer back in Little
Rock so much, he took it public.] But the facts, as we can see, painted a completely
different picture: As soon as Clinton graduated from Georgetown, he immediately
returned to America...to find a way to STOP the induction. Rather than waste valuable
time on an ocean liner, he booked a flight on British Airways.
 "After arriving back in America, he had a brief reunion with his mother and his
brother, Roger...then immediately headed for the Draft Board, with the intention of
picking up another deferment, so that he could attend Oxford. The Draft Board TURNED
HIM DOWN, because Washington had RESCINDED all deferments for post-graduate
study, except for those attending medical school. Clinton then asked members of the
draft board how long it would be, before he had to report. They gave him a sheet of
instructions to prepare for his PRE-INDUCTION PHYSICAL and told him He only had
about TWO WEEKS left. It was beginning to look like the crown prince was actually going
to have DO HIS DUTY...like thousands of other young Americans."

 "OPAL ELLIS was a member of the LITTLE ROCK DRAFT BOARD at the time, and
twenty years later she still clearly recalled the incident: 'He stormed in here and told me
we COULDN'T draft him. He said he was TOO WELL EDUCATED to serve as a draftee...he
was trying to get into EVERYTHING, rather than have me send him [an official letter of
induction],' she remembers. 'He was talking about the NAVY...the ARMY
RESERVES...anything so he wouldn't be inducted. He just thought he was TOO GOOD to
go,' she added. 'When I told him there was nothing more we could do...he said he was
'going to FIX' MY WAGON. He left in a huff, shouting over his shoulder that he was going
 "TWENTY-THREE YEARS LATER, the future President of the United States
DENIED the entire scene at the draft board ever took place. 'Anyone who says I did,'
Clinton claimed at that time, 'has, at best, a FAULTY MEMORY'." [335] Isn't this guy just
the PERFECT one to be talking about "faulty memories"?!
 "Average inductees only have a WEEK TO 10 DAYS to answer their summons, but
somehow Clinton pulled enough strings to delay reporting for NEARLY A YEAR. Most of
these strings were pulled by RAYMOND CLINTON, Clinton's step-father's brother. JUDGE
JAMES BRITT, a friend of Raymond's, gave them much-needed assistance in what he
referred to as a 'CALCULATED CAMPAIGN TO GET WHAT BILLY WANTS.' According to
Judge Britt, '...The Draft Board was handled SUCCESSFULLY.' One member of the draft
board, however, was not so eager to provide Billy with whatever he wanted: 'I was terribly
annoyed by...additional pressure that was being put on the draft board,' ROBERT
CORRADO later complained to reporters. During that same press conference, he admitted
that 'Bill Clinton's treatment was 'unusual.' The only explanation for the long delay would
be some form of PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.' Another member of the draft board
explained why: '...he would have been at the TOP of the list of draftees. However, we were
PROUD to have a Hot Springs boy with a RHODES SCHOLARSHIP. So, the board was
very LENIENT with him...' [Obviously these people didn't have a clue who Rhodes was -
or WHY Klinton was CHOSEN for that "honor!"]

 "Little Rock attorney CLIFF JACKSON was a classmate of Clinton's at Oxford...In a
letter he sent to Clinton's teachers, Jackson wrote, 'Bill Clinton was not trying to avoid
being drafted. He had already BEEN drafted and was trying to void, as well as avoid, his
imminent induction as an army private...Bill got very cozy with me after I began working
at the GOP...The Army Reserve and National Guard units are seemingly full completely,
and there is a law PROHIBITING a DRAFTEE from enlisting in one of these, anyway. The
director is willing to IGNORE this law, but there are simply no vacancies. I have also
arranged for Bill to be admitted to the U OF A LAW SCHOOL at Fayetteville, where there is
a ROTC unit...But Bill is TOO LATE TO ENTER THIS YEAR'S UNIT and would have to wait
until next April.' Jackson then came up with a suggestion, 'Possibly, COLONEL [Army
Col. EUGENE] HOLMES, the commander, will grant Bill a special ROTC 'DEFERMENT,'
which would commit him to the program NEXT April, but the draft board would have to
approve such an arrangement. He concluded the letters with, 'They already REFUSED to
permit him to TEACH, join the PEACE CORPS or VISTA, etc. So Bill has only until JULY
28 to find some alternative military service. I feel so SORRY for him...it could have easily
been ME.'

 "Clinton reported to his draft board on the 28th, as ordered. He received his pre-
induction physical and PASSED IT - despite eye and ear problems, that had already kept
him out of the Air Force and the Navy officers' training programs - and was told to

 Well, what do YOU think, fellas: WAS Klinton simply AVOIDING the draft - or had
he already BEEN drafted? I vote for the latter. And I will go even farther than that: as of
this point, he was officially a MEMBER of the United States Armed Forces! Any action he
took from this point on - NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH HIS MILITARY ORDERS - could have
classified him as a "draft dodger" or even "AWOL" and he could have been COURT

 "On MAY 16, 1969, the U.S.S. GUITARRO, a $50 MILLION nuclear submarine
undergoing final fitting in SAN FRANCISCO BAY sank to the bottom as water poured into
a forward compartment. A House Armed Services subcommittee later found the Navy
guilty of 'INEXCUSABLE CARELESSNESS' in connection with the event." [337]

 "Time was running out, and Clinton had to do something...and fast! With every
legal - and even slightly illegal - option exhausted, he turned to his old friend and ex-
boss, SENATOR J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT to PROTECT him from his military service."

by LESTER KIRKENDALL (1983 HUMANIST of the Year) and RUTH OSBORNE lets the cat
out of the bag about the REAL agenda of the sex educators: "...to make the ELIMINATION
of premarital pregnancy, venereal disease or divorce the MAIN PURPOSE of sex
education is to MAKE CERTAIN OF ITS FAILURE." [339]

 On Sunday, JULY 22, 1969, at 4:17:45 EDT, NEIL A. ARMSTONG and EDWIN E.
"BUZZ" ALDRIN JR. [supposedly] landed on the moon in their spaceship "EAGLE." The
third member of the team was MICHAEL COLLINS, who kept the command ship
"COLUMBIA" in a 69-mile-high lunar orbit, while Armstrong and Aldrin took their famous
"walk" on the moon's surface. We will discuss all this in a later edition, meanwhile "back
on earth" other "rockets" were getting ready to blast off:

 "MARY JO KOPECHNE was a devoted JFK staffer. After his death, she became a
trusted aide to Bobby. In July, after Bobby's assassination in Los Angeles, she had been
put in charge of PACKING UP HIS FILES. While packing, she stopped from time to time to
READ one of the files, and slowly began to UNDERSTAND, among other things, that the
Kennedys were involved with the MAFIA! Horrified, she told friends, 'THIS isn't Camelot.
This is MURDER!' Despite her close proximity to the Kennedy political machine, she was
still a YOUNG, IDEALISTIC, AMERICAN CATHOLIC...and when she overheard Teddy
Kennedy's end of the D.H. Lawrence cottage telephone calls from JOHN TUNNEY, and to
were all Democratic party bigwigs), her fears were confirmed:

 "Teddy's friend, John Tunney had called to complain that Alioto's friend, CECIL
MAGNIN, and others were trying to bribe JESS UNRUH to switch from the Governor's race
and run for the Senate seat that Tunney wanted, so Alioto would have an easier run for
Governor. Teddy called Alioto, who told him to go to hell, so, he called the others to
arrange for yet another MAFIA HIT. Mary Jo was now convinced that they were all a bunch
of murdering hypocrites.

 "SHE RAN SCREAMING OUT OF THE COTTAGE, heading for Nader. She tried
vainly to get off the island. A drunken Teddy offered to drive her to the ferry. He sped off
towards the bridge, then BUSTED MARY JO'S NOSE, when she tried to grab his arm from
the backseat. As the car started to go off the bridge, Teddy bailed out. With her nose
busted, Mary Jo attempted to breathe in an AIR BUBBLE in the car...Meantime, assuming
she had drowned, Teddy set up his alibi. Mary Jo finally SUFFOCATED. In the end, it took
Mary Jo 2 HOURS and 37 MINUTES to die, while waiting for help.

 "But, Teddy had no time to waste on her. He had problems of his own: he had to
set the DAMAGE CONTROL MACHINE in place, before reporters got wind of this. He
immediately started making calls to JACKIE and ONASSIS on the Christina, KATHERINE
MEYER GRAHAM, lawyers, etc. JACKIE CALLED THE POPE and asked for his help. He, in
turn, sent CARDINAL CUSHING to assist Teddy. The next morning, Teddy called BURKE
MARSHALL, the lawyer who had assisted Onassis in the Liberty Ships deal, back in the
40s... The COVER-UP of something this big, at the start of a Presidential campaign,
required the cooperation of a wide variety of PLAYERS. They included [but were not
necessarily LIMITED to] the following:

 from Teddy's car, after it was fished out of the pond;

 requiring an AUTOPSY (which would have revealed Mary Jo's broken
 nose and subsequent suffocation;

 CORONER MILLS - who let Kennedy's aide, K. DUN GRIFFORD, supply
 him with a death certificate, ALREADY PREPARED FOR MILLS' SIGNA-
 TURE listing cause of death as 'drowning;'
 CARDINAL CUSHING'S PRIEST - who appeared before the Kopechne's
 'DIRECT FROM GOD,' with personal instructions from Him that Mary Jo

 The PENNSYLVANIA MORTUARY - where Mary Jo's broken nose was
 patched up;

 ITY on the RECORDS OF PHONE CALLS to and from the cottage;

 SAN FRANCISCO POLICE CHIEF CAHILL - who later was transferred to
 a new job;

 The UNITED STATES SENATE - who never mentioned, or questioned

 THE JUDGE - who presided over the MOCK "HEARING;"
 PAPER, who NEVER HEARD A WORD about Teddy's phone at the cottage,
 though RESIDENTS CALLED IN to tell Feston;

 The 'NEW YORK TIMES,' 'WASHINGTON POST,' and various other MEDIA
  [Reckon THIS might ought to be called a "conspiracy?" Aw, shucks! What am I
thinking? This is all just COINCIDENCE or the product of somebody's paranoid
imagination. After all, the RICH AND POWERFUL are all honest as the day is long. They
would NEVER commit a crime - WOULD they?]
 "The day following the murder, John Tunney's sister, JOAN (who had
OVERHEARD her brother's end of the phone call made from her house in Tiburon to the
Chappaquiddick cottage), got scared and ran away to Norway. When she arrived in
Norway, she was KIDNAPPED by Mafia hoods, MARI and ADAMO. They locked her up in a
Marseille heroin factory. Her husband complained, so she BEHEADED him with an ax,
and was then locked up in a mental hospital, belonging to TINA LIVANOS ONASSIS'
husband, the MARQUESS OF BLANDFORD. Mari and Adamo were pressed into scrap
metal in a New Jersey junkyard. More murders were to follow: the next victims of the
Chappaquiddick murder were BLACK PANTHER cops. After the JFK assassination,
HAMPTON and CLARK were fired, because of what they knew about the presence of the
MAFIA HIT SQUAD at Dealy Plaza. After the Chappaquiddick MURDER, the press and
various investigators raised NEW QUESTIONS about the JFK assassination. Hampton
and Clark were PERMANENTLY silenced." [340]

 "On JULY 24, 1969, U.S. missile production was temporarily suspended due to a
serious fire at the...ROCKY FLATS plutonium bomb factory. The surrounding countryside
was irradiated by plutonium, and several buildings at the factory were so badly
contaminated that they had to be DISMANTLED." [341]
 "The INDUSTRIAL EQUITY, LTD. got a new board of directors in JULY, that
included Hand, Seldon, Ron Brierly, Frank Nugan, and Bob Jones. The latter two were
appointed consultants to A'asian and Pacific Holdings, Ltd. Jones helped Brierly launder
funds into real estate (Brierly/ Jones Investments), while Seldon and Nugan channeled
funds into oil and mineral resources, through IEL." [342]

 "Less than two weeks before he was due to report for duty [JULY 28], Clinton
went for an interview with LIEUTENANT COLONEL CLINTON D. JONES, administrator of
the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas. Jones related the details of that historic
meeting, when he was located by four 'WASHINGTON TIMES' reporters, during the 1992
campaign." [343]

 "Over the years, environmental luminaries have been wrong time and again. For
example, Stanford University professor PAUL EHRLICH predicted in his 1968 best-seller,
'THE POPULATION BOMB:' 'In the 1970s the world will undergo famines - HUNDREDS OF
MILLIONS of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked
upon now.' He also warned of severe water shortages: '[I]n 1984 the United States will
quite literally be DYING OF THIRST.' In an article appearing in the SEPTEMBER 1969
issue of 'RAMPARTS,' Ehrlich considered what our world would be like in 10 years if
present trends were allowed to continue. 'By SEPTEMBER 1979, all important ANIMAL
LIFE in the SEA was EXTINCT,' he wrote in his grim scenario. 'Large areas of coastline
had to be EVACUATED, as windrows of DEAD FISH created a monumental stink'." [344]

 "...in the wake of the fire [At Rocky Flats] that spring, a group of scientists from
local industries and universities asked the DOE and the AEC to monitor the soil
downwind. Their request was REFUSED. So DR. EDWARD MARTELL, a nuclear chemist
working at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, with considerable experience
from the bomb-testing era, decided in the FALL of 1969 to conduct some tests of his own.
His findings confirmed some of the community's worst fears. ABNORMAL PLUTONIUM
LEVELS were clearly evident in soil to the EAST and SOUTHEAST [towards DENVER] of
the plant. Martell quickly came under attack from plant supporters. But when the AEC did
its OWN study of downwind soil, it also had to admit to significant contamination. 'We
find his results are ACCURATE,' conceded a ranking military spokesman. 'We don't
disagree with his new data. As far as measurements, sampling techniques, and
knowledge of science, we think Martell is a VERY COMPETENT  scientist.' The AEC did,
however, question Martell's health conclusions. 'While it is true,' they said, 'that SOME
plutonium is escaping from the plant, we don't believe it presents a SIGNIFICANT health
hazard to Denver.'

 "DR. ARTHUR TAMPLIN - at the time a leading AEC health researcher - strongly
disagreed. The Martell study 'shows about ONE TRILLION PURE PLUTONIUM OXIDE
PARTICLES have escaped from Rocky Flats,' he warned. 'These are VERY HOT particles.
You may only have to inhale 300 of them to DOUBLE your risk of LUNG CANCER.'
Tamplin calculated that if plutonium had been spread as Martell suggested, LUNG-
CANCER RATES in Denver could rise, over time, 10 PERCENT. An additional 2,000
COLORADANS could fall victim to Rocky Flats." [345]

 " 'Gemstones with histories' had been released around the globe for several
years. In SEPTEMBER, Roberts offered one to MACK (the head of the California CREEP),
for NIXON. This gemstone's history included TEDDY'S PHONE CALLS to and from the
Lawrence Cottage on Chappaquiddick, billed to Teddy's home in Hyannisport. Along with
the gemstone, Roberts offered Nixon a proposition: the Presidency in return for WIPING
OUT THE MAFIA. He didn't realize that NIXON was MAFIA! Nixon wasn't interested, but
kept the information to use on Teddy, at his discretion." [346]

 "Due to the RISING CONTROVERSY surrounding it, in OCTOBER, the Department
of Defense restricted further military use of AGENT ORANGE." [347]
 "TASK FORCE ALPHA (TFA), a high-level intelligence-gathering team...[was
responsible for] reporting directly to 7th Air Force headquarters in Hawaii...BYPASSING
normal intelligence-reporting channels...and from there, straight to the Pentagon. Armed
with this top-secret intelligence, select briefers kept the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of
Defense informed on the success of the unit's secret mission. TFA, the heart of [Robert
extending from North Vietnam, through Laos and Cambodia, into South Vietnam. Its
objective was to cut off the supply traffic flowing south along the HO CHI MINH TRAIL.
The TFA command center was located on the southern shores of the Mekong River in
northeastern Thailand, on a ROYAL THAI AIR FORCE base. Dominating the center was
the Department of Defense's (DOD) supercomputer system, and the centerpiece of this
system was IBM's latest creation, 360E, the world's largest computer. [According to  Terry
Reed - a serious future nemesis of Klinton - the 'E' indicated "experimental."]

  "Nearly 7 miles above TFA's command center, a predecessor of the future AWAC
system, the EC-121R, was armed with the most advanced technology known to man. This
airborne command post's primary task was 'monitoring' the electronic signals from a
'string of sensors' dropped from specially-equipped planes. Impact drove the
camouflaged sensors deep into the ground, leaving nothing but plastic antennae,
designed to blend into the jungle foliage, making them virtually undetectable. Audio or
seismic VIBRATIONS from enemy trucks then ACTIVATED the sensors, alerting the EC-
121R, which in turn relayed data to the 360E. After a series of calculations, a specially-
equipped and armed F-4 was guided to an airborne point in space to coincide with the
moving target. SEEMINGLY FROM NOWHERE, a bomb would fall onto the unsuspecting

 "The Royal Thai Air Force base, from which TFA operated, was also the home of
another offshoot of the supercomputer. Its code name was 'TEABALL,' Seventh Air
Force's special controlling facility that directed air strikes from EC-121 early warning
radar planes code-named 'DISCO.' [348] Its purpose was to coordinate air strikes and
provide U.S. pilots operating over North Vietnam with ADVANCE WARNING of enemy
fighter intercepts. TFA's computer was so advanced it could IDENTIFY SOVIET MIG
aircraft by MODEL NUMBER, TRACK THEIR FUEL BURN, and even WARN American pilots
as to the SKILL of the individual enemy pilot. This was achieved by intercepting airborne
radio voice communications in TFA's plot room. There they could compare STORED
ENEMY PILOT'S VOICEPRINTS to the one in the plane, determine his NAME, relay to the
American combatant his opponent's PROFICIENCY in flying, and most frightening of all -
relay the NUMBER, if any, of American aircraft he had SHOT DOWN in aerial dogfights.

 "Reed's job as a TARGET SELECTOR and PHOTO ANALYST was to focus
primarily on a 750-square-mile road segment known as the ROUTE 23 COMPLEX, winding
out of the mountainous and rugged MU GHIA PASS from North Vietnam into southern
Laos...Terry and his team used the telltale records of the sensor activations to determine
where the enemy had hidden truck parks and storage areas along the jungle-shrouded
route. By melding these electronic 'tips' on where the enemy was hiding, with other
intelligence provided by phot reconnaissance and pilot reports, Reed's team was
responsible for selecting the IMPACT POINT of tons of high explosives delivered by

 "The LIVES of many American flyers were relying on the THOROUGHNESS with
which Reed and his team did their job...As a group supervisor, Terry briefed Air Force
forward air controllers (FACs) and F-4 jet pilots on...the suspected location of NORTH
POSITIONS...Those retaliatory briefings, given also to the CIA, were Terry's introduction
as to how legitimate covert operations are MISUSED to DISGUISE 'black,' or ILLEGAL
operations. The CIA was 'on the ground' in LAOS despite Richard Nixon's PUBLIC
DENIAL. He conveniently misled the public by making statements shrouded in deceit
such as, 'THERE ARE NO AMERICAN TROOPS IN LAOS,' the operative word being

 "But those weren't the ONLY briefings Reed gave. There were those 'special
requests' that put him into contact with the CIVILIAN 'spooks' who were doing SECRET
work for 'the CUSTOMER' - the CIA. These were men under contract by the CIA, which
was fighting its own SECRET WAR in Laos, and it depended upon Task Force Alpha
(TFA) and men like Reed to provide them with 'FRESH' intelligence so they could carry
out their own deadly agenda...Though supposedly a NEUTRAL country, a HALF-MILLION
COMBAT SORTIES had been flown, and OVER A MILLION TONS OF BOMBS had been
dropped on the small nation prior to Terry's arrival...

 "All of this ordinance was being dropped SECRETLY and ILLEGALLY on a
country with whom we were not at war. SENATOR STUART SYMINGTON (D-MO) would
announce in public hearings, 'We have been AT WAR in Laos for YEARS, and it's time the
AMERICAN PEOPLE KNEW more of the facts.' This disclosure was made in OCTOBER,
1969, the month Terry arrived in Thailand, and it wasn't until FIVE MONTHS LATER that
PRESIDENT NIXON acknowledged for the first time U.S. involvement in Laos..." [349] So,
explain to me and the American people: with this kind of technology, WHY COULDN'T

 "With NELSON ROCKEFELLER at the helm, Chase Manhattan opened their new
operations in Australia. Their new partners were NATIONAL BANK AUSTRALASIA and AC
GOODS ASSOCIATES: CHASE-NBA. At the same time, J.C. FLETCHER was appointed
chairman of a Seven Sisters' company, BRITISH PETROLEUM (New Zealand)." [350]

    "Addressing a Republican committee in Iowa, Vice President SPIRO T. AGNEW
commented on television news coverage: '...how is this network news determined? A
SMALL GROUP OF MEN, numbering perhaps no more than a DOZEN anchormen,
commentators and executive producers, settle upon the 20 minutes or so of film and
commentary that's to reach the public. This selection is made from the 90 to 180 minutes
that may be available...We cannot measure this power and influence by the

 'They can ELEVATE men from obscurity to national prominence within a week.
They can reward some politicians with NATIONAL EXPOSURE and IGNORE others. For
millions of Americans the network reporter who covers a continuing issue - like the ABM
or civil rights - becomes, in effect, the PRESIDING JUDGE in a NATIONAL TRIAL BY
JURY...Nor is their power confined to the substantive. A RAISED EYEBROW, an
INFLECTION of the voice, a CAUSTIC REMARK dropped in the middle of a broadcast can
raise DOUBTS in a MILLION MINDS about the veracity of a public official or the wisdom of
a Government policy...' " [351] This was THIRTY YEARS AGO - BEFORE CABLE AND THE
MASSIVE MERGERS. Multiply the above figures by the number ADDED since then, as a
result of cable and the mergers [which included magazines, newspapers, as well as TV].
Now, consider how much MORE INFLUENCE these anchormen and commentators have
TODAY! Anybody out there who STILL believes they are NOT being regularly
brainwashed? Hmmm. Didn't think so.

 "While...understanding the IMPOSSIBILITY of 100% CONTAINMENT of the most
lethal man-made substances ever created on earth, it is critical to realize that many
releases of man-made nuclear fission products are not categorized as 'accidents' at all,
but are the result of 'Normal' operating procedures carried out by, as VLADIMIR
CHERNOUSENKO (Scientific Director of the cleanup of Chernobyl) calls it, the
INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR MAFIA. These releases fall within the rubric of 'permissible
levels' as explained by DR. ERNEST STERNGLASS in his 1982 book, 'SECRET FALLOUT:

           'It therefore seemed reasonable to expect that if such LOW LEVELS of radioactive
waste releases had been achieved in 1957 in the very FIRST nuclear power reactor built in
this country, then the LATER, more advanced plants would release even LESS. But...I
discovered that this was NOT THE CASE. In the published record of the hearings on the
Committee on Atomic Energy in NOVEMBER 1969, there were tables supplied by the AEC
listing the amounts of radioactivity discharged into the water and air by commercial
nuclear power plants in the United States." [352]

Education published the Behavoral Science Teacher Education Project (B-STEP), which
stated as one of its goals, 'the development of a new kind of elementary school teacher
who...engages in teaching as a CLINICAL PRACTICE...and functions as a responsible
AGENT OF SOCIAL CHANGE.' Page 253 of the document B-STEP covers MANIPULATION
OF THE MEDIA." [353]

 At the end of his first year at Oxford, CLINTON wrote a letter [dated DECEMBER 3,
1969] to COLONEL EUGENE HOLMES, the head of the ROTC at the University of

 "I have written and spoken and marched against the war...After I left Arkansas last
summer, I went to Washington to work in the national headquarters of the Moratorium,
then to England to ORGANIZE THE AMERICANS...for demonstrations here OCTOBER 15
and NOVEMBER 16." Clinton went on, "Interlocked with the war is the draft issue...I came
to believe that the draft system itself is illegitimate. No government really rooted in
LIMITED, parlimentary democracy should have the power to MAKE ITS CITIZENS FIGHT
AND KILL AND DIE in a war they may OPPOSE,* a war which even possibly may be
AND FREEDOM OF THE NATION. The draft was justified in WORLD WAR II because the
life of the people collectively was at stake. Individuals had to fight, if the nation was to
survive, for the lives of their countrymen and their  way of life. VIETNAM was no such
case. Nor was KOREA...

 [Isn't it heart-warming how quickly Klinton came to see the light, once HIS OWN
SKIN was out of HARM'S WAY - and how ENTHUSIASTICALLY he embraced the role of
"Commander-in-Chief"?! Tell us, Mr. "President," what do all these foreign wars today
have in common? HOW do they involve the "PEACE AND FREEDOM of the nation"? And
what about MICHAEL NEW? By YOUR reasoning, when he was DRAFTED INTO THE UN
ARMY from OUR army - a move he OPPOSED - that was illegitimate [not to mention
UNCONSTITUTIONAL!] And since WHEN is America "ROOTED" in "limited parliamentary
democracy"??!!! Listen carefully - I will spell this out slo - ow - ly: AMERICA * IS * A *
time, Mr. "President?" Oh, well. I am just wasting my breath with Klinton.] Back to the

 "...I am in GREAT SYMPATHY for those who are not willing to fight, kill and maybe
die for their country, right or wrong. Two of my friends at Oxford are conscientious
objectors. I wrote a letter of recommendation for one of them to his Mississippi draft
board, a letter which I am more PROUD of than ANYTHING ELSE I WROTE AT OXFORD
LAST YEAR. One of my roommates is a draft resister who is possibly under indictment
and may never be able to go home again. He is one of the BRAVEST, BEST MEN I know.
HIS country needs men like him more than they know. That he is considered a criminal is

 [There is a world of DIFFERENCE between conscientious objectors and draft
dodgers! It is a question of morals and principles, but I fear these are an area that you will
never understand, Mr. Klinton. "HIS" country? Shouldn't you have said "OUR" country?
Are you admitting AMERICA isn't YOUR country??! Oops! I forgot. This was the year you
so I better not discuss that incident! I REPEAT: What about SPC. MICHAEL NEW???]

 "...I decided to ACCEPT THE DRAFT*...for one reason: to MAINTAIN MY
POLITICAL VIABILITY...When the draft came...I was having a hard time facing the
prospect of fighting a war I had been fighting against, and that is why I contacted you.
ROTC was the one way left in which I could possibly...avoid both Vietnam and
resistance...After I signed the ROTC LETTER OF INTENT I began to wonder whether the
COMPROMISE I had made with myself was not more objectionable...because I had no
interest in the ROTC program...and all I seemed to have done was to PROTECT MYSELF
FROM PHYSICAL HARM..." ["COMPROMISE"?? Boy! I'd like to have a dollar for every
time Klinton has made a "compromise" - just since he entered politics: I'd RETIRE! And
when in the name of Heaven did Clinton "accept the draft"?! That statement sure must
have come as a shock to Clinton's DRAFT BOARD!] His letter continued:

 "...At that time, AFTER WE HAD MADE OUR AGREEMENT and you had sent my 1-
D DEFERMENT to my draft board, the anguish and loss of self-regard and self-confidence
really set in. I hardly slept for weeks and kept going by EATING COMPULSIVELY and
reading until exhaustion brought sleep.* Finally, on SEPTEMBER 12, I stayed up all night
writing a letter to the chairman of my draft board...thanking him for trying to help...and
stating that I couldn't do the ROTC after all and would he PLEASE DRAFT ME as soon as
possible. I NEVER MAILED THE LETTER [what a SURPRISE!]...because I didn't see, in the
end, how my going in the army and maybe going to Vietnam would achieve anything
except a feeling that I had punished myself and GOTTEN WHAT I DESERVED. So I came
back to England to try to make something of this second year of my Rhodes
Scholarship...it is no longer clear what is service and what is disservice, or if it is clear;
the conclusion is likely to be ILLEGAL." [354]

  *Strange, none of your classmates from back then can remember this kind of
behavior during that period. How convenient. We only have your word on this change of
heart...and we all know what THAT'S worth! Fear not, Bill. You definitely WILL get "what
[you] deserve"...but you'll have to wait a few more years. With all the books you have
read, you really should have taken time out to study the BIBLE more!

 "After spending the beginning of the 1969 Christmas recess from Oxford with
some classmates in London...Bill Clinton packed his bags and boarded a Soviet Airlines
Aeroflot jetliner DECEMBER 19th for a flight to MOSCOW. He was accompanied by
another Rhodes scholar, JAN KAPOLD, a Czechoslovakian, who got off the plane in
Prague to spend the holidays with his parents. Clinton remained aboard the flight and
arrived in Moscow late that night. He made his way to the city's premier hotel, the
NATIONAL, where A ROOM HAD BEEN RESERVED. It can't be established WHO made the
travel or accomodation arrangements for Clinton.

 "Two U.S. Congressmen, California Republican ROBERT K. DORNAN and
GERALD B. SOLOMON, the Republican - Conservative-Right-to-Life Party New Yorker,
and former Rhodes scholar classmate CLIFF JACKSON, the Little Rock attorney who
wrote the letters about Clinton's attempts to evade the draft, all are of the SAME MIND:
Because Clinton did not have a job, was not earning money, and, by his own admission,
(supported by his English girlfriend TAMARA ECKLES-WILLIAMS) was always low on
funds, Clinton's trip could have been financed many ways, but two stand out as most

 1. "The VIETNAM MORATORIUM, for whom Clinton worked in Washington and
furthered its cause by organizing Americans in Great Britain for two 1969 anti-Vietnam
War rallies. The Moratorium held a rally in Moscow early in the New Year and, because of
his loyalty to its cause, Clinton was invited to attend.

 2. "The KGB, the Soviet secret police and international spy organization that was
the counterpart to America's CIA. Fomenting unrest in the United States for waging the
Vietnam War, it wanted Clinton in Moscow to give impetus to the 'peace rally' held there
on January 2, 1970.

 "Clinton's activities in Moscow remain a MYSTERY...He has never discussed with
the media either that trip or his travel to at least one known 'defector country,'
NORWAY..." [355]

 " 'There were VERY FEW RECORDS KEPT, frequent PURGING OF THE FILES, and
in general a lot of cutouts and other Mickey Mouse,' [during 'Operation Chaos'] recalled
one officer. 'Because of the sensitivity of the UK, these kids were treated in some ways
like some HIGH-LEVEL AGENTS'...One former agency official would claim that the future
President was a FULL-FLEDGED 'ASSET,' that he was regularly 'DEBRIEFED,' and thus
Similarly, he was said to have informed on DRAFT RESISTERS in Sweden during his brief
trip there with Father Mc Sorley and to have HAD HIS ROOM PAID FOR at one of
MOSCOW's most exclusive Intourist hotels, the venerable NATIONAL just off RED
SQUARE, during his holiday trip there at the end of 1969...

 " 'Arguably the BEST ACCOMODATION IN TOWN,' a Little Rock columnist wrote
later of the expensive Soviet hotel. Clinton would spend at least part of his time in
Moscow with two visiting Americans he had apparently happened upon, CHARLES
DANIELS, a contractor from Virginia, and HENRY FORS, a farmer who was seeking Soviet
help finding a son missing in North Vietnam. But otherwise, ensconced in a hotel
have made an oddly POINTLESS TRIP, with none of the PURPOSE or application friends
saw him bring to other ventures. Clinton 'JUST HUNG AROUND, ALWAYS HUNGRY AND
BROKE,' Arkansas journalist MEREDITH OAKLEY quoted another STUDENT in Moscow
as saying." [356]

 And that's it for now, folks. I will see y'all again in another 6 weeks or so - it could
be a couple of months, if the next report is as difficult as this one! But I'll get back as
soon as I can with the SEVENTIES. We'll let you know when it's ready. Til then, take care

Fact or Fiction...YOU Decide.
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Source Notes

288] 300 Id

289] "One-World" Id

290] "NEW AGE" by M. Fuss, s.v. - Nuouo Dizionario delle Religioni

THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT" by Fra John Carlo Rosales, FFI - "Christian Order
Magazine," Vol 37, No ? 1/96 - Eternal Word Television Network [SYSOP@ EWTN.COM]

292] E. Dowling, in the Introduction to THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, as
quoted by B. Schlink Id; "Closer" Id

293] Viewpoint Id

294] 300 Id

295] Bomb Machine Id

296] JANE  FONDA  &  TOM  HAYDEN: An "Unauthorized Biography" Narrated by Barbara
Howar late 1988 or early 1989

297] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

298] "Nuclear" Id

299] WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA -Prentice-Hall General Reference -
Helicon Publishing and Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1993

IN VIETNAM by Monika Jensen-Stevenson & [Sir] William Stevenson - 1990

301] "SCIENCE & MECHANICS 3/68; Shadows Id


303] Id

304] Partners Id

305] Clinton Id

306] "THE PRINCE OF PEACE IS DEAD" - "Ebony" XXIII, No. #7 5/68

307] "NOTHING MORE THAN HOT AIR" by John F. McManus - "The New American" Fall

308] Clinton Id

309] "Opal" Id

310] "Nuclear" Id

311] "Gemstone" Id

312] "INSURANCE FOR LIBERTY" by Robert W. Lee - "The New American" Fall/Winter

313] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

314] "Opal" Id

315] NOT OUR AMERICA...THE ACLU EXPOSED! by Daniel J. Popeo - Washington Legal
Foundation 1989

316] "Gemstone" Id

317] "Opal" Id

318] Hoover Id

319] "Nuclear" Id

320] "Secret Programs" Id

321] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

322] Partners Id

323] 300 Id

324] Waiting Id

325] "Bible Science" Id

Teresa Hampton - "Capitol Hill Blue" - Capitol Web Publishing 1999
[http://www.capitolhillblue.com/Feb1999/022299/clintonrape022299.htm] Capitol Hill Blue
is published daily on the web. Some material is from (c) The Associated Press and (c)
Reuters NewMedia

327] Fonda Id

328] "Opal" Id

329] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

330] "Nuclear" Id

331] "Opal" Id

332] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

333] Great Id; "Bombs" Id

334] Clinton Id

335] "ARTICLE" by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum -  "Wall Street Journal"  2/6/92

336] Clinton Id

337] "Nuclear" Id

338] Clinton Id

339] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

340] "Gemstone" Id

341] "Nuclear" Id

342] "Opal" Id

343] Clinton Id

344] "Forecasters" Id

345] Great Id; "Bombs" Id

346] "Gemstone" Id

347]Vietnam Id

348] RAIN OF FIRE: THE AIR WAR by John Morrocco - Boston Publishing 1985

349] COMPROMISED: CLINTON, BUSH AND THE CIA by Terry Reed - Clandestine
Publishing 1995

350] "Opal" Id

Midwest Regional Republican Committee, Des Moines, IA 11/13/69] - Vital Speeches,
XXXVI 12/1/69

David Ratcliffe ("yer friendly neighborhood ratman") [dave@sgi.com] Article #38 of
sgi.talk.ratical 5/8/91 - Silicon Graphics, Inc.

353] Cuddy "Chronology" Id

354] BILL CLINTON: THE COMEBACK KID by Charles F. Allen & Jonathan Portis - Carol
Publishing Group 1992

355] Clinton Id

356] Partners Id

 All emphasis throughout this article is mine, unless otherwise indicated.
BEEN MOVED UP to catch the public off-guard! PREPARE: FOR THE NIGHT IS COMING!
"If any man have an ear let him hear" - Rev 13:9