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Zebra Danios


NATURAL HABITAT: The Zebra Danio is found in eastern India.

SIZE: Zebra Danios grow to about 1.5 - 2".

COLOUR: The Zebra Danio has a grey body with greeny-blue streaks across it.

SHAPE: The Zebra Danio has nicely shaped fins and is very active thanks to its smooth body.

TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful community aquarium fish.

CARE: Feed with live foods and tubifex worms. It likes to have rocks and lots of plants in the aquarium.

WATER CONDITIONS: pH 7.0 - 7.5 and a temperature of 24 - 28*C. (76 - 82*F)

GENDER: The female is more rounded.

BREEDING: This fish is easy to breed. Use temperatures of about 25*C to 28*C and a pH of about 7.0. The parents should be removed after the eggs are laid. The babies grow real quick if they are fed well.

COMMENTS ON THE ZEBRA DANIO: The Zebra Danio is very active and very easy to keep. It is hardy and cheap. It is a good beginners fish.

If you have any infomation or comments on this fish please mail it to me through the feedback located on the homepage.


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