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Which election?

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It is not a question of whether election is true. That it is, is inescapable. The Bible is full of the words 'elect', 'elected', 'election', 'chosen', 'predestinated'etc, and I would ask you to look those words up in a concordance to see.
The question is NOT: is there an election, but why are some elected to eternal life, and others are passed by? There are two answers which come from religious people:
1. Some are elected because of some good qualities they have, or some good qualities God fore-SEES that they shall have. That is election due to works, potential works, foreseen works, or merits. THAT IS A FALSE GOSPEL.
2. Some are elected because God so chooses and it is His will, and His will alone which determines all things, even, yes even, all those who are saved, and all those who are not. God sees nothing in his elect people but CORRUPTION and SIN and REBELLION. God sees nothing in THEM which would attract Him to save them, to bless them, NOTHING! God's reasons are for His glory and that alone. THAT IS ELECTION BY GRACE, pure grace, undiluted grace, grace, grace, grace!!

Which shall you believe? Shall you believe that the reason some are saved is because they are better than others, because God sees something that they will do and so chooses them? Will you believe that? or Will you believe by God's grace that GOD is GOD and can do as He wills, and does do what He wills? Shall you believe that the ones God chooses are unworthy, and full of sin, and that God purposes to make them holy?
You must believe one, but I warn you, never, never, never make man the reason for salvation. Those who rob God will not escape unpunished.

Read these verses:
Eph 1:4 'According as He hath chosen us in Him from before the foundation of the world, that we might be holy and blameless before Him in love having predestinated us unto adoption of children by Christ Jesus'

'Even so then at this present time there is a remnant, according to the election of GRACE, and if by grace, then it is no more of works..' (Romans 11:5-6)

'And as many as were ordained unto eternal life believed' (Acts 13:48)

Now, if you can prove from the BIBLE that I err, please do so, but arguments derived from human wisdom, emotion or feelings can never take the place of the Bible's clear testimony Please remember that.

A very common objection against election is: GOD is not a respecter of persons:

What does it mean to say 'respecter of persons'? It means that a judge is influenced by a person's qualities, his riches, his social status, his intelligence or some other quality he has, and because of this, he treats one person differently than another. So, when, say, a poor, ragged, unlearned, foolish person comes before him, he will treat him more harshly than the richer person, and not according to justice. An example of this is seen when a celebrity and a normal citizen are accused of the same crime. Normally, the judge will be more lenient on the famous person, who can afford a better lawyer, and has more influence, than the average person. Human society is full of this, but NOT so with God.

God is not impressed with anything we do. He is impresed with what Jesus has done. And Jesus has done a good job of saving sinners, He actually saves them by His power, by His wisdom, by His mercy, by His grace, by His righteousness, and none can prevent his saving His people for whom He died.

To say God is not a respecter of persons is not a denial of election, indeed,if I said, as Arminians do, God looks down the corridor of time and sees who will choose him of their freewill, and because of that, He saves them, THAT, I say, would be a respecter of persons. What I say is that God chose a multitude of wretched sinners, who had nothing in them to influence His love, and by His own good pleasure, His own soverign will, saved them for His glory, so that God does all the saving and man (a prideful sinner) gets no glory at all.

'Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will' (Eph 1:11)
