NATURAL HABITAT: South America SIZE: The Glowlight can grow up to 2". (5 cm) COLOUR: The Glowlight looks a little like the Neon and Cardinal but instead of having a blue stripe across the body it has a red one and has a peachy body colour. SHAPE: It is the same shape as the other tetras. TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful community fish. It looks good in large schools with lots of plants in it. CARE: Feed with live foods and tubifex worms. Feed them about twice a day with live foods. WATER CONDITIONS: Use a pH of about 6.5 - 7.0 and a temperature of 26 - 28*C (78 - 82*F) GENDER: Can be hard to tell, females can be larger. BREEDING: These fish are a little easier to breed than the Neons and Cardinals, keep them well fed and i like to use milfoil as these fish like this plant. After they have bred remove them from the tank and put them back in the community taank. Raise the eggs artificially to make sure they are not eaten. Feed the fry on brine shrimp and micro worms. COMMENTS ON THE GLOWLIGHT TETRA: This fish is a very good beginners fish. It is good in community tanks and is not too difficult to breed. It looks very impressive and is a neat fish overall. 6.5/10 If you have any infomation or comments on this fish please mail it to me through the feedback located on the homepage.