NATURAL HABITAT: The waters of South America. SIZE: The Cardinal can grow to about 1.5". COLOUR: On the bottom half of the body it is all red, and above it is blue. This fish is much like the Neon Tetra accept it is filled with red on the bottom half, while the Neon has just has a streak of red. SHAPE: It is the same shape as the neon but can grow bigger. Its dorsal fin is set a bit back. TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful community fish, it likes being in large schools and enjoys planted aquariums. CARE: Feed the cardinal with a mixture of foods, live foods and flakes. WATER CONDITIONS: Use a pH of about 6.5 - 7.0 and a temperature of about 24 - 26*C (76 - 78*F) GENDER: The gender is difficult to tell. The females are generally larger. BREEDING: These fish are hard to breed. If eggs are seen remove all fish from the tank, the babies should hatch in about 24 - 36 hours. COMMENTS ON THIS FISH: This is one of the most popular fish of all time. It is very attractive and long living. I would give this fish 7/10. If you have any infomation or comments on this fish please mail it to me through the feedback located on the homepage.