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Swordtail Profile


ORIGIN: Central America.

TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful. Mostly used in community tanks because they are so easy to care for. Good for people new to Tropical Fish.

CARE: Feed with Live foods and flakes. Some aquarium salt in the water will help prevent fish deseases. Very easy to breed and look after.

WATER CONDITIONS: pH 7.0 - 7.5.Temperature - 25 - 28*C. (77-82*F)

GENDER: The gender can be told by the male's anal fin (gonopodium) and by the male's long extension fin on the bottom half of the tail fin. Females are bigger and have a more rounded body.

BREEDING: Swordtails are livebearers. Plants should be used for the survival of baby Swordtails, as the parents may eat their fry. Breeding them is very easy because they are livebearers. The babies should be removed as soon as they are free swimming to a separate tank to make sure they survive.

COMMENTS ON THE SWORDTAIL: These fish are very facinating. They are active, fun and nice to look at. I have found them a little hard to breed for some reason but they are still a very good fish to have. I personaly give a 7/10.

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Last Updated: 18 Jan 2002

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