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JULY 2005

Vitamins Ban on Horizon - Call Congress NOW!
American's Are Going to be Rounded Up!
Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 17
Immigration From a Border Patrolman's Holster: Part 1 & 2
The Poor Among Us: Old Problem, New Consequence, Part 1
America's Loss of The Rule of Law
Corrosive Christianity
Interview With The High Priest of Humanity, Part 1 of 4
Hillary Votes NO to Border Security
The Second Amendment is Already Dead
How to Fight the War Against Corporate Terrorism
Illegality of The Fourteenth Amendment, Part 2
Republicans & Democrats Join Forces to Renew a Feminist Man-Hating Bill
VAWA: Making Divorce Easy, Profitable & Fun
There Goes the Neighborhood
Media Mind Control in the War on Terror
Turn off The Weather Channel!
Genetically Modified Corn Study Reveals Health Damage & Cover-Up
The Legislated Drugging of The American People
It's Not Just A House, It's My Home
Crime, Chaos & Control: The Legacies of Liberalism
Why We Are a Republic Not a Democracy
What do we do About America's Public Schools
The Ex-Gay Gene?
Illegality of Fourteenth Amendment
I Share Jefferson's Intuition of Designed Abuse
Move Over Moses, You're Being Outsourced
Capturing The World's Wealth
Our Rights Proceed From Leninists
Guns and The Future of United States
The Unknown Government
The New Face of Gay Pride
If the Socialist Glove Doesn't Fit, Say 'No' to Mitt
Oregon County: Testing Ground For Police State Power
Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 16
Vitamins Ban on Horizon, Call Your Congress Now!
The Test of Faith
Is Your Community Being Transformed
Illegal Immigration Tuberculoses Crisis
Superb Probiotic Substitute From Russia
God, Freedom & Private Property
Not The Era of The Deadbeat Dad, But the Era of the Hero Father
Govnt. Protection of Pedophiles & Pornography Fuels The Sex Slave Industry
Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 15
Feds Study Police and Military Use of Tasers
A Man's Home is Uncle Sam's Castle
What do We do About the Sheeple
Suburbanite Socialism
Bible Inspired America's Founding Documents
The Battle Rages, The Voters Lose Again!
High Court Hits New Low
Surrendering Our Country
Was the American Revolution Unbiblical?
Sustainable Medicine + Sustainable Development = Duty to Die
Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and Kalo - Organized Theft
"The Militia of The Several States" Guarantee the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Part 1
The Futility of Throwing Money at Africa
Domestic Violence Laws and Show Trials With Predetermined Outcomes
The Trashing of The American Dream