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JUNE 2005

The Globalists' Best Friend: Americans' Ignorance
The Press and Scientology
Identity Thieves Looking For Internet Suckers
America Surrendered: Do You Speak Chinese?
The Global Skinner Box
Patriot Act and Real ID: Farewell to Liberty
The Power of Environmentalists
Gobalism, Collectivism, and Stupidism
A Personal Note on Corporate America
PETA's Dirty Secret
Kiss Your Vitamins Goodbye!
Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 14
How the Most Misquoted Bible Verse is Destroying America
Illegal Immigration: A Small Town Cop's Perspective
US Codex Delegation Poised to Betray The American People
Hating Church
Remembering The Lessons of Germany's Past
Herding Populations - One Step From Cleansing
Arresting Street Preaching or Arresting The Street Preacher?
Welcome to America, All Trespassers Will be Rewarded
Americans Blissful State of Ignorance Expands
Patriot Act is Dismantling Constitutional Guaranteed Liberties
Combating Immigration Fraud
Ready For The Congestion Tax Collector?
Religious Liberals and the God of Their Imagination
The Eco-Con That Keeps on Taking
Consequences of Too Many People
CFR - Is The Media Watchdogs or Lapdogs?
Star Wars & Social Change
Modern Churches to Bible Preachers: "You're Not Welcome"
Is Bill Maher The Jane Fonda of The Iraq War?
Private Land is Social Injustice
"To Form a More Perfect Union"
UN's Agenda 21 Targets Your Mayor
Could Teresa Heinz Kerry Get Away With This?
American Jobs Are Disappearing
Illegal Alien Killers, Rapists and Robbers
The Ageless Agenda
The Sun of Feminism Shines Brightly in Socialist Europe
Internationalizing US Roads
The Music of Our Lives
Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 13
Twisted Silhouette Government: Why The World is Where it is
Kill The Bill of Rights
Illegals Invading America: Something You Can Do
Darwinism and The Rise of Gnosticism
What do we do, Where do we go?
Facts are Facts! Right to Bear Arms Saves Lives
Equality For Men and Fathers - What a Concept
Divorce and Child Support are Eviscerating Military Recruitment
Plea to Southern Baptists: Help Save Our Children
The Minute Man Project: Illegal Alien Employers Beware
The Constitutional Militia, Slavery, & Contemporary "Gun Control"
Forgetting to Load Their Brain
American Flag Taken Down in Order Not to "Offend"
Is The Social Security Reform Effort Over?
Base Closures: Disarming America
Illegal Immigration & The Law
Getting Burned
Megashift?: More "Christian Happy-Talk"
Constitutional Income: Do you Have Any?
Mexicanization of America