CLOWN LOACH - BOTIA MACRACANTHUS NATURAL HABITAT: The Clown Loach is from Indonesia. SIZE: Clown Loaches grow to about 6". COLOUR: The Clown Loach is orange with black stripes down the body. SHAPE: The Clown Loach is has a catfish form and is quite large. TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful community aquarium fish. CARE: Feed with live foods like daphnia, mosquito larvae, cyclops and bloodworms. Also give them tubifex worms . It scavengers at the bottom so it is good to have rocks and lots of plants in the aquarium. WATER CONDITIONS: pH 6.5 - 7.0 and a temperature of 24 - 28*C. (76 - 82*F) GENDER: There is no known way to identify. BREEDING: This fish is very very hard to breed and is rarely found. COMMENTS ON THE CLOWN LOACH: The Clown Loach is one of the most popular loaches known. Overall it is a very popular fish. 8/10. More about clown loaches
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