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UN Resolution 1325: The World Body Goes on a Looney Streak
Cowards, Communism and Education for Sustainability
US Senate Slits American Workers' Throats
The Bankrupting of Rural America
Thanksgiving: A Reminder of Our Heritage
Newdow's Folly and More
The Global Elite: Who Are They?
The Debate Over Iraq
Rapper Snoop Dogg Glorifies Death Row Inmate
Finally, main stream press reports on "Chemtrails" aerial spraying that's making people sick. This is a must read.
The Holy Bible in Public Schools
The Deadly Sonsequences of "Expert" Advice on Childrearing
Bird Flu? Phooey!
Teen Sex, Who Cares?
Domestic Violence Treatment Policies Put Abused Women in Harm's Way
How Drug Companies Deceive Doctors
Another Week in Looney Land
God Sends Shocking Message to Emerging Church
Tales From the Peoples Republic of San Francisco
Muslim & Mexican Nightmare Growing in America
News From Josephine County, Oregon: County Planning Dept. Ignores State Constitution
Training Students to Rethink the Bible
Dirty Dealing on Texas Marriage Amendment
The Peak Oil Myth
America's Growing Educational & Job Nightmare
Shoot Rioters on Sight
Christmas, The ACLU and Civil Disobedience
The Comfort Zone of Slavery
A Pathetic Path For America's Accelerating Destruction
How Major Corporations Partnering With Government Plan to Track Your Every Move
Iodine is Vital For Good Health
Messin' With The Weather
Public Schools - Public Prisons
Government's Hand in my Pocket
Teaching Children About Brave New Families
Your Home May Become Government's Castle
A Call to Action to Protect Free Speech
One For The Road
America's Engineered Decline
Senate Budget Cuts - More Republican Smoke
Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 21
It Takes a Village to Destroy a Child
Courts Gone Mad
Texas: Keystone State of the FTAA
Environmental alarmists claim that human activity is causing global warming
Building the Post-Kyoto Future
Is Your Private Property in Jeopardy?
GOP Shills: Shameless Hucksters
Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 20
US Missile Base Invaded by Illegal Immigrants?
Averting Predatory Lenders
New Tax Scheme on The Horizon
Exterminating White People
Dump The Fatties and The Aged
Idols are a Dangerous Thing