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MARCH 2006

New Hampshire Rejects National ID
Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 27
Where is the Religious Right Hiding These Days?
The Big Govn't. Lie: Illegal Immigration Benefits Americans
Tell Your Sheriff: No Enforcement of The So-Called "Patriot" Act
The Emerging Global Village
Cultivating Criminality
Why VAWA Hurts Families
US Falls Into UNs Trap on Iran
The "Specter" of Condemnation Hangs Over All Property
When God Speaks: A Possible Vision
Globalization: The Final Demise of National Security
Corrupt Cops Lead Crime Gang
Religious Freedom Attacked in Boston
Emerging Christianity
Is The Constitution Dead
Taking American's Rights and Land
Have Your Paycheck Automatically Sent to The IRS
America's Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us
DoD Issues Report on Plans For Bird Flu Pandemic
UPDATE: The First National Bird Flu Summit
The New York Stock Exchange Goes Global
Public Employee Thievery
Which Jesus?
Port Deal: Overture in Deceit
Will it Become "Portgate"?
A New Gold Seizure: Possibility or Paranoia?
Oregon Supreme Court Upholds Popular Property Rights Law
Red-Lights, Speed Cameras & Tickets: Billion Dollar Business
Food Technology Run Amuck
Public Schools are Un-American
Solution to The Evolution. End Government School Monopoly
2005, A Scary Year For Genetically Engineered Crops