SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH - BETTA SPLENDENS NATURAL HABITAT: The Siamese Fighter comes from the waters of Thailand. SIZE: Can grow to about 3". COLOUR: The Siamese fighter comes in many facinating colours but mainly found to be red, blue or purple. SHAPE: These popular fish are different than other tropical fish because they have long wavy fins. TEMPERAMENT: Bettas are peaceful fish, BUT they will attack any other male Betta in the tank. It is not advised for beginners to keep two males in the same tank as this will result in one male being beaten up and very sick looking. CARE: Feed them with live foods and flakes, remember it is good for a fishes diet to eat lots of different foods. WATER CONDITIONS: Use a pH of 6.5 - 8.0. GENDER: It can be quite hard to tell at times. Males may have longer fins and bright colours. BREEDING: This fish builds a bubble nest to store the eggs in. They are not too hard to breed but after breeding the female should be removed from the tank for her health reasons. The male will look after the eggs so the female is not needed. COMMENTS ON THE SIAMESE FIGHTER: This fish is very popular and is very facinating. It comes in lots of colours like red, blue, purple, white and black. If you have any infomation or comments on this fish please mail it to me through the feedback located on the homepage.
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