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Branson Primitive Skills Gathering




Derek's First Branson Knap-In!!!!!!!!


The trade blanket. This is Derek (blue hat), Leroy (Bishop Leroy), and other guests.


Art Magruder from Minnesota.


Neil Garrison from Oklahoma.


Jack Hemphill from Texas. Rick Harms from Missouri.


Jack again at blanket trade.


Nick and Donna Moore from Kansas, and Jim Redfearn from Missouri.


Don Dixon from Missouri.


Greg Ellington's work. Greg is from La.


More of Greg's work.


More of Greg's work.


Tim Mayeux's work. Tim is from La. also.


Close up of Tim's work.


Ron Fuller, from Oklahoma, gem points.


More of Ron's work.


Nick Moore and friend.


Nick and Donna Moore.


Doug Kreis's work.


More of Doug's work.


More of Doug's work.


And yet more of Doug's work.


Doug's famous Dichroic glass.


Doug and Barbie Kreis from Oklahoma.


Ron Fuller from oklahoma. He just has too much fun at knap-Ins.


Ron's Egyptian/Texan Gerzian (?) knife. It was verrrrry thin.


Greg Ellington himself.


Tim Mayeux also.


Nurse knapper Jan Northam.


Roger Warmuskerken from Michigan.


Nick's goat point.


Grandpa Jack with a point he gave to Neil Garrison.


Tom Gulles (sp?) and his daughter Marissa from Illinois.

Tom is Gary Merlie's apprentice. And his daughter is not normally cross eyed <G>.


Hope you all enjoyed it, I know I did. Sorry it took so long to load.


Happy chipping, Brian