Justin was the first person I got to know when I went on line months ago. At that time I was putting together a webpage to promote a couple of e-books I'd written and I decided to have a page that would feature original poetry.
I liked one of Justin's short poems a lot -- asked him for permission to post his poem and of course he said yes. He was always eager to help people any way he could. The poem has been on my webpage ever since. I don't know whether anyone else ever copied any of his poems off his webpage ... this one may be the only one that ... now ... anyone will ever read. It's called "Thoughts".
I cry out loudly!
So it seems in my eyes.
What ears have I touched?
Changed by my cries?
What Lives?
What thoughts?
What minds?
What emotions?
Have I changed?
Reaching out,
As it twists throughout,
Weaving its patterns among those who hear.
A small droplet
Forms a stream
Forms a mighty river
Forms a twisting canyon.
So then what have I changed?
And what has been changed?
By you?
Who am I?
by Justin
Where is the fire?
sent to consume me
and where is my passion?
Where are the directions?
Does life have directions?
Why do I have none either?
I never thought of myself as alive.
This has never felt like living.
Spending my life dreaming that is.
Give me my passion!
or let me drown in another's.
Fate, why deny the answers I seek?
I guess you really can't...
you would have to exist.
Anyone want to help me find myself?
by Justin
So silky smooth
So perfect I banish
myself from all light.
Such is my genius
superior to all around.
That I can talk to no one,
lest they hear my thoughts as sound.
~Rest In Peace Justin~