"Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide.

In the strife of truth with falsehood for the good or evil side...
Then it is the brave man chooses, while the coward stands aside.

Til the multitudes make virtue of the faith they had denied.

Though the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is strong.

Though her portion be the scaffold and upon the throne be wrong.
Yet that scaffold sways the future and behind the dim unknown

Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own.”


                              JAMES RUSSELL LOW

                           (Written about Slavery in 1845. Will today’s

                           American accept enslavement once again?)

                                                     Part 5



             "OBAMA learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to SAUL ALINSKI, as we approach his 100th birthday." - L. DAVID ALINSKY, (Son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky)    


            "TRUE REVOLUTIONARIES do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They CUT THEIR HAIR, PUT ON SUITS, AND INFILTRATE THE SYSTEM FROM WITHIN.. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as CHURCHES, UNIONS and POLITICAL PARTIES...


      "One Alinsky benefactor was WALL STREET investment banker EUGENE MEYER, who served as CHAIRMAN OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE from 1930 to 1933. Meyer and his wife AGNES co-owned “THE WASHINGTON POST.” They used their newspaper to promote Alinsky....Her series, called 'The Orderly Revolution', made Alinsky famous...


      "Alinsky’s crowning achievement was his recruitment of a young high school student named HILLARY RODHAM. She met Alinsky through a radical CHURCH group. Hillary wrote an analysis of Alinsky’s methods for her senior thesis at WELLESLEY COLLEGE…"Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.


       "BARACK OBAMA IS ALSO AN ALINSKYITEObama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the DEVELOPING COMMUNITIES PROJECT...Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of Black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." – RICHARD POE (“Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky) (11/27/07)



            “For most of the 20th century, we had municipal CHRISTMAS TREES, public displays of CRECHES and CHRISTMAS GREETINGS uttered in shops and stores – and America was better for it.


            “I’m a JEW. I don’t celebrate Christmas (though they tell me it commemorates the birthday of a Jewish kid). But I’m not offended by those who do, yea, even publicly. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Christianity is the glue that holds America together. As a patriot, I defend the public celebration of Christmas as a public good.


            “Does anyone in Israel object to municipal MENORAHS? Do they say, “Oh the poor Moslems, they must feel so excluded”? ONLY IN AMERICA.


            America is the only nation that has made a fetish of sensitivity and inclusiveness. But we’re very selective about that to which we are sensitive. We can have full-frontal nudity and simulated moaning and gasping on cable TV, but a MANGER scene on the courthouse lawn is an affront to decency!


            “We can have grade-school children indoctrinated in the more bizarre aspects of the homosexual lifestyle - the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES can tell a gay gathering that he longs for the day when two men or two women living together are treated exactly the same as mom and dad – but CHRISTMAS CAROLS are over the line.


            “Our seasonal sensitivity samba is due in part to hyper-concern for the sensibilities [of] some, and in part to the fear of law suits. The ACLU is ever vigilant to LIGHTED TREES and other attempts to establish a national church, and ready to pounce.


            “But there’s another, darker motive. The WAR ON CHRISTMAS  is a War on JUDEO-CHRISTIAN MORALITY is a WAR ON AMERICA. Take our president – please! SEASONAL HOLIDAY” - An exclusive commentary forGrassTopsUSA) (12/13/09)


            OBAMA was planning a ‘NON-RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS,’ White House Social Secretary DESIREE ROGERS told a gathering of her predecessors earlier this month. That included not displaying the traditional manger scene with other Christmas decorations. The administration later reversed that decision, which apparently did not play well in Peoria…” – DON FEDER (On The WAR ON CHRISTMAS Excerpted from, “We Wish You A Merry MULTICULTURAL, INOFFENSIVE, INCLUSIVE, SECULAR


             The face of China's MAO ZEDONG, blamed for the deaths of 50 to 80 million of his countrymen, graces an ornament on the WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS TREE for President Obama's first holiday season in residence. According to, the tree also features an ornament adding Obama to MOUNT RUSHMORE!

            The images, such as the "transvestite" character "Hedda Lettuce," are attributed to the work of SIMON DOONAN, creative director of BARNEY’S NEW YORK, whose previous projects have included MARGARET THATCHER as a dominatrix and DAN QUALE as a ventriloquist's dummy, according to the New York Times. "Why let a holiday season come between the White House and making some political statements," Big Government's report asked. "These photos of ornaments on the White House Christmas tree in the Blue Room were taken just days ago. Of course, Mao has his place in the White House."

           The Times noted the White House's choice of Doonan to decorate this year was confirmed by volunteers and florists who gathered to install annual displays…The report follows a commentary from legendary martial arts champion, actor and WorldNetDaily columnist CHUCK NORRIS on Obama's penchant for rejecting Christianity and its symbols.” -  By Bob Unruh (“Holiday Blues” – ‘WorldNetDaily’) (12/22/09)



             FIRST, even during his campaign for the presidency, OBAMA sarcastically belittled America's Judeo-Christian heritage and degraded its adherents with trite remarks typical of any atheistic antagonist: "Whatever we were, WE ARE NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN NATION;" "The dangers of sectarianism are greater than ever;" "Religion doesn't allow for compromise": "The SERMON ON THE MOUNT  [is] a passage that is so radical that our own Defense Department wouldn't survive its application"; and "To base our policy making upon such commitments [as MORAL ABSOLUTES] would be a dangerous thing." (See the YouTube video: "Barack Obama on the importance of a secular government.")

             SECOND, PRESIDENT OBAMA has already denied America's rich Judeo-Christian heritage before the eyes and ears of other countries, as he publicly declared in TURKEY on April 6, 2009, for the whole world to hear: "WE DO NOT CONSIDER OURSELVES A CHRISTIAN NATION." (Who are the "WE" to whom he refers? Would our FORMER presidents agree with his "WE"?)

             THIRD, quite contrary to OBAMA's negative tone and sentiments about Judeo-Christian belief, in countless speeches over the past year he has sympathized and supported pro-Islamic theology and practice.. Just recently, he encouraged Americans "not to jump to conclusions" about the FORT HOOD shooter being a Muslim extremist. And he refused to say anything when the Muslim extremist and President of IRAN publicly accused the U.S. of actively planning and plotting to stop manklind’s “real savior:” i.e. MAHDI, the imam that Muslims believe will be the ultimate savior of mankind.

             FOURTH, PRESIDENT OBAMA has enabled an anti-Christian agenda, unlike any former president, by revising America's religious history, minimizing the role of religion today, passing secular-progressive legislation and turning a blind eye to issues like atheists' lawsuit to remove the national motto ("IN GOD WE TRUST") off of the walls of the new CAPITOL VISITORS CENTER in Washington, D.C., or the ACLU's disposal of VETERAN MEMORIAL CROSSES in the MOJAVE DESERT and at MOUNT SOLEDAD.  Every time PRESIDENT OBAMA has had an opportunity to stand for CHRISTIANITY in any way, he has not only denied it but disdained it.

             A grave manifestation is OBAMACARE's incorporation to use federal funds to pay for ABORTION and thereby FORCE PEOPLE OF CONSCIENCE WHO ARE PRO-LIFE TO PAY FOR THE TERMINATIONS OF LIFE IN THE WOMB across the country. (What a tragic piece of legislation to pass in the shadow of the day when we celebrate the birth of the world's savior, JESUS CHRIST!)  What President Obama, like many other liberal politicians, needs is a paradigm shift – a new way of seeing America, which is really an old way. It's the way our founders viewed America, and it incorporates a good ol' fashioned Christmas PROCLAMATION OF CHRIST’S BIRTH! That America is the one I outline in my new (January 2010) paperback expansion of my New York Times best-seller, "Black Belt Patriotism," which is ironically THE SAME CHRISTMAS GIFT I’M SENDING TO THE PRESIDENT! And there is one gift that I propose the president give this nation. Since Obama prides himself on being the technological president, in lieu of his Christmas proclamation this year, I suggest that he just send out across the nation the online link to a YouTube video that I had posted under the title, “Ronald Reagan Christmas Address (12/23/81)– CHUCK NORRIS (“Away With The Manger” – WorldNetDaily) (12/20/09)



            Without question, OPRAH has done tremendous good, touching the lives of millions in a positive way. And for this I salute her. Because she has such a huge heart and compassion, Oprah tends to take the emotionally liberal side of issues. However, though well-intentioned, ignoring reality and human nature can be extremely destructive. A common theme on Oprah's show is that EVERYONE IS A VICTIM OF SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING. Not all abusers are the product of abuse. History proves some people are simply evil, and some people are lazy losers.

            And WHY IN ALMOST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF BROADCASTING have we not seen ONE CONSERVATIVE, "I am NOT a victim of WHITE AMERICA"  BLACK guest on the Oprah show? This is a huge disservice to BLACK AMERICA. We Blacks (I am Black) are BLESSED  to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. And yet liberal icons are still filling the heads of Black Youths with thoughts that THEY ARE VICTIMS OF A SEXIST, RACIST, AND HOMOPHOBIC AMERICA. Despite Oprah being possibly the RICHEST WOMAN IN AMERICA and America electing its FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT, the branding of Americans as RACIST is STRONGER than ever.

            “So Oprah, my dear friend, I challenge you. You have announced your program will end in 2011. How about doing a wonderful thing for not just for Black Americans, but ALL? In your remaining programs, INVITE BLACK CONSERVATIVES TO APPEAR AS GUESTS.” – LLLOYD MARCUS (Farewell Oprah: How About A Gift To Black America Before You Go?) (11/23/09)


            She's the QUEEN of DAYTIME TV, and one of the richest women in the world, but is OPRAH WINFREY starting her own religion? The Kosciusko native is under fire for talking up some controversial beliefs on her show. Winfrey said that she doesn't believe there is one God, and is now promoting a book that says Man made God. So far, more than 3 million people have watched a YouTube video warning Christians about a growing movement it claims is led by Winfrey.


            WINFREY's latest BOOK CLUB selection is by new age author ECKART TOLLE, who claims GOD could be anything or anyone. It's a controversial belief, but it isn't new. REVEREND FRED HAMMOND leads the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH of Jackson. Winfrey's new idea that there are many paths to God is one of the cornerstones of universalism.


            "We are not focused on the doctrine, but rather the character and how that person lives their life as being the true test of their faith," Hammond said. Hammond said that his congregation is made up of MUSLIMS, JEWS, BUDDHISTS, CHRISTIANS and PAGANS. They are bound together not by a book or creed, but by an agreement to follow SEVEN PRINCIPLES, which include COMPASSION and respect for others. Hammond says UNIVERSALISTS believe how you act on earth is the cornerstone of their faith.


             Some UNIVERSALISTS don't believe in a HEAVEN per se. "We try to say, 'I don't know if there's [a] heaven but if there is one, that would be great and if there isn't a heaven, that's okay. I've had a wonderful life,'" Hammond said. Hammond, like Winfrey, came to UNIVERSALISM after questioning CHRISTIANITY. He grew up METHODIST. Winfrey was raised as a BAPTIST. Hammond said he welcomes the debate Winfrey brings. "It opens the doorway for people to start to think and engage their faith. Why do I believe this? Is it because I am told, or because I have really wrestled with a question and came up and said I believe it’s true FOR ME," Hammond said.” – JACKSON NEWS ( – Jackson, MS) (2008)



             POWER is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in TEARING HUMAN MINDS TO PIECES and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see then, WHAT KIND OF WORLD WE ARE CREATING? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less, but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded upon HATRED. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall DESTROY – everything.


             “ Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have CUT THE LINKS BETWEEN CHILD AND PARENT, and between man and man, and between MAN AND WOMAN. No one dares TRUST A WIFE OR A CHILD OR A FRIEND any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. CHILDREN will be taken from their mothers at birth, AS ONE TAKES EGGS FROM A HEN. The SEX instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality, like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now.


             “ There will be NO LOYALTY, except loyalty toward the PARTY. There will be NO LOVE, except the love of BIG BROTHER. There will be NO LAUGHTER, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be NO ART, NO LITERATURE, NO SCIENCE. When WE ARE OMNIPOTENT we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be NO CURIOSITY, NO ENJOYMENT OF THE PROCESS OF LIFE. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always – do not forget this, Winston – always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. IF YOU WANT A PICTURE OF THE FUTURE, IMAGINE A BOOT STAMPING ON A HUMAN FACE – FOREVER…” – ‘1984’ (“George Orwell” – real name was Eric Arthur Blair. A one-time “insider” Orwell wrote of the very real political and social circumstances of his day – and the very real plans the imperialist elitists had for civilization.) (1949)


            (*Sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it? It seems we are seeing many of the not-so-subtle-any-longer steps leading to the International Mob’s long-dreamed-of-takeover in our time. And as for how it all began, think back to these statements: 


            "We shall unleash the NIHILISTS* and the ATHEISTS, and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. They everywhere the people forced to defend themselves against the world minority revolutionaries will exterminate those DESTROYERS OF CIVILIZATION. And the multitudes, disillusioned with CHRISTIANITY, whose deistic spirits will be, from that moment on without direction or leadership, and anxious for an ideal but without knowledge of where to send its adoration, will receive the TRUE LIGHT through the universal manifestation of the pure DOCTRINE OF LUCIFER brought finally out into public view, a manifestation which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." - ALBERT PIKE (letter - until recently, to be found in the archives of the British Museum in London.) (8/15/1871)


        "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations COLLAPSE? Isn't it OUR* responsibility to bring that about?" - MAURICE STRONG (Head of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro) (1992) 

            (  * As you continue down this column, you will see the many pieces coming together that will identify the international mobsters of today – and their beginnings … all the way back to the Old Testament!                  – OL)


        "PACIFISM is objectively PRO-FASCIST. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me." – GEORGE ORWELL




" Political designed to MAKE LIES SOUND TRUTHFUL, AND MURDER RESPECTABLE and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. " – GEORGE ORWELL


" Power is not a means, it is an END. One does not establish a DICTATORSHIP in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. THE OBJECT OF PERSECUTION IS PERSECUTION. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. "



" WAR is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too INTELLIGENT. "




            (*CHARLOTTE ISERBYT is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR in the OFFICE OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND IMPROVEMENT (OERI), U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, during the first REAGAN ADMINISTRATION, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. ISERBYT is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of GUARDIANS OF EDUCATION FOR MAINE (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the AMERICAN RED CROSS on GUAM and JAPAN during the KOREAN WAR, and in the UNITED STATES FOREIGN SERVICE in BELGIUM and in the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. ISERBYT is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet 'BACK TO BASICS REFORM OR OBE: SKINNERIAN INTERNATIONAL CURRICULUM' and her 1989 pamphlet 'SOVIETS IN THE CLASSROOM: AMERICA’S LATEST EDUCATION FAD' which covered the details of the U.S.-SOVIET AND CARNEGIE-SOVIET EDUCATION AGREEMENTS (WHICH REMAIN IN EFFECT TO THIS DAY) ! She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS. We are honored to have her as a part of P.A.G.E.USA! OL)


        “…in 1932 a book was written by WILLIAM FOSTER, the Chairman of the C0MMUNIST PARTY, U.S.A. Every single thing that he recommended, including a UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION and NATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION, etc. has taken place in the schools of America. And the fact that GEORGE BUSH wanted to hold onto the U.S. DEPT. OF EDUCATION  is proof that he is implementing this agenda. And, as I said before, the FAITH-BASED AGENDA... it was the CARNEGIE CORPORATION that was the major player in the restructuring of our schools in the Eighties and Nineties and presently. DAVID HORNBECK, WILLIAM SPADY - not Carnegie but he carried out the CARNEGIE PLAN, MR. OUTCOMES (Performance) BASED EDUCATION... I was in the FOREIGN SERVICE for eighteen years and I lived all over the world and I know what it is like to live under socialism and communism, and I don't like this agenda of GEORGE BUSH's. I especially don't like his FAITH-BASED AGENDA and I don't like his SCHOOL CHOICE AGENDA, because when you give tax money to the churches or you give tax money to private education, that is exactly what happened in socialist/communist countries...then YOU ARE TAKEN OVER BY THE GOVERNMENT because of the money.    – CHARLOTTE ISERBYT (Author of ‘The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America...A Chronological Paper Trail’) (Interview with Paul Anderson on “The Source” -  KJRT Radio) (5/20/01)



              MARC TUCKER, the master-mind behind today's global school-to-work system, explains the new education system: "[Our objective] will require a CHANGE in the prevailing culture - the ATTITUDES, VALUES, NORMS and ACCEPTED WAYS of doing things." – MARC TUCKER ("How We Plan to Do It," Proposal to the New American School Development Corporation - National Center for Education and the Economy) (7/9/92)


          The "DEAR HILLARY" letter, written on Nov. 11, 1992 by Marc Tucker, president of the NATIONAL CENTER ON EDUCATION AND THE ECONOMY (NCEE), lays out a plan "to remold the entire American system" into "a seamless web that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone," coordinated by "a system of labor market boards at the local, state and federal levels" where curriculum and "job matching" will be handled by counselors "accessing the integrated computer-based program."   


            Tucker's plan would change the mission of the schools from teaching children academic basics and knowledge to training them to serve the global economy in jobs selected by workforce boards. NOTHING IN THIS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH TEACHING SCHOOLCHILDREN HOW TO READ, WRITE, OR CALCULATE. (*Doesn’t that give one pause to wonder just what KINDS of jobs they are being “matched” for – in which they will not be required to know how to read, write, or calculate?! – OL) Tucker's ambitious plan was implemented in three laws passed by Congress and signed by PRESIDENT CLINTON in 1994: the GOALS 2000 ACT, the SCHOOL-TO-WORK ACT, and the reauthorized ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. These laws establish the following mechanisms to restructure the public schools:


v BYPASS ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS ON SCHOOL BOARDS AND IN STATE LEGISLATURES by making federal funds flow to the GOVERNOR and his appointees on workforce development boards.

v Use a computer database, a.k.a. "A LABOR MARKET INFORMATION SYSTEM," into which school personnel would scan all information about every schoolchild and his family, identified by the child's social security number: academic, medical, mental, psychological, behavioral, and interrogations by counselors. The computerized data would be available to the school, the government, and future employers. *

v Use "national standards" and "national testing" to cement NATIONAL CONTROL of tests, assessments, school honors and rewards, financial aid, and the CERTIFICATE OF INITIAL MASTERY (CIM), which is designed to replace the HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. 


  (*Don’t forget: this CIM does not require that the recipient know how to READ, WRITE, or CALCULATE when they “graduate”!! The first American College, As for children being trained in the government schools to “serve the global economy” that is a complete reversal of the original intent of education in this country:


           HARVARD in Cambridge was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was named for its first benefactor, JOHN HARVARD of Charlestown, a young minister. During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. It was established primarily to train ministers of the Gospel, and to evangelize the northern Atlantic seaboard. For more than 200 years, Harvard remained dedicated to CHRISTIAN education. EVERY HISTORICAL IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL FOUNDED IN THIS NATION HAD THE SAME CHRISTIAN MORAL ROOTS. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, the 6th oldest school in our nation announced it's opening in the New York Mercury on June 3, 1754 by the following statement:




              Designed on the GERMAN SYSTEM, the TUCKER PLAN is to train children in specific jobs to serve the workforce and the global economy  (*as SLAVES! – OL), instead of to educate them so they can make their OWN life choices…It needs to be a system DRIVEN BY CLIENT NEED$$ (not agency regulations or the needs of the organization providing the services), guided by clear standards that define the stages of the system for the people who progress through it, and regulated on the basis of outcomes that PROVIDERS PRODUCE FOR THEIR CLIENTS, not inputs into the system.  take advantage of legislation on which Congress has already been working to advance the and secondary



         "...the LAST thing we want our children to be able to do is to live independently of our society. We don't want our graduates to have a SURVIVAL VALUE of 100%, because this would make them FREE to opt out of our carefully-constructed economic system and do whatever they please. We don't want them to do whatever they please, we want them to have exactly two choices (assuming they're not independently wealthy). GET A JOB  or GO TO COLLEGE.


            "Either choice is good for us, because we need a constant supply of entry-level workers (*Slaves – OL) and we also need doctors, lawyers, physicists, mathematicians, psychologists, geologists, biologists, school teachers, and so on...Ninety-nine point nine percent of our high school graduates make one of these two choices. And it should be noted that our high-school graduates are reliably entry-level workers.  We want them to have to grab the LOWEST rung on the ladder (*As I said, “slaves” – OL). What sense would it make to give them skills that would make it possible for them to grab the second rung or the third rung?" - DANIEL QUINN ["Schooling: The Hidden Agenda" - speech at a home-schooling/unschooling conference (2000)].


         “.Is SCHOOL CHOICE a plot to implement the Socialist, Corporate, Fascist, Workforce training agenda for the GLOBAL PLANNED ECONOMY? You 'betcha! This decision will succeed in carrying out the long-standing leftist/internationalist goal of Total Control of all Education (public and private) through the Dollar. It provides a classic example of what the late SENATOR EDMUND MUSKIE (D-ME) referred to when he described how the Democrats, when they couldn't get something controversial approved, would go to the Republicans for action. Muskie, known as "MR. METRO," used as an example PRESIDENT NIXON's implementation of METROPOLITAN/ REGIONAL Government (the UNCONSTITUTIONAL carving of the nation into TEN REGIONS), something the Democrats had been unwilling or unable to tackle or accomplish…


              [PARENTS] should realize that [this] despicable situation has been PLANNED FOR OVER 150 YEARS (the DUMBING DOWN was DELIBERATE...the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC at work), in order to get the parents to call for and accept what is being sold to them as a solution providing freedom of choice, which in fact is what the internationalists, especially the CARNEGIE CORPORATION, has had planned for at least 75 years. The CARNEGIE CORPORATION's PLAN to change our economic system from free market to collectivist was published in 1934 in its little book ‘CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE SOCIAL STUDIES.’

          Not only did PRESIDENT REAGAN in 1985 sign agreements with PRESIDENT GORBACHEV to merge the UNITED STATES and SOVIET EDUCATION SYSTEMS; the Carnegie Corporation signed even more extensive agreements with the SOVIET ACADEMY OF SCIENCE to carry out the same agenda.

          Let me warn parents and private school administrators: "Freedom to choose" is exactly the opposite of what they and the private sector will receive if they take one penny of federal, state or local tax money to educate children. Believe it or not, SLAVERY IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, since once the private sector is controlled through vouchers, thereby creating a partnership with government (CORPORATE FASCISM), students , having been psychologically profiled, will be tracked into specific training at an early age and later into job slots to suit the needs of the CORPORATE SECTOR and the GLOBAL ECONOMY. That is the failed international socialist quota system that in essence provides NO CHOICE!

            Our children will have no freedom to choose what THEY want for their futures. This is going on right now in the public school sector due to GOALS 2000, the SCHOOL-TO-WORK OPPORTUNITIES ACT, and the reauthorization of the ESEA (S.1, the BUSH-KENNEDY "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT.") Some bright 9th graders are spending 3 out of 5 days a week at the JOB SITE, rather than studying Math, Science, Literature, History, Foreign Languages, Art, Music, etc. which would give them a LIBERAL ARTS education, indispensable for upward mobility, freedom, and an understanding of the world in which they live. Ah...would that ARISTOTLE, 384-322 B.C., could return to express his displeasure with this latest development. He said "Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead."

        What SCHOOL CHOICE is all about is not giving parents a real choice without strings attached; it is about CONTROLLING ALL CHILDREN (REFERRED TO AS "HUMAN RESOURCES" !), everywhere on this planet, in order to implement the FASCIST GLOBAL ECONOMY, with 100% participation in the GLOBAL COMPUTER!  Why, otherwise, does one find most of the major players and promoters of school choice coming from the corporate sector, with the U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE as the largest and loudest supporter of all? – CHARLOTTE ISERBYT (“Death Sentence for Private and Home Education Courtesy of Supreme Court - (7/8/02)


Not only did PRESIDENT REA he Vision We take *the proposals Bill put before the country in the campaign to be utterly con         In other words, THE OLD CHRISTIAN WAYS AND VALUES ARE OUT! The new, subjective postmodern ways are in. Already trained to follow FEELINGS rather than facts (and PEER CULTURE rather than PARENTAL counsel) today's youth are marching happily toward an AMORAL (NO morals), PERMISSIVE (at least for the moment) COLLECTIVE SOCIETY. Many have already internalized the ground rules for the DIALECTIC process:

1.          Seek "COMMON GROUND" in the midst of today's diversity

2.      Show respect, TOLERANCE and appreciation for ALL beliefs and values (*UNLESS they reflect BIBLICAL truth – OL).

3.       Train everyone to SHARE their feelings, listen EMPATHETICALLY, and IDENTIFY WITH OPPOSING VIEWS, then blissfully flow with the GROUP CONSENSUS.

            IT WORKS! This process transforms individual thinkers into GROUP thinkers. Since the sense of belonging feels good, the threat of group disapproval inhibits members from voicing "offensive" views.


“A POST-CHRISTIAN BELIEF SYSTEM is taking over - one that sees the Earth as a living being mythologically, as GAIA,

EARTH MOTHER - with mankind as her consciousness...Such WORSHIP OF THE UNIVERSE is properly called COSMOLATRY.”

-           DONNA STEICHEN (‘Ungodly Rage’)

—Donna Steichen, Ungodly Rage, p. 237


          “The richness and DIVERSITY OF OUR RELIGIOUS TRADITION* throughout history is a spiritual resource long ignored by PEOPLE OF FAITH, who are often afraid to open their minds to teachings first offered outside their own system of belief. But the emergence of a civilization in which knowledge moves freely and almost instantaneously throughout the world has…spurred a renewed investigation of the wisdom distilled by all faiths. This PAN-RELIGIOUS perspective may prove especially important where our global civilization’s responsibility for the EARTH is concerned.” - AL GORE (‘Earth In The Balance)


            (*Diversity” of WHOSEreligious tradition”? We all know you like to re-invent history, Mr. Gore, but this isn’t the internet! According to our historical documents, including the constitution of every one of our states back then, AMERICA’S religious tradition is CHRISTIANITY – period! Nowhere in any of our founding documents, or our original historical records will you find Pantheism, Islam, Buddahism, nor even Secular Humanism. In fact, we weren’t even Judeo at the beginning. Check out the original founding document: the MAYFLOWER COMPACT! – OL)


             "PREHISTORIC* Europe and much of the world was based on the worship of a single EARTH GODDESS, who was assumed to be the fount of all life and who radiated harmony among all living things. Much of the evidence for the existence of this primitive religion comes from the many thousands of artifacts uncovered in ceremonial sites. These sites are so widespread that they seem to confirm the notion that a goddess religion was ubiquitous through much of the world until the antecedents of today's religions, most of which still have a distinctly masculine orientation...swept out of INDIA and the NEAR EAST, almost obliterating belief in the goddess. The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by CHRISTIANITY as late as the fifteenth century in Lithuania.


            Gore then quotes de CHARDIN, "'The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a NEW FAITH in the future.’ Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to RESANCTIFY the earth..." Gore is also fond of quoting an old Native Indian saying Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That THE EARTH IS OUR MOTHER. What befalls the earth, befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know - the earth does not belong to man, MAN BELONGS TO THE EARTH.” - AL GORE (‘Earth In The Balance, pp 258-259)


            (*America’s history – as is the history of every man, woman, or child who ever lived on this planet – began in the GARDEN OF EDEN. There was no “Europe” until after the FLOOD and worship of Mother Earth didn’t begin until then, either! And because we are so near the prophetic End and the DAY OF JUDGEMENT, GOD (the one TRUE) has increased our knowledge – and supplied EVIDENCE – for Creation. We now have TONS of proof, affirming the Biblical record! What have YOU got for Gaia – or Evolution? – OL)



             In 1992 MAURICE STRONG was the Secretary General of the historic UNITED NATIONS (UNCED) EARTH CONFERENCE in RIO. This gathering featured an international cast of powerful figures in the environmental movement, government, business, and entertainment. Maurice Strong's wife HANNAH, was involved in the NGO alternative meeting at the Summit called GLOBAL FORUM '92. The DALAI LAMA opened the meeting and, according to author GARY KAH, to ensure the success of the forum, Hanne Strong held a three-week vigil with WISDOMKEEPERS, a group of "GLOBAL TRANSFORMATIONALISTS." Through round-the-clock sacred fire, drumbeat, and meditation, the group helped hold the "energy pattern" for the duration of the summit.


            It was hoped that an EARTH CHARTER would be the result of this event. This was not the case, however an international agreement was adopted - AGENDA 21 - which laid down the international "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" necessary to form a future Earth Charter agreement. Maurice Strong hinted at the overtly pagan agenda proposed for a future Earth Charter, when in his opening address to the Rio Conference delegates he said, "It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the Force of Darkness and the Force of Light." [note: ALICE BAILEY, and BLAVATSKY before her, used these terms often. Their writings state that the 'Force of Darkness' are those who adhere to the 'OUT-DATED' JUDEO-CHRISTIAN FAITH; those who continue along their 'separative' paths of the ONE TRUE GOD. The 'Force of Light' (LUCIFER) in their view, is the inclusive new age doctrine of a PAGAN PANTHEISTIC NEW WORLD RELIGION. In the NEW AGE OF AQUARIUS there will be no room for the 'Force of Darkness' and 'Separativeness'.] "We must therefore transform our attitudes and adopt a renewed respect for the SUPERIOR LAWS OF DIVINE NATURE," Strong finished with unanimous applause from the crowd.


            Despite the disappointing setback of no official agreement toward a "PEOPLES EARTH CHARTER,” Maurice Strong forged ahead, with ROCKEFELLER BACKING, to form his EARTH COUNCIL organization for the express purpose of helping governments implement UNCED's SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, which Agenda 21 had outlined. AGENDA 21 was perhaps the biggest step taken to facilitate any future "enforcement" of a patently pagan Earth Charter. According to Strong "the Charter will stand on it's own. It will be in effect, to use an Anglo-Saxon term, the MAGNA CARTA of the people around the Earth. But, it will also, we hope, lead to action by the governments through the United Nations."  - TERRY MELANSON (The Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant – Illuminati Conspiracy Archive) (11/6/01) 



            On September the 9th, 2001 a celebration of the EARTH CHARTER was held at SHELBURNE FARMS VERMONT for the unveiling of the Earth Charter's final resting place. This "ARK OF HOPE" will be presented to the UNITED NATIONS, along with its contents in June of 2002. It is hoped that the United Nations will endorse the Earth Charter document on this occasion; the tenth anniversary of the UNCED EARTH SUMMIT in RIO


            Placed within the Ark, along with the Earth Charter, were various items called "TEMENOS BOOKS" and "TEMENOS EARTH MASKS." Temenos is a concept adopted by CARL JUNG to denote a MAGIC CIRCLE, a sacred space where special rules and energies apply. Some of the Temenos Books were created within this magic circle by CHILDREN, who filled them with visual affirmations for MOTHER EARTH. Fashioned with the "earth elements", the Temenos Earth Masks were also worn and created by children.


            Inside this ' Ark of Hope' the Earth Charter is handwritten on papyrus paper, and ready for presentation to the United Nations; the Ark along with it's GAIA COMMANDMENTS "TEN COMMANDMENTS" – a new covenant to which Every Nation Must Adhere. Each panel represents one of the five traditional elements of pagan worship: WATER, FIRE, EARTH, AIR and SPIRIT. According to the Ark of Hope website, the Ark's dimensions are 49" X 32" X 32" and it was crafted out of a single Sycamore plank. THE OBVIOUS MEANING BEHIND THE ARK OF HOPE IS TO MOCK GOD’S OWN TEN COMMANDMENTS AND THE ARK OF THE COVENANT. In this context the choice of Sycamore wood for the Ark of Hope's construction is a revealing one. The SYCAMORE TREE was sacred to most all the pagan religions in the middle east during biblical times, and in Egypt especially: To the EGYPTIANS the Sycamore was a healing tree; The tomb of OSIRIS was built in Sycamore wood, and shaded by Sycamore trees; Burial in Sycamore coffins was a symbolic return into the womb of the MOTHER GODDESS; The deceased hoped to live in the Sycamore tree. In the BOOK OF THE DEAD there are examples of a letter the deceased would write to the GODDESS OF THE TREE, containing a prayer so that she would provide water and air.


            The "FOR LOVE OF EARTH" day-long celebrations at Shelburne Farms Vermont began with an early morning pilgrimage during which 2000 or so participants, led by SATISH KUMAR, walked to the "GREAT BARN" where they were greeted by the sounds of the "SUN SONG" played by musician PAUL WINTER. The Pagan festivities continued with the words of DR. JANE GOODALL, SATISH KUMAR and organizer DR. STEVEN C. ROCKEFELLER. The Earth worshippers were treated to dance, music and paintings of several Vermont artists, after which they joined hands and offered an "EARTH PRAYER" of "reverence" and "commitment" to MOTHER EARTH and the "ARK OF HOPE".


            Satish Kumar, who led the early morning pilgrimage at Shelburne Farms, is an influencial advocate of GAIA. Kumar says that "contemporary thinkers of the GREEN MOVEMENT are collectively developing an ecological world-view." The EARTH CHARTER is the green movement's crowning achievement toward this holistic world-view, and the practical means by which all of us will soon be held accountable to "DIVINE NATURE." According to Satish Kumar,2 this pagan view has five ingredients: GAIA (JAMES LOVELOCK), DEEP ECOLOGY (ARNE NAESS), PERMACULTURE (BILL MOLLISON), BIOREGIONALISM (GARY SNYDER et al.), and CREATION SPIRITUALITY (MATTHEW FOX). "Creation Spirituality" is what had, undoubtedly, taken place at the Shelburne Farms Earth Charter celebrations. In the words of STEVEN W. MOSHER, president of POPULATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE:


            "GAIA is the New Age term for MOTHER EARTH. The New Age believers hold that the earth is a sentient (conscious) Super-being, kind of Goddess, deserving of worship and, some say, HUMAN SACRIFICE (!!!). Compared to GAIA worship, the simple ANIMISM (Belief that mountains, rocks, earth, trees, etc. have souls and are conscious) of primitive cultures is wholesome." ."  - TERRY MELANSON (The Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant – Illuminati Conspiracy Archive) (11/6/01)  


           “The REAL GOAL of the EARTH CHARTER is that it will, in fact, become like the TEN COMMANDMENTS.” -  MAURICE STRONG


            “Do not do unto the ENVIRONMENT of others what you do not want done to your own ENVIRONMENT...My hope is that this CHARTER will be a kind of TEN COMMANDMENTS, a 'SERMON ON THE MOUNT', that provides a Guide for Human Behavior toward the ENVIRONMENT in the next century.” -  MIKHAIL GORBACHEV (“The Los Angeles Times”) (5/8/97)



            Anyone who has studied the GLOBAL GREEN MOVEMENT has no doubt heard of "GAIA." Believers in Gaia, or ‘Gaians’ as they often refer to themselves, claim that the earth is a sentient super-being, an ancient goddess spirit, deserving of worship and reverence. SIR JAMES LOVELOCK, in his book ‘GAIA: A new look at Life’, states that “all of the lifeforms on this planet are a part of Gaia - part of one spirit goddess that sustains life on earth. Since this transformation into a living system the interventions of Gaia have brought about the evolving diversity of living creatures on planet Earth.” Gaians teach that the "Earth Goddess", or Mother Earth, must be protected from destructive human activity. It is this belief that fuels the environmental movement, sustainable development, and a global push for the return of industrialized nations to a more primitive way of life.


            GAIANS claim that “we are part of Nature and Nature is part of us, therefore GOD IS PART OF US, AND GOD IS EVERYWHERE, AND EVERYTHING IS GOD.” In reality Gaia is actually a revival of the “EARTH-GODDESS” found in many ancient pagan religions. The current GAIA CULT is a cunning mixture of science, paganism, eastern mysticism, wicca and feminism. While researching this subject I have been astounded by how many prominent environmental leaders, politicians, scientists, and religious leaders profess a literal belief in Gaia. Gaians appear to have infiltrated every level of power at the United Nations and risen to prominent positions in many Governments. I strongly believe that THEY ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS AND DEVIOUS CULT ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET.


            The modern Gaia hypothesis was originally formulated by JAMES LOVELOCK. Dr Lovelock is one of the world’s most famous and influential scientists. He has degrees in numerous areas, including medicine, chemistry and physics. Lovelock worked for NASA during the 1960's as a consultant to the VIKING SPACECRAFT PROJECT. His task was to develop methods for DETECTING LIFE ON MARS. He claims that while searching for suitable methods he realised that CONDITIONS THAT ALLOWED  LIFE TO EXIST ON EARTH COULD NOT OCCUR ‘NATURALLY.’ THE SYSTEM IS SO WELL BALANCED AND YET SO DYNAMIC, THAT LIFE ITSELF IS ACTING LIKE A SELF-REGULATING SENTIENT SUP[ER-ORGANISM. He famously told NASA that there was no possibility of life existing on Mars and they should cancel their mission. Lovelock called his sentient, super-organism “GAIA,” after the ancient Greek Goddess of the Earth. In Greek Mythology it was Gaia that brought Order out of Chaos”, a theme commonly quoted in Gaian texts. Lovelock believed that humans were a key part of this organism. He claimed that humans had evolved to a point where they had become Gaia’s global brain and she is now through us awake and aware of herself. She has seen the reflection of her fair face through the eyes of astronauts and the television cameras of orbiting spacecraft...


            Still more important is the implication that the EVOLUTION OF HUMANS, with his technological inventiveness and his increasingly subtle communications network, has vastly increased Gaia's range of perception. She is now through us awake and aware of herself. She has seen the reflection of her fair face through the eyes of astronauts and the television cameras of orbiting spacecraft. Our sensations of wonder and pleasure, our capacity for conscious thought and speculation, our restless curiosity and drive are hers to share.


            "What if “Mary” is another name for GAIA? Then her capacity for virgin birth is no is a role of Gaia since life began...She is of this Universe and, conceivably, A PART OF GOD. On Earth, she is the SOURCE OF LIFE EVERLASTING and is alive now; SHE GAVE BIRTH TO HUMANKIND *and we are part of her." SIR JAMES LOVELOCK (‘Ages of Gaia’)


          (*This kind of belief first requires acceptance of a scientific impossibility – such as Evolution. And she obviously wasn’t very good at it: look how long it took her and how many early models she had to destroy, in order to come up with ONE specimen! Beyond that, how on earth do the Pantheists – “Gaians” – explain the existence of the rest of the cosmos? And WHAT “god” is Gaia suppose to be “a part of”? – OL)


            This new interrelationship of Gaia with man is by no means fully established; we are not yet a truly collective species, corralled and tamed as an integral part of the biosphere, as we are as individual creatures. It may be that the destiny of mankind is to become tamed, so that the fierce, destructive, and greedy forces of tribalism and nationalism are fused into a compulsive urge to belong to the COMMONWEALTH OF ALL CREATURES WHICH CONSTITUTES GAIA.” – JAMES LOVELOCK (‘Gaia: A New Look at Life’) (1972)


             GAIA worship is at the very heart of the GLOBAL GREEN AGENDA. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, AGENDA 21, the EARTH CHARTER, and the GLOBAL WARMING THEORY are all part of the Gaians mission to save "MOTHER EARTH" from her human infestation. Gaians have succeeded in uniting the ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT, the NEW AGE MOVEMENT, EASTERN RELIGIONS, the UNITED NATIONS and EVEN THE LEADERS OF MANY “CHRISTIAN” DENOMINATIONS are behind this vile new form of paganism.


"The earth is not dead matter. She is alive. Now begin to speak to the earth as you walk.
You can speak out loud, or just talk to her in your mind. Send your love into her with

your exhalation. Feel your heart touching upon the heart of the planet. Say to her

whatever words come to you: Mother Earth, I love you. Mother Earth, I bless you.

 May you be healed. May all your creatures be happy. Peace to you, Mother Earth.

 On behalf of the human race, I ask forgiveness for having injured you.

Forgive us, Mother Earth!

                                                                         - “PRAYER TO THE EARTH” (Student Textbook)



         * REMEMBER: "When you worship the SUN, MOON, STARS, a STATUE, or EVEN YOURSELF, LUCIFER IS LEADING YOU ASTRAY. You are not to worship THINGS that were created; instead you are to worship the CREATOR. To worship anything other than the CREATOR is giving heed to LUCIFER." - FRITZ SPRINGMEIER  ('Be Wise As Serpents')




            One of the most striking features of the USA PATRIOT ACT is the LACK OF DEBATE surrounding its introduction. Many of the provisions of the Act relating to ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE were proposed before September 11th, and were subject to much criticism and debate. JOHN PODESTA, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF from 1998 - 2001, has questioned what has changed since then.

            “The events of SEPTEMBER 11 convinced...overwhelming majorities in Congress that LAW ENFORCEMENT and NATIONAL SECURITY officials need new legal tools to fight terrorism. But we should not forget what gave rise to the original opposition - many aspects of the bill increase the opportunity for LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY TO RETURN TO AN ERA WHERE THEY MONITORED AND SOMETIMES HARASSED INDIVIDUALS who were merely exercising their FIRST AMENDMENT rights. Nothing that occurred on SEPTEMBER 11 mandates that we return to such an era.”  – JOHN PODESTA (USA Patriot Act - The Good, the Bad, and the Sunset) (Winter, 2002)


            When the legislative proposals were introduced by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION in the aftermath of SEPTEMBER 11th, ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT gave Congress ONE WEEK in which to pass the bill – WITHOUT CHANGES. Vermont Democrat PATRICK LEAHY, CHAIRMAN OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, managed to convince the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT to agree to some changes, and members of the House began to make significant improvements. However, the Attorney General warned that FURTHER TERRORIST ACTS WERE IMMINENT, and that Congress could be to blame for such attacks, if it failed to pass the bill immediately.

            Extensive and hurried negotiation in the Senate resulted in a bipartisan bill, stripped of many of the concessions won by SENATOR LEAHY. SENATOR THOMAS DASCHLE, the MAJORITY LEADER, sought unanimous consent to pass the proposal without debate or amendment; SENATOR RUSS FEINGOLD was the only member to object. Minor changes were made in the House, which passed the bill 357 to 66. The Senate and House versions were quickly reconciled, and the Act was signed into law.

            A letter from the President of the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION to Members of Congress considering Patriot Act renewal states that the ABA is "concerned that there is inadequate Congressional oversight of government investigations undertaken pursuant to the FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT to ensure that such investigations do not violate the FIRST, FOURTH, and FIFTH AMENDMENTS to the CONSTITUTION."  - See ABA Resolution on FISA and EPIC's FISA page for more information. (11/10/05)


            Congress announced it would hold hearings on SUNSETTING PATRIOT ACT POWERS. The hearings ended in June, and Congress is expected to vote on a finalized PATRIOT RENEWAL BILL within days. According to JUDGE GLADYS KESSLER, "the record shows that [the FBI's] efforts have been unnecessarily slow and inefficient." COURT ORDERS FBI TO RELEASE PATRIOT ACT INFORMATION. A federal judge has ordered the FBI to publicly release or account for thousands of pages of information about the government's use of PATRIOT ACT powers. EPIC filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the documents nearly eight months ago. - See the EPIC PATRIOT Act FOIA Litigation Page. (11/17/05)

            On December 30, 2005, the Patriot Act provisions - due to expire - were extended with PUBLIC LAW 109-160 that pushed the date from December 31, 2005 until February 3, 2006. The date of expiration was again changed from February 3, 2006 until March 10, 2006 with PUBLIC LAW 109-170. - (2/3/06)

            Representatives Conyers, Nadler, and Scott introduced two bills today that would amend the Patriot Act and the FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT. The PATRIOT AMENDMENTS ACT of 2009 will enhance reporting and judicial oversight of law PATRIOT ACT REVISIONS Introduced in Senate: Today, Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) and seven co-sponsors introduced the JUDICIOUS USE OF SURVEILLANCE TOOLS IN COUNTERTERRORISM EFFORTS (JUSTICE) ACT. The bill would amend the Patriot Act, the FISA Amendments Act, and other surveillance and intelligence laws. Among other changes, the JUSTICE ACT would reform the NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER process, revise the guidelines for business records orders, eliminate the catch-all provision for "sneak-and-peek" searches, and add new safeguards for FISA roving wiretaps. The JUSTICE ACT would also repeal retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies, and is supported by many civil liberties organizations. For more information, - See EPIC USA PATRIOT Act, EPIC FISA, EPIC Wiretapping, and EPIC National Security Letters. (9/17/09)

         The FISA AMENDMENTS ACT of 2009 will place new limits on the government's ability to collect and store Americans' communications without a warrant and repeals retroactive immunity. - For more information, see EPIC FISA, EPIC PATRIOT Act. (10/20/09)



            A "hate crimes" bill opponents claim will be used to crack down on CHRISTIAN speech, even the reading of the BIBLE, is poised to be signed by PRESIDENT OBAMA, a longtime proponent of the plan to give homosexuals, and others with alternative lifestyles, SPECIAL PROTECTIONS NOT PROVIDED OTHER CLASSES OF CITIZENS. The Senate approved the measure 68-29 today after Democrats strategically attached it to a "MUST-PASS" $680 BILLION DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS PLAN. Most REPUBLICANS, although normally strong supporters of the U.S. MILITARY, opposed the bill.

            "The INCLUSION OF THE CONTROVERSIAL LANGUAGE OF THE HATE CRIMES LEGISLATION, which is unrelated to our NATIONAL DEFENSE, is deeply troubling,"  SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS (R-AL) told FOX NEWS after the vote.

            The plan also hands out federal money to states and local governments in pursuit of "PREVENTING" hate crimes. SENATOR JIM DE MINT, (R-SC), said the move is a step toward CRIMINALIZING thought and suggested the bill will be a threat to those to speak out about their religious faith…The bill - which CREATES FEDERAL PROTECTIONS AND PRIVILEGES FOR HOMOSEXUALS and other alternative lifestyles, but DENIES those protections to other groups of citizens - earlier was approved in the U.S. House.

            When the Senate earlier approved a key move, MATHEW STAVER, founder of LIBERTY COUNSEL said, "In…months President OBAMA and the Democratic-led Congress have forced on the American people the most radical and immoral agenda. "THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE DEMOCRATIC-LED CONGRESS are out of touch with the mainstream. They represent the MOST FRINGE EXTREME ELEMENTS of America. They will not be able to continue their efforts to undermine moral values, socialize the economy and trash American pride and heritage. The PEOPLE WILL NOT REMAIN SILENT FOREVER,"  he said.

            "In its never-ending quest to shred America's JUDEO-CHRISTIAN value system, the LEFTl is planning to hurriedly push through a 'thought crimes' bill," an AMERICAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION alert said. "So-called 'hate crimes' laws are really laws that CRIMINALIZE THOUGHT, because they punish an individual not for what he did, but for what he THOUGHT. Politically incorrect thoughts about homosexual behavior will result in enhanced criminal sanctions under this law."

            The AFA said, "Everywhere hate crimes laws have gone into effect, they have been quickly used to intimidate, silence and punish PEOPLE OF FAITH, who express deeply-held religious objections to the normalization of homosexuality. Such laws not only punish officially disapproved speech and thought, they create TWO TIERS of victims. Under hate crimes laws, some victims get more protections than others, which violates the fundamental American principle of EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW," the alert said. "In fact, such laws actively DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HETROSEXUAL CHRISTIANS who are victims of crime, since they will get less legal protection than HOMOSEXUAL victims."

            The AMERICAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION said since "SEXUAL ORIENTATION" nowhere is defined in the law, "this law will give Pedophiles, Voyeurs, and Exhibitionists special protections, which is why the bill has correctly been called 'THE PEDOPHILE PROTECTION ACT.'"


           The so-called ‘HATE CRIME’ legislation begins to lay the legal foundation and framework to investigate, prosecute and persecute pastors, business owners, and anyone else whose actions are based upon and reflect the truths found in the Bible. The MAIN PURPOSE of this legislation is to ADD the categories of “SEXUAL ORIENTATION” and “GENDER IDENTITY,” “either actual or PERCEIVED,” as new classes of individuals receiving special protection by federal law.   SEXUAL ORIENTATION includes HETROSEXUALITY, HOMOSEXUALITY, and BISEXUALITY on an ever-expanding continuum. GENDER IDENTITY includes such gender-confused behaviors as CROSS-DRESSING,, SHE-MALE, DRAG QUEEN, TRANSVESTITE, TRANSSEXUAL or TRANSGENDER.  Under the Act, neither “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” are really defined.  HOW can a law be enforced, if the new classes receiving special protection remain undefined? THE SEXUAL BEHAVIORS CONSIDERED SINFUL and IMMORAL BY MOST MAJOR RELIGIONS will be elevated to a PROTECTED “minority” Class under Federal Law behaviors.  – TRADITIONAL VALUES COALITION (S 1105 Legislative Analysis)

            The AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA) has published 30 such sexual orientations that, because of Congress’s failure to define “sexual orientation,” will arguably be protected under this legislation. These 30 orientations are listed in the APA’s DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL OF MENTAL DISORDERS (DSM-IV), which is used by Physicians, Psychologists, Social Workers, Nurses, and Psychiatrists throughout the U.S. It is considered the Dictionary of Mental Disorders. Those 30 sexual orientations include behaviors that are FELONIES OR MISDEMEANORS in most states or CAN RESULT IN DEATH.  Among those Sexual Orientations are:


            Which involves a man approaching an unknown woman and rubbing up against her buttocks. This is Criminal behavior; Incest - Which is a Crime (Sex with a Daughter or Son); Necrophilia - a Crime (Sex with a Corpse); Pedophilia - a Crime (Sex with an Underage Child); Prostitution - a Crime in most states; Voyeuism - Which is a Criminal offense in most states.   Zoophilia - (Beastiality) Which is a Crime in numerous states;


            include such behaviors as: Apotemnophilia - Sexual Arousal from the Stumps of an Amputee;  Autogeynephilia - the Perception of a Man as being a Woman;  Coprophilia - Sexual Arousal from Feces;  Transvestic Fetishism - Intense Sexually-Arousing Fantasies, Sexual Urges, and Behaviors Involving Cross-Dressing  Urophilia - Sexual Arousal from Urine.

            Currently, the only place in federal law where “sexual orientation” is defined is in the 1990 “HATE CRIMES STATISTICS ACT.” In that law, “SEXUAL ORIENTATION” is defined as “consensual homosexuality or heterosexuality. Over time, homosexual activists have expanded this definition to include bisexuals and transgendered individuals (Cross-Dressers, Drag Queens, Transsexuals and She-Males). The term LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) is the acronym currently used to describe this expanded definition.

             Ultimately, a PASTOR’S SERMON, an AUTHOR’S WRITINGS, or TALK-SHOW HOSTS/ GUESTS’ comments concerning homosexuality could be considered an incitement to violence and punished severely. Once the legal framework is in place, it will only be a matter of time before PASTORS and other CHRISTIAN leaders will be persecuted for quoting from the BIBLE…The SUPPRESSION OF FREE SPEECH will be justified by the claim that such speech “incites” individuals to commit violence against HOMOSEXUALS, CROSS-DRESSERS, etc. Any remarks about homosexuality, such as reading BIBLE passages, PREACHING on these passages, telling a person they can come OUT of the homosexual lifestyle, etc., may be deemed critical remarks and may be ruled to be OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS OF FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTIONS for PASTORS, BUSINESS OWNERS and INDIVIDUALS

                              Under the GUISE of “hate crime” prevention, the so-called HATE CRIMES BILL S. 1105, will also do the following:

·      CRIMINALIZE so-called “hate speech,” which is any speech that is critical of homosexuality or gender confused behaviors.

·      ELEVATE Homosexuality and GENDER-CONFUSED BEHAVIORS such as Cross-Dressing, Drag-Queens, Transsexualism She-Males, etc., to the status of FEDERALLY-PROTECTED minorities. These behaviors will be considered EQUAL TO RACE and given the same protection under federal law. 

·      Interfere with LOCAL law enforcement and use scarce federal resources by elevating every ALLEGED incident of “hate” against a Homosexual or Cross-Dresser into a federal crime.


             S. 1105 falsely claims in The Findings, without any evidence, that “the incidence of violence motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability of the victim poses a serious national problem.” FBI STATISTICS from 2005 (the latest available) reveal that THERE IS NO NATIONAL EPIDEMIC OR HATE AGAINST MINORITY GROUPS OR AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS:

             According to the FBI, in 2005 there were ONLY 5,190 HATE CRIMES directed against ALL persons. Of this figure, only 1,171 were SEXUAL ORIENTATION BIAS CRIMES. Out of this 1,171:

·        301 were listed as “INTIMIDATION.” 

·        333 were listed as “SIMPLE ASSAULT.” 



            NATIONWIDE there were 862,947 AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS against ALL persons. (Source: FBI Crime in the United States 2005, Aggravated Assault)


            In a nation of 300 MILLION, this is NO “EPIDEMIC” OF HATE AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS that needs federal involvement in local law enforcement. - Source: Tables 2 and 4, FBI Hate Crime Stats (2005)



             "HATE SPEECH' and 'HATE CRIME' as legal categories usher in the concept of POLITICAL CRIME - as un-American a proposition as there can be. America's survival depends on the unequivocal rejection of political crime." - BALINT VAZSONYI (Who lived in Hungary under NAZI and later COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP)



             (People Exterminating Thousands of Animals!Since the inception of PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS [PETA] in 1980, INGRID NEWKIRK has loudly renounced the torture and killing of a myriad of animals, including Cows, Minks, Monkeys, Elephants, Fox, Pigs and Chickens. Hundreds of thousands of animal sympathizers, horrified by dramatic exposés, rushed to join PETA's ranks to end the suffering.

              But for a quarter of a century Newkirk was conspicuously silent on the slaughter of hundreds of millions of Companion Animals at Municipal Pounds. PETA was mum  on the tradition of executing man's closest friends and housemates: DOGS and CATS. However all of that changed recently. In the wake of a growing global cry to end pound deaths, followers and foes alike demanded PETA take a position. Slow in coming, they finally got their response. It was nothing short of explosive 

            In 2003 we learned for the first time that Ingrid Newkirk - tireless defender of animals - has another face. During the 1970's her chosen profession was "dog catcher" and killer. She was so good at it she rose through the ranks to become DIRECTOR OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA's high-kill pound, where she reigned for some years. There, under her rule, untold thousands more died.  The next revelation is even more appalling: Newkirk has never stopped killing. Not only is she non-apologetic about her murky past, she quietly continues her murderous avocation. She turned PETA's Norfolk, Virginia headquarters into her own personal killing field. There she hauled in more than 17,822 Puppies, Kittens, Dogs and Cats since 1998 and executed 14,419 of them.  This does not include WILD ANIMALS - in 2005 alone, PETA admits to killing 141.  IN 2005 NEWKIRK KILLED 90% OF HER DEFENSELESS CAPTIVES AND ADOPTED ONLY 6% - a ratio far worse than almost any pound in the country.

            Reportedly, PETA has been busy ROUNDING UP THOUSANDS OF ANIMALS STATEWIDE from Vet Offices, Pounds, Rescues and Guardians; leaving each group with the indelible impression the donated animals would be adopted; then procuring and warehousing enough CHEMICALS to kill thousands; and finally, disposing of all those bodies without anyone catching on…The latter was probably the most challenging task for a notorious organization that for decades has been vehemently protesting the killing of animals AT ANYONE ELSE’S HAND. Some dead bodies presumably wound up in a HUGE FREEZER, which cost PETA  $ 9,370, according to a tax return. (What else would VEGANS do with a walk-in freezer?) Others mysteriously popped up in COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS at Shopping Centers. Each known drop was on a Wednesday in the wee hours, about 30 Carcasses per load, THE BODIES ALWAYS ENCASED IN HEAVY-DUTY, BLACK PLASTIC BAGS. These regular “deliveries” were first noticed 18 months ago. – “INGRID NEWKIRK – PETA’S SHAME”


            During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just SEVEN pets. JUST 7 ANIMALS – OUT OF 2,216 IT TOOK IN!  PETA just broke its own record! Why would an animal rights group secretly kill animals at its headquarters? PETA’s continued silence on the matter makes it hard to say for sure. But, from a COST-SAVING standpoint, PETA’s hypocrisy isn’t difficult to understand: Killing adoptable cats and dogs – and storing the bodies in a walk-in freezer until they can be cremated – requires far less money and effort than caring for the pets until they are adopted.

             PETA has a $32 MILLION ANNUAL BUDGET. But, instead of investing in the lives of the thousands of flesh and blood creatures in its care, the group spends Millions on MEDIA CAMPAIGNS, telling Americans that EATING MEAT, DRINKING MILK, FISHING, HUNTING, WEARING LEATHER SHOES, and benefiting from MEDICAL RESEARCH PERFORMED ON LAB RATS are all “UNETHICAL.” The bottom line: PETA’s leaders care more about cutting into their advertising budget, than FINDING HOMES for the nearly SIX PETS they kill, on average, EVERY SINGLE DAY!

            A myriad of PETA employees reported similar incidents regarding PETA's regular practice of SETTING TRAPS across several counties not only for STRAY CATS, but for those that were known to be part of TNR colonies supervised by local rescues. HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS were hauled into PETA's headquarters and killed. Many allegedly had COLLARS and TAGS, but OWNERS WERE NEVER CALLED BEFORE THE ANIMALS WERE KILLED. – PETA KILLS ANIMALS (1/16/10)


              I often receive phone calls from frantic people who have surrendered their pets to PETA with the understanding that PETA will "find them a good home." Many of them are led to believe that the animals will be taken to a nearby shelter. Little do they know that THE PETS ARE KILLED IN THE PETA VAN before they even pull away from the pet owner's homePETA REFUSES TO SURRENDER ANIMALS THEY OBTAIN TO AREA SHELTERS FOR REHOMING. If only the celebrity "deep-pocket" donors on the west coast knew that THEIR DONATIONS WERE GOING TO KILL ADOPTABLE CATS AND DOGS here in Norfolk. – DANA CHEEK (Director of the Norfolk SPCA)


            They came to the office last Wednesday and picked up the cat and two kittens,"  he told ROANOKE-CHOWEN reporters immediately after the arrests. "They were just kittens we were trying to find homes for.  PETA said they would do that...So imagine my surprise when I learned they allegedly dumped dead animals in a trash bin later that same day." He said the animals “were in good health and were very adoptable, especially the KITTENS.”  Proctor was asked to examine one of the dead animals taken from the PETA crime scene. “The animal that I found was A VERY HEALTHY SIX-MONTH PUPPY THAT HAD BEEN KILLED THAT DAY,” he told TV station WNCT Channel 9. "It was a six month old LAB MIX and appeared to be in very, very good shape...and HE HAD RECEIVED SOME TYPE OF INJECTION IN HIS FRONT RIGHT LEG," he said. PETA WILL NEVER PICK UP ANOTHER ANIMAL FROM MY PRACTICE.” – PATRICK PROCTOR, DVM (Ahoskie Animal Hospital)   This is a good time to revisit a comment from INGRID NEWKIRK's mentor because it puts today's events in perspective:





            "THE COMMON ENEMY OF HUMANITY IS MAN. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that POLLUTION, the threat of GLOBAL WARMING, WATER SHORTAGES, FAMINE and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is HUMANITY itself." - Club of Rome, (Premier Environmental Think-Tank; Consultants to the United Nations)



            "A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE-UNIT MONETARY SYSTEM, under a permanent NON-ELECTED, HEREDITARY OLIGARCHY, who SELF-SELECT from among their numbers in the form of a FEUDAL SYSTEM as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by RESTRICTIONS ON THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN per family, DISEASES, WARS, FAMINES, until [a mere] 1 BILLION people (*Out of our current population of 6 AND A HALF BILLION – in other words 5 AND A HALF BILLION OF US MUST DIE!), who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of WORLD COURTS practicing the same UNIFIED CODE OF LAWS, backed up by a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT POLICE FORCE and a ONE WORLD UNIFIED MILITARY to enforce laws in all former countries, where NO NATIONAL BOUNDARIES SHALL EXIST. The system will be on the basis of a WELFARE STATE; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be STARVED TO DEATH or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to KILL them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited." – DR. JOHN COLEMAN (‘Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300’) (1992)


             THE SHEER MAGNITUDE AND COMPLEX WEB OF of DECEIT SURROUNDING THE INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED IN THIS CONSPIRACY is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations: The TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS in London. Author and de-programmer FRITZ SPRINGMEIER (The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines) says that most people have built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical examination process, when it comes to certain sensitive topics. "SLIDES," Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for A CONDITIONED TYPE OF RESPONSE WHICH DEAD ENDS A PERSON’S THINKING AND TERMINATES DEBATE OR EXAMINATION OF THE TOPIC AT HAND. For example, the mention of the word "CONSPIRACY" often solicits a slide response with many people.


             (Springmeier has co-authored three books on trauma-based programming which detail how the ILLUMINATI employs highly tuned and extrememly sophisticated MIND CONTROL (MC) training programs that BEGIN THE PROGRAMMING PROCESS WHILE THE INTENDED VICTIM IS STILL WITHIN THE WOMB (!) Mind Control is a much greater problem than most people realize. According to CISCO WHEELER, a former Illuminati mind control programmer, there are 10 MILLION PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED AS MIND-CONTROLLED SLAVES, using trauma-based MC programs with names like MONARCH and MK ULTRA. The newer, non-trauma, electronic means of MC programming that grew out of the MONTAUK PROJECT, may include millions more. AL BIELEK, who played a principle role in the development of the MONTAUK PROJECT, said that there likely 10 million victims of Montauk-style mind control programming worldwide, THE MAJORITY LOCATED IN THE USA. He also said that THERE ARE COVERT MONTAUK PROGRAMMINING ‘CENTERS’ IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE U.S.) – KEN ADACHI (“The New World Order (NWO): An Overview” – (11/30/09)


   In 1961, the KENNEDY ADMINISTRATION ordered a "TOP SECRET" study to determine what problems (?!) the United States would face if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace. In other words, how to bring America into the NEW WORLD ORDER. By 1963 the selection of the specialist had been made. This study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines who were selected for their expertise in their various fields. The first and last meetings were in an underground nuclear survival retreat called IRON MOUNTAIN. In the same year that this "Top Secret" study was called, 1961, The DEPARTMENT OF STATE put out a publication (#7277) called "FREEDOM FROM WAR, THE UNITED STATES PROGRAM FOR A GENERAL AND COMPLETE DISARMAMENT IN A PEACEFUL WORLD." This publication describes a three step program to disarm the American military, shut down bases and have ONE MILITARY UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS. This "military" would be the WORLD WIDE POLICE FORCE to be used as "PEACE KEEPERS" throughout the world. The plan would include that "all weapons of mass destruction" be eliminated with the exception of "those required for a UNITED NATIONS (!) PEACE (!) FORCE" (page 12 paragraph one). In order to "keep the peace, all states will reaffirm their obligations under the UN Charter to refrain from the threat of use of any type armed force" (page 16, Paragraph eight) To support the UN Charter, THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL NEED TO BE DISARMED; SO THEY CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST THESE “PEACE KEEPERS." You don't have to watch much news to see that today, the UN forces are used as "peace keepers" throughout the world, DISARMING people, so THEY CAN’T DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENTS. To quote SARAH BRADY, Chair of Handguncontrol, Inc. "Our Task of CREATING A SOCIALIST AMERICA can only succeed, WHEN THOSE WHO WOULD RESIST US HAVE BEEN TOTALLY DISARMED." – PAULA DEMERS (“Iron Mountain: A Hoax Or Betrayal?” - Wisdom And Freedom produced by WORLD NEWSSTAND) (c1999)



       Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens. The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?


            These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology - informally known as the United States' Science Czar In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:


v Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;

v The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food; 

v Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to     other couples to raise;

v People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" - in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.

v A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives - using an armed international police force.






        The NATIONAL PARTIES and their PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, with the Eastern Establishment assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes, moved closer together and nearly MET IN THE CENTER with almost IDENTICAL CANDIDATES AND PLATFORMS, although the process was concealed as much as possible, by the revival of obsolescent or meaningless war cries and slogans (often going back to the CIVIL WAR…The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the RIGHT and the other of the LEFT, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers.) Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can THROW THE RASCALS OUT at any election, without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy…Either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies. CARROLL QUIGLEY (Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time – New York: Macmillan pp. 1247-1248) (1966)



           "GOVERNMENT: If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested. If you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the RULE OF LAW." - EDWARD ABBEY



            "...the argument for liberty is not an argument against organization, which is one of the most powerful tools human reason can employ, but an argument against all exclusive, privileged, monopolistic organization, against the use of coercion to prevent others from doing better." - F.A. HAYEK


            "...Although the political liberty of this country is greater than that of nearly every other civilized nation, its personal liberty is said to be less. In other words, men are thought to be more under the control of extra-legal authorities, and to defer more to those around them, in pursuing even their lawful and innocent occupations, than in almost every other country." - JAMES FENIMORE COOPER


        (*Particularly in the case of "Executive Orders," "laws" made by the Supreme Court, and all so-called "politically correct" mandates made by agencies and other "NGOs" - all of which are UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! – OL)



  1. "POWER is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people. When an action or tactic is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear and retreat..[and] the collapse of communication.

  3. "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the ENEMY. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

  4. "Make the enemy LIVE UP TO ITS OWN BOOK OF RULES. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

  5. "RIDICULE is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

  6. "A good tactic is one your people ENJOY."

  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time...."

  8. "KEEP THE PRESSURE ON, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose."

  9. "The THREAT is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign."

  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside...EVERY POSITIVE HAS ITS NEGATIVE."

  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive ALTERNATIVE."

  13. Pick the Target, FREEZE IT, PERSONALIZE IT, and POLARIZE IT.  In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the OPPOSITION must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'... – SAUL ALINSKY (‘Rules For Radicals,’pps.127-134)



  A good example of Political Hate Speech follows:


At the time of the winter solstice, let reason prevail.


There is only our natural world. RELIGION IS JUST A MYTH &



            A political candidate in the primary election for the office of Comptroller in Illinois has filed a lawsuit against the state, charging it officially expressed "HATE" AND "HOSTILITY" TOWARD CHRISTIANITY and other religions that include a belief in GOD, by allowing ATHEISTS to post a sign in a state building at Christmas. It was placed in the Illinois Capitol Building, through which GOP comptroller candidate WILLIAM J. KELLY, a cable television executive, was required to travel for his responsibilities as a candidate.


            "The FIRST AMENDMENT of the United States Constitution, in conjunction with the 14th AMENDMENT, forbids state action that has the effect of disapproving, inhibiting or evincing hostility toward religion," the lawsuit, filed in the Northern District in Illinois, said, "The United States Supreme Court has specifically held, for instance, that the Constitution affirmatively mandates ACCOMMODATION not merely TOLERANCE, OF ALL RELIGIONS, and FORBIDS HOSTILITY toward any …"


            Kelly named ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE JESSE WHITE, who is responsible for enforcing state property regulations, as defendant. "The language in the sign at issue stating 'Religion is just a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds' is speech that evidences disapproval and hostility toward religion," the case continues. "Further, that speech is attributable to the defendant by virtue of the defendant approving the sign, despite the ILLINOIS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE expressly prohibiting the sign, and by its placement of the sign next to the described displays in the Capitol Building."


            "We need to stop the hate speech against Christians and all religious people," Kelly said in a statement released along with the announcement about the lawsuit. "It is this attitude of hate that has enabled the stripping of religion, tradition, and history from our holidays, our history books, and our culture in general. PERHAPS ATHEISTS NEED SOME SENSITIVITY TRAINING."


            The case seeks declaratory relief and permanent injunction. "I wouldn't be allowed to go around and make hateful statements about other religions," Kelly told WND."The totality of the language of the sign is hostile and inflammatory to ALL RELIGIONS, including but not limited to Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam and others that worship God and/or believe in the concepts heaven and hell," the case claims.


             According to a CBS report, it was Kelly who at Christmas was escorted from the Capitol Building for turning the sign around so that it could not be read. He was escorted away by Capitol police and was the subject of an incident report. Kelly said then the sign was "hate speech," and the lawsuit documents that allegation.


            "Kelly turned the sign, so that the sign was face down. Kelly did so, in part, on the basis that the sign constituted hate speech, and because the defendant's approval and placement of the sign in violation of the Constitution and its own governing law violated the Establishment Clause's prohibition against government disapproval of religion," the lawsuit explains. But the sign is part of a routine campaign run by the FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION, which puts them near nativity displays across the country at Christmas.


             Foundation spokesman DAN BARKER told CBS at the time that Kelly was escorted away from the Illinois Capitol that he, in fact, was right: "He's kind of right, because the last couple of sentences do criticize religion, and of course, the beginning is a celebration of the winter solstice. But that kind of speech is protected as well – speech that is critical and speech that is supportive," he said.


  * Illustrating the “do as I say, not as I do” attitude of today’s “tolerance”-loving  liberals, one wag came up with this:


            “Hm; in order to "let reason prevail," let us consider how such a sign might look when pushing a different message; consider this hypothetical placard, which could have been erected directly in front of the MENORAH in the rotunda: At the time of the MASS OF CHRIST, let the SON OF GOD prevail. THERE ARE NO LAWS, NO ACTS THAT CAN SAVE YOU FROM HELL. There is only the divine salvation that comes from the KING OF KINGS. JUDAISM IS JUST A MYTH AND SUPERSTITION THAT BEWITCHES BELIEVERS AND DAMNS SOULS. Does anybody believe that such a (purely hypothetical) sign would be allowed under the Illinois state Capitol dome? Obviously not, because it is not so much an expression of faith as AN ATTACK ON OTHER PEOPLE’S FAITH.”


            The commentary continued: "FFRF plants their pugnacious sign like Cortez planting the flag of Spain in Aztec Mexico: Wherever it stands, it's a deliberate and truculent affront to religions other than atheism…as even the foundation's co-president agrees!" Officials said the case has been assigned to JUDGE REBECCA PALLMEYER. Kelly is among six candidates in Tuesday's primary. He is facing Orland Park Village Trustee JIM DODGE and former State Treasurer JUDY BAAR TOPINKA for the GOP nomination. Democratic candidates are state REP. DAVID E. MILLER, former State Deputy Treasurer RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI and  lawyer CLINT KRISLOV. WND reported when the FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION suggested people complain to the post office about a stamp honoring MOTHER TERESA.


            The FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION also challenged the PRAYERS AT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S INAUGURATION. – BOB UNRUH (“Faith Under Fire: Atheist Hate Sign Blasted in Lawsuit” – World Net Daily) (2010)




End of Part 5 A

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Part 6 will be coming soon.