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Experimental Weather Modification Bill on Fast Track
Modern Man And The Wrath of God
Luciferianism: The Religion of Apotheosis
The Noose Tightens
Slouching Toward Global Enslavement
Where do Teachers Stand on Gay Marriage?
Evolutionists Going Ape Over Intelligent Design
Homeschooling Saves Your Child From Destruction
Revising Law in America
Warfare, The Road to Globalization
Council on Foreign Relations is an Elite Cabal
So, Our Children are Doomed to Prison?
Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 24
2006: The Year of The Tiger
Preparing For Global Governance Crisis
CAFTA, The EU and Communitarian Law
Sustainable Development: Creating Crisis, Shortages and a Police State, Part 2
Why Bush & Congress Must Reject The Institute For American Values
Whatever Happened to Masculinity?
Breaking the Health Care Codes, Part 1 & 2
The Real Corruption in Washington
Loosing the Cultural War at Home
Genetically Modified Peas Caused Dangerous Immune Response
The Russians Are Coming
Government Tracking Cell Phones Without Court Order
The Social Security Dilemma
Officer Needs Assistance An exemplary police department under attack
Taking Your Kids Out of Public School is Not Enough
Join The Junk Food Ban in Arizona
The Unseen Hand Will Decide Who Gets Elected
Hollywood Nation
Global Banking: The International Monetary Fund
Indiana Lawmakers & Citizens Pray Despite Court Order
Comic Relief From The World Health Organization
Will Americans Sacrifice More of Their Own For The Bankers?
As Usual, Conservative Christians Don't Get It
Policing Options, Life Styles, and Neighborhoods
Are You Really Crazy, Or Are You Being Gang-Stalked?
Will You Live Under "The Earth Charter"?
Sustainable Development: Creating Crisis, Shortage, and a Police State
America Plundered by Global Elite
What Does 'By The People' Mean to You
Modern Medicine's Need to Destroy Natural Healing Arts
An Unending Flood of Immigrants
Did an American President Really Utter Those Words?
Deception of Global Democratization
The Nature Conservancy - A Major Threat to Liberty?
15 Ways Public Schools Can Harm Your Children
America's Law Enforcement: Time For Hard Questions
Boeing and The Dumbed Down Education System in WA. State
Indiana Judge: Pray, But do Not Mention Christ
Spy on The Enemy, NOT The Innocent
Man Acting as His Own Attorney Holds Corrupt Courts at Bay
Mistletoe - The Herb For All Seasons
President Bush's Speech on Iraq... ...And, Would You Trust Hillary With The 'Patriot Act'?
The United States vs. Jesus Christ
TeenScreen and The Created Crisis, Part 1 & 2
"We The People" Are The American Government
Are Secret Environmental Conferences Taxpayer Funded?
Slap The King, Expect to Die
American Sheeple and the Consensual Conspiracy Syndrome
Man vs Natural Disasters
The Cultural Devastation of American Women
Overview of Secret Societies
Our Money System
Will N.M. be First State to Ban Aspartame?
Diabetics to be Tracked Down by Government Agents
The Bitter Truth About Regulation of Sugar Substitutes
Aspartame Violates State & Federal Adulteration Statutes
America's Parents: Where is Your Outrage?
America on the Brink of Disaster
Erasing Christianity
Are American Public Schools Same as Russian?
Brokeback Family Values
Court Makes Darwin Right
It's an American Issue
Mental Health, Education & Social Control