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Temple Museum Association
The Blacksmith Shop

The blacksmith shop as it appeared in about 1906


The original owner of the blacksmith shop was Edward Kloeckler. The wooden building Kloeckler built in 1903 burned in 1920 and was replaced by a metal building.

The metal building at right changed hands 13 times before Harold Powell bought it in 1978. Mr. Powell donated the shop to the Temple Museum Association in 1999. Temple, Oklahoma

insidebsshop The Temple Museum will feature blacksmith tools similar to those used by John Noblitt, a wheel right who once owned the blacksmith shop. A wheel right made and repaired wheels for buggies and wagons.

At left is the inside of the blacksmith shop in about 1920. The men are Tom Van Hurst and Willis Brown. Brown owned the shop from 1920 to 1926.