Ten Points of the Gospel:
1. Before time began GOD existed as three divine Persons in one Godhead., the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. GOD has always been there, He has no beginning and no end, and in ETERNITY He purposed to do all things for His own pleasure.
2. GOD created all things good. He therefore is Supreme over all things, and controls all things.
3. Man, although created upright, fell from his original perfection by rebelling against GOD. This is the reason for ALL sin, suffering and evil in this world.
4. We are ALL guilty because we are in ADAM, the Bible says, 'By one man's disobedience many were made sinners' Romans 5:19. Adam, the first man, represented us. Not only are we sinners in Adam, but because we actually sinned against GOD [sin is rebellion against God] we are guilty of those other sins too.
5. This presents us with a problem. GOD hates sin, GOD is holy, and if we are ever to be pleasing to HIM, a way must be found to make us acceptable to Him. The Bible says, 'There is none righteous, no not one, there is none that seeks after God, they are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that does good, no NOT ONE' Romans 3:10-12. This shows most religions to be false, for they teach that a person can please GOD by living a good life, by obeying GOD as best they can, but GOD says that our obedience stinks, our attempts to reach Him are FILTHY RAGS. (Isaiah 1:6; 64:6-7)
6. GOD decided to save His People another way. His people are those He decided to love. (Eph 1:4-5) Since our sins make us hateful to GOD, there is no reason IN MAN why God should choose to save any, and He does not choose to save all. Nor does He have to, for He is GOD, and He does what He wants with His creatures. None deserve anything from GOD.
7. God's way was simple. He sent JESUS CHRIST, who was eternally God, who eternally existed with His Father in heaven, to be the Saviour of His People. (Matt 1:21) This meant that JESUS became a human being, and lived as a human being, and died as a human being, all the while remaining GOD in the flesh. A great mystery, yet true from the Bible. 'GOD was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached on in the world, received up into glory' 1 Timothy 3:16
8. JESUS died on the cross for one reason, to pay for the sins of His people, to take their punishment, He was their substitute, their ransom, He was the way of taking away GOD's displeasure. Without the cross a HOLY GOD could not accept SINNERS in His sight. 'God has set forth [Jesus] to be a propitiation through faith in His blood to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins which are past, through the forebearance of God, to declare, I say, at this time His righteousness: that He might be just and the justifier of him which believes on JESUS' Romans 3:25-26
9. In order for the benefits of JESUS' sacrifice to be received by sinners, who are hateful towards God, and want nothing to do with Him in themselves (Romans 8:7), GOD must send His Spirit. His Spirit works through the message of the Gospel to give faith to God's people and cause them to believe. BELIEVING is not something that sinners do except God first work in them. God must DRAW a person to Himself (John 6:44), GOD gives people new hearts which do believe.(Ezekiel 36:26) 'For unto you it is GIVEN on behalf of Christ to believe on HIM . . ' Philippians 1:29 This is important, for most religious people say that salvation [to be saved from God's wrath and curse due to sins] is by freewill, not GOD's working. This is the LIE. Salvation is God's idea, and God's work and something for which God will receive all glory, and He will NOT share GLORY with anyone else, ever!
10. When the message comes to a person, he will either believe or not. If he believes, God causes that to happen for His GLORY, and that person will come to a knowledge of the salvation which God has given, they will love GOD and want to obey Him as dearly beloved ADOPTED children, and they will pray to Him, and read His Word, the Bible. If a person rejects the WORD of GOD in the Gospel, this too will glorify God, and that person will suffer God's righteous wrath both in this world and in hell hereafter. The Gospel is NOT to be trifled with or to be laughed at, or to treated as unimportant. Many do, and do so to their own destruction. GOD's people love the Gospel, to them it is a message of life, peace and joy. To them it is the GOOD news. They will live for it, they will be persecuted for it, and they will die in it, and then they will enter heaven thanks to GOD's great salvation in Christ and that alone, to HIM be all GLORY, Amen.