ANGELFISH - PTEROPHYLLUM SCALARE. NATURAL HABITAT: Amazon River, South America. SIZE:Angel fish can grow to be 6" long. COLOUR: The Angelfish comes in many varieties like Silver where it is obviosly silver and has stripes down its sides which darken/lighten with their emotions. SHAPE: A very unique vertical shape in which the fins flow backwards as extensions of the body. TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful, males especially can be very territorial. CARE: Feed with cut up earthworms and other live foods. Do not keep with fish as small as male Guppies and Neon Tetras as they wiil be eaten by your Angelfish. To get good looking Angelfish that have a tall Dorsal fin, keep them in a tall tank. WATER CONDITIONS: pH 6.5 - 7.0 and the temperature should be about 26 - 30*C. ( 78 - 84*F) GENDER: It is virtually impossible to tell. Older males can have a bump on their head. BREEDING: To breed use a neutral pH of 7.0 and a temperature of 28-30°C. The eggs are laid on rocks at a slant of 45 degrees, or rarely the front glass. Once Angelfish have paired - off, they are very easy to breed. COMMENTS ON THE ANGELFISH: Angelfish are very unique fish, they are tall and skinny and can balance very well. They are by far one of my favourite fish and are very popular. If you have any infomation or comments on this fish please mail it to me through the feedback located on the homepage.
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2002 © COPYRIGHT 2001 - 2002